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I too was a heavy smoker... Everyday atleast 3x a day. I found that nothing seems to work really fast, but i was clean in 3 weeks by using exercise water and believe it or not, acupuncture. I was leary about using acupuncture but when i came out of my sessions i felt so relaxed and didn't feel the need to smoke. Acupuncture actually cleans the toxins out of your body i guess (thats what the doc said) and i actually believe it! Good luck!

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Q: How do you get marijuana out of your system fast if you are a habitual smoker that wants to quit?
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Who wants to legalize marijuana?

Me. and other people who think it's ridiculous how tobacco is a lot worse for your health than marijuana is.

Who wants marijuana to be legal?

Many cancer patients would like for marijuana to be available for medical purposes. So many, that California now has legal outlets available.

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The Char-Broil Red 500, the Weber's Spirit E-310, and the Weber's Spirit E-210 are among the top rated smoker BBQ grills. There are several good and reliable smoker BBQ grills out on the market today, but what it really comes down to is what the buyer really wants.

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The craving can return for months afterward, especially if you have done nothing to change other behavior.

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No, he doesn't. He said he has smoked before at parties when he was younger but was never a smoker and never will be because he wants to preserve his voice.

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No one wants peeping toms, when you cannot use laptops you are forced to go and sit at cyber cafes.

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The government wants marijuana to be illegal because it would be widely abused, and cause more deaths (mostly by driving under the influence) if marijuana were to be legal. It has negative effects on people.

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Because the body does what it wants

Can Californians medical marijuana patients smoke in public?

Anyone who wants to smoke weed can do it whenever and where they feel like smoking a nice joint;)

Why can't you buy individual cigarettes?

Because there's nothing in it for the tobacco company. A purchase of a pack of 20 keeps a would-be quitter committed that much longer and any casual smoker who really only wants one or two pays that much more for the pack (and stands a better chance of becoming a heavier smoker).

Which girls smoke in Girls Aloud?

Yes, it seem they all do. But like who carres they smoker as it should not be be your concern. Let’s them smokes if they wants too as it there bodies, their choice and their problem. It not effecting or ruining our lives, so we what they put out in their bodies.

What should a patient do who wants to try medical marijuana to relieve illnesses?

Patients who want to use marijuana to relieve side effects of cancer treatment should talk to their physicians and should carefully consider the benefits and risks, both medical and legal.