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Building up your bank account is an important key to this game. There are three steps to this:

1. Protecting your money

2. Making Money

3. Taking Money

Protect Money:

1. Keep it in the bank always.

a. Make the City Bank a shortcut so that if you get mugged you can bank right away.

2. Doing large purchases you can protect yourself by:

a. Buying hell hounds or

b. Dropping your health or

c. Doing them outside of London or

d. Some people put Shops and City Bank as a short cut and do it from Capture or Recovery

Making Money:

1. Get a Bank Investment Card

a. If you are going to use real cash to buy one, pick one up ASAP!

b. If you are going to be using game money, I would suggest getting one when your bank account is large enough so that buying one will not wipe you out.

2. Selling Stