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I think steam may be your best way to do this. To do it, try 'softening' them apart by wrapping them tightly in more foil with some boiling hot liquid in it, then let them 'steam' in the liquid for a few minutes. Or you can place them in a strainer or on a splatter screen, then place them over boiling water and let the steam loosen the cooked on foil that way. You should then be able to just peel it off.

To prevent this from happening in the future, there is a brand of foil you can use that won't stick to the food. It's called Reneyold's Non Stick foil, and it works great; I've never had any food stick to it.

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Q: How do you get baked pork chops off tin foil if stuck after baking them?
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The "inside" of tin foil is the dull side. The "outside" of tin foil is the shiny side.

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You lay the foil over the baking sheet. You do this to protect your sheet and to make whatever you are baking easier to remove. If you have a non-stick coated sheet it may not be needed.

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I have done both. When I left the white paper on the inside of the foil I found that the white and foil liners sometimes separate after baking and don't look as nice for presentation. (It might have just been the brand I used.) I have taken the white ones out and used the foil baking cups by themselves and they work great. Just keep in mind cakes bake more quickly in foil liners. I then use the white ones for baking other things.