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to enter a parallel universe you have to be able to be able to go in a black hole without dieing and have some sort of way of coming back out and since you are going to be stretched out your going to have to find a way in\out in one piece like a super suit

Additional answer: Because of quantum theory, you may be able to enter a parallel universe using electrodes that alter your brainwaves to a different frequency, thus completely changing your reality. It may or may not be a parallel universe, but a very vivid dream that you are completely submerged in.

You can also enter altered brain states by playing low frequency sounds while you sleep or meditate. They're called hemi-sync sound patterns and they cause you to lucid dream. Remember that parallel universes are not actually trillions of light years away but right next to you; they co-exist in the same universe you are in, yet you cannot observe or interact with them normally. This is due to collapse of reality into a single state by observation.

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13y ago
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1mo ago

There is no scientific evidence or established method to enter a parallel universe. The concept of parallel universes is largely theoretical and remains a topic of speculation in physics and philosophy.

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15y ago

The theory is John Wheeler and Hugh Everett's Many World Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, which is a minority interpretation of quantum theory. It was introduced as one of the several methods which tried to circumvent the Copenhagen Interpretation's goal of maximal theory as opposed to complete theory, and also to resolve the simultaneous collapse of the wave function all over the universe problematic in the orthodox interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.

The theory basically holds that whenever a wave-function is supposed to collapse in the Copenhagen interpretation at some uncertain point in a measurement, instead the universe splits into several universes, each of which contains one of the outcomes of the measurement, and which one we happen to land in is demonstrated probabilistically by the mathematics of quantum mechanics. None of the occupants of any of the universes are aware of the splitting, and none can be made aware of the occupants of any other universe. While the theory is still regarded with some interest and does resolve problems of its own, some of its structural inconsistencies and, moreover, the necessity to assume entities of which no experiment can ever measure -other universes, seems to indicate that the theory is unlikely to be extremely successful in the near future. For science relies on experimental proof, and experimental falsification as the other side of the coin- how can we validate a theory whose usage presumes entities which no experiment can ever measure, like some second ether?

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12y ago

That would be cool, but to go to a parallel (opposite) universe, you would to have an power device, I can't think of it. But to go there would be very interesting.

Many physicsmodels, plus various string theory models predict that they may, or that our universe in one "bubble universe" in a multiverse of billions and billions of universes. Though the main reason for the hubbub about it today is that this universe is extremely fine tuned for life. So the question is why, its statistically impossible for it to be unless one of two things, some physicists conclude. Either there is a God who created this Universe tuned to allow for life, specifically human, or there are an infinite amount of universes in this mulitiverse that allow blind chance to "roll the dice" trillions and trillions of times, and eventually "come up" with an outcome that is our universe,

To the actual point of the question: lots of people may have tried to go to a parallel universe; however, as far as we know no one has yet succeeded, and it's unlikely that anyone ever will.


Well, I mostly disagree with the previous answer; in that I do believe it is possible to traverse through alternate realities. And according to recent studies I have done on the subject, there are currently millions of tiny portals which criss-cross through different universes and dimensions. It's all quite technical, but basically it's just an anti-black hole. And that might sound a bit counterintuitive, but according to my theory, when certain particles of antimatter collide with particles of dark matter (yes, they are different). This creates a flucuating field of antiprotons which gravitomagnetically attracts gravitons, which naturally orbit around the field of dark matter. This creates a dense ball of negative energy, which ultimately implodes and creates a deep gravity well, much like a black hole. However, these wells are immediately drawn to wells in parallel areas of space, causing them the merge into a transdimensional gravity tunnel. Unfortunately, my research indicates that 99.9 % of these are smaller than an electron, along with the discovery that it is relatively rare for a perfect tunnel to form (a new gravity well is created every 2.7 seconds, yet only .2 % of these are joined to one in another universe). However, I believe that one day we may be able to make an arteficial one (a traversable one), and evidence does show that particles such as electrons and protons can suddenly disappear (likely when they are either used in the production of a gravity well, or that they fell victim to one, as they would "disappear", because these gravity wells would be expected to be completely invisible). Some evidence also suggests that some tunnels may grow as large as a golfball, which would have enough gravitational pull to easily drag an adult human into an alternate universe (perhaps explaining some mysterious disappearances; e.g. Amelia Earhart, Flight 19), or perhaps merely sucking them in to their instant and painless death, their atomic structure being torn apart and devoured by a bottomless gravity well. Regardless, I hope these studies will prove helpful. Enjoy!

