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no but you can get it for your granade lancher

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Q: How do you get infinite ammo on call of duty modern warfare 2 for playstation 3?
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How do you get infinite ammo modern warfare 4?

Mw. 4 doesn't exist

How do you get infinite ammo in modern warfare 2?

You cant get infinite bulletsin CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2 but you can do it on CALL OF DUTY WORLD AT WARlook it up on google you can also get xp in Private matchs

What happens when you find all enemy ntel in call of duty modern warfare 3 for wii?

If you collect all of the enemy intelligence you get infinite ammo.

How do you do the infinite ammo glitch on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

Don't be a cheater. Play the game for real and stop ruining it for everyone else. That's how.

What is the cheatcode for infinite ammo on call of duty modern warfare reflex?

There is no cheat code. You unlock it by collecting all 20 Intel pieces in the single-player.

How do you get infinite ammo for grand theft auto 4 on playstation 3?

There is only one cheat to get full ammo but it still isn't infinite ammo just dial 4825550100 in phone for more cheats

What is the cheat code for infinite on Grand theft auto liberty city stories on Playstation two?

infinite WHAT? just spam the weapon code if you want infinate weapon ammo.

In Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare what happens when you get all Intel?

you get unlimited ammo

How do you get infinite ammo for black ops ps3?

There is not an infinite ammo cheat

How do you do the infinite ammo for ac130 glitch?

the ac130 already has infinite ammo.

Are there any glitches in modern warfare 2?

yes there is care package glitch and unlimited ammo.

Modern warfare 2 unlimited ammo glitch?

There is no infinite ammo glitch! There was when the game first came out but it has been patched. Besides, why would you want to do that? IT takes all the fun out of the game.