

How do you get coffee pot to brew faster?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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First off, if you're using an older coffee pot (year or more) you should run a full pot of a diluted solution of white vinegar and water through for a brewing cycle. This will clean out any water scaling that could be impeding the water flow through the system.

You could also try using hot water to make your coffee, since hot water has a lower viscosity when its heated and will flow faster. The only drawback is that if you have an older hot water heater or don't use hot water that much, you're using water that has been sitting in your water heater. Not as fresh as cold water. I've used hot water a few times and haven't noticed a difference in taste and it seems to take less time. Then again, I'm also using a new hot water heater.

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