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14y ago

There are 4 main theories about parallel uni/multiverses(yes, that is the correct term).

Type 1. There are parallel Earths elsewhere in this universe- there could be an infinite number of parallel Earths, or any random number, each one with different outcomes of everything, changing whether you have green hair, or brown hair, or no hair at all. this is all to do with the butterfly effect, which is when one thing changes huge things, like war, or politics.

Type 2. In this theory, there is a thing called hyper space, which is what contains multiverses. In hyper space, there is nothing, and that means absolutely nothing at all, but other theories say that hyper space is riddled with dark matter, which is invisible- at least to our eyes. These multiverses are in universal bubbles, which float around in hyper space, and could eventually collide with each other. This means that we might be able to find a way to transport to or at least make contact with these other multiverses. As in the first theory, the different multiverses have different outcomes.

Type 3. This is the hardest theory to get your head around. First, each multiverse is flat. O.K? Now, each multiverse is connected by invisible strands of matter to 'membranes' the same size as the multiverses. These 'membranes are pulsating like waves, and keep the multiverses going. These multiverses and membranes look like this:

l-I l-I l-I l-I

l-I l-I l-I l-I

l-I l-I l-I l-I

l-I l-I l-I l-I

l-I l-I l-I l-I

In this diagram, l is a multiverse, - is an invisible strand of matter, and I is a pulsating membrane.

And, finally, type 4. There are no parallel uni/multiverses, and we are alone. But this is boring, so ignore it.

Hope I helped : )

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15y ago

So far there is no evidence, this is left up to your imagination. Scientists are skeptical into believing that there could be an alternate universe, but some people still keep up their hopes in believing that there is one.

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12y ago

We don't know (and may never know) for certain that there are parallel universes, let alone how to "get to" them. Some theories postulate that you can get to a parallel universe by entering a black hole. I'll let you try it first.

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15y ago

Good question. We have no hard evidence either way; nothing to prove there is, and nothing to prove there is not. The mathematics suggest that SEVERAL "parallel dimensions" might exist, but theoretical math in the absence of actual evidence can be misleading.

I suspect that this is another Nobel Prize waiting to be won by anybody who can prove the existence of other dimensions and how to interact with them.

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13y ago

First you have to prove a parallel universe exists. It is theorised that they exist, but it is not proven. If they do exist, it is doubtful we could ever go there. We are designed for this one, for the physical laws the operate here and if we did go there, we probably wouldn't be able to survive. A parallel universe is for Science Fiction stories and that's about it.

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9y ago

A sufficiently backed answer to this question is currently impossible; though the existence of parallel universes is possible.
This really depends on what you believe to be real.

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i believe in parallel because well, i believe in String theory and even some of the smartest mind in the world such as Michio Kaku also believe in parallel universe. It is the most reasonable theory of what happen before the Big Bang. So what happens is that there are multiverse of Universe out there that are parallel to us, when two universe collide together or split into two universe, a Big Bang occurs. So to me, yes i believe in parallel universe. However there are no evidence that parallel universe exist. but in the law of Physics, it does.

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Total equivalent resistance = reciprocal of (sum of reciprocals of each individual resistance)

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What is a parallel universe?

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Where can you find a parallel universe?

By definition, beside and never intersecting our universe. ;)

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