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1st I dropped the grape, like you must've done, and I couldn't figure out how to get another one. So I just quit. Then, I went to the map in the top right corner and I saw a reset button. I got very excited and went back, only to find that they just replaced the grape! I would log out, then log on again, but if that doesn't work, I would wait for a little and then do it.

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Q: How do you get another grape in poptropica shrink ray island?
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Is there a way to get the grape back if you leave the kitchen on shrink ray island on poptropica?

you go back to the table and click the grape, if this does not work, we are both on the same page.

How do you get the controller for the car on shrink ray island on poptropica?

you get the grape after you get the paper on the kitchen table.when you get the grape plug in the toaster hold the grape jump on the lever then put the salt on the other side then sling shot yourself on the refrigerator.

What if you lost the grape on shrink ray island?

I restarted the island. Go to the map then click restart island

What to do with the salt on shrink ray island in poptropica?

if you created a saving account you can close the program and open poptropica again and then your account and it will take you back to that grape scene but if didn't create one there is nothing you can do exept redo the whole island again

What do you do if i cant pick the grape up on shrink ray island?

You can pick up the grape just click on it but if you pass the kitchen you cant you use the grape in the kitchen area

What to do when the grape got stuck next to the cereal box on shrink ray island?

go to the back and then

How do you get on to the shelf where the salt is on shrink ray island?

pick up a grape, plug in the toaster and jump on the slider.

How do you get on the ledge above the toaster on shrink ray island?

You pick up the grape. Then stand on the toaster button.

What if the grape on shrink ray island isn't there?

If you lose it, leave the kitchen and come back, and go back to the table, and another one should fall when you get to the fruit bowl.

How do you put he grape in the car in shrink ray island?

the grape doesn't go there you carry the grape up to the toaster pick up the toasters plug and plug it in the socket and then grab the grape again jump on the toasters thingy wait and it will launch you up

What do you do with the grape once you have it on poptropica?

You put the grape on the toaster.

How do you get the grape off CJ's table in shrink ray island on poptropica?

first you have to get on the table and then get the lemo smelling paper and the grap with fall from the furit bowl and then grab the grap and take it to the toaster get on the handle on the toaster and jump and then let go of the grape and then you can sent on to a cupborad so then push the salt on the end of the spoon and the you get on the other end and the jump and the you get thrown to the top of the fridge and there is the remote