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Q: How do you get bubbles in a aero bar?
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Related questions

What is special about the Aero chocolate bar?

The special thing about the Nestle Aero Chocolate bar is that it has a form of bubbles in the chocolate. This makes it light and fun to eat. Aero has also released mint and orange flavors.

How do they get the bubbles in the aero chocolate bar?

you bake it some sort of a way that it turns out like that

Who sings that song Tiny Bubbles on the Aero chocolate bar commercial?

nora aunor

How do the bubbles get in the aero?

go to bero

What chocolate bar beginning with A?


Who sings that song Tiny Bubbles on the Aero chocolate bar commercial not the original version the commercial version?

The music was done in-house by Grayson Matthews, a Toronto sound studio.

What plant its bark looks like chocolate bubbles?

aero lol

How do they get the bubbles in aero hot chocolate?

Steam used to heat it up

Does the aero caramel chocolate bar have crunchy bits in it?


Which chocolate bar that starts with 'a'?

AERO CHOCOLATE BAR!!! It's like super famous.

What is different about an Aero bar?

An aero bar increases the aerodynamic effect of a bike, and in some cases, can contribute to greater performance through better efficiency and speed. They are sold wherever bikes are sold.

Who invented the chocolate bar called aero?

Because the creators decided to call it that...?