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Broodiness is an inheritable trait. I have heard thata few years back people could expect 1 in 25 hens to be broody but that number is now more like 1 in a 100. So many hens come from a few big breeders now, and are bred hard for egg laying and since broodiness interrupts the laying cycle, broodiness is bred out. It is probably easier to find a higher proportion of broody hens in a home farm that has been breeding its own chicks for several generations. If you get a broody hen save her chicks and try to select it back in.

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15y ago
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12y ago

you cant until they are no longer broody. the only way to make them un-broody is to Separate the chicken from the rest of the flock in a place with no nestbox or dark corner to hide. Hopefully she won't be broody within 3-4 days. On the other hand if you allow her to stay in that nest all day and night she will trigger broodiness in other hens.

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12y ago

If you have an incubator she's a keeper. I give my brood hen my newly hatched peeps shells and all. ( i do this at night). at about day 2 she takes them from her nest to feed. She raises them as her own until she goes back

to laying.. This time I let her sit her unfertile eggs, when they didnt hatch she left the nest and has gone back to being a normal laying hen.. (drats) now I have to find a new foster mom.. Let your hen do her thing, sometimes we all

like to sleep on the couch..

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11y ago

Typically, you'll notice that one of your hens is going broody when she exhibits the following behavior:

  • Staying on an egg or eggs for some time after they're laid
  • Hissing at people who try to move her or collect the eggs
  • Staying in a crouching position after being moved off a nest

If a hen is broody, she can be used to incubate fertile eggs and she will then brood, or care for, the chicks when they hatch. Make sure she has a caged area away from other chickens, safe from predators, with food and water right by the nest. Once you're sure she's broody, put your hatching eggs under her and let her do the rest.

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10y ago

Yes. You can do this by leaving eggs in the nest and not collecting them for a few days.

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11y ago

You cannot stop them from becomming broody. That's natural although if you let it have the run of your yard for a few weeks instead of living in the pen it will eventually go of being Clucky.

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Who is the best broody hens?

I have Silkie Chickens who are very broody, they are little bantam chickens that look like little cotton balls.

How do you hatch a duck egg without an incubator or mama duck or broody hen?

With a Momma Duck! Or you can use a broody hen, if you have chickens.

How long will a broody hen sit on eggs?

Broody hens do lay eggs. They actually lay one [1] egg every day or two.

What are chickens doing where they have made a cozy spot and they wont move?

This is something that naturally occurs in a hen's life. This process is called going "broody" this means that the hen is following its natural instinct and wants to hatch chicks. If you do not have a rooster to produce fertilised eggs or do not want any more chicks you can stop her from going broody. However when hens go broody it is hard to get them to stop however you have to be patient and let her naturally snap out of it. One of the easiest methods is to continually get her out of the house and distract her from going inside again, for example give her some treats or gently give her a 'massage'. If this does not work you could try blocking the house entrance, but this may prevent other hens from going in and laying eggs, going to sleep ect. Hoped this helped, sorry if it is a bit confusing!

What do you do with pregnant chickens?

Chickens do not get pregnant. Rather, they become broody and sit on their nest of eggs for at least 21 days to hatch baby chicks.

Will a red jungle fowl go broody?

I would say that 99% of them will go broody. They are right up their, if not better than gamefowl about going broody

What is brooding chickens?

A broody hen is the term used when a hen is ready to sit on and hatch eggs, or is already sitting on eggs or has chicks. Basically, a hen in a 'mothering mood'. You can tell she's broody by the deep clucks she makes, her fluffing up her feathers and possibly squawking when anyone (including the rooster) comes near, desire to sit on eggs, and of course, if she already has chicks.

What are the symptoms of a broody chicken?

A broody chicken is when a hen decides to sit on her eggs... even if there is no rooster around, and even if the eggs belong to a bunch of random chickens on the flock... they will just sit on the eggs hoping to hatch them out, i guess.

When do chickens turn their eggs?

Every half hour or so, a broody hen will shift her weight, therefore, turning the eggs beneath her.

Why do chickens lay eggs all the time instead of when they are broody?

They lay eggs when they feel safe and are not crowded by too many eggs.

What are the importance of brooding chickens?

Chickens, like a lot of animals, already have maternal instincts. This means they already know how to brood chicks. If you are wanting your chicken to go broody, some people use *fake eggs which they leave in the nesting box or chosen 'broody pen' to persuade the hen to become broody. *Chickens might eat real eggs.