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DISINFECT ALL CLOTHES by using the longest wash cycle, highest water level and hottest water temperature safe for the fabric, being careful not to overcrowd the washer. If clothes are contaminated, disinfectants that contain at least 80 percent pine oil, such as Pine-Sol and Al-Pine, are safe for most fabrics in the washing machine -- except wool and silk. Add two tablespoons of disinfectant to the water before adding clothing. Add two more tablespoons in the rinse cycle.

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Q: How do you get fiberglass out of clothing?
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Don't touch it or wear protective clothing

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Fiberglass Repair?

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How do you remove insulation from clothing?

To remove insulation such as fiberglass from clothing, you must put them through a cycle in the washing machine. Ensure that you are wearing gloves before handling the contaminated clothing and place the items in the washing machine drum. Add laundry detergent to the machine and wash as normal.

Can you use fiberglass resin for arts and crafts?

Fiberglass resin can be used for arts and crafts, but it should be used with caution. Wear protective clothing, gloves and glasses. A facial mask is also a necessary item to prevent breathing in the fibers. This resin is good for making molds.

Is fiberglass conductors?

No, fiberglass is not a conductor. Fiberglass is like rubber but expect it breaks.

Is fiberglass dangers?

is fiberglass dangest

Who is the inventor of fiberglass?

inventor of fiberglass

Is there fiberglass in diapers?

No, there is no fiberglass in diapers.

How do you get rid of fiberglass poisoning?

Stay away from fiberglass

What is G10 fiberglass?

G10 is a super compressed fiberglass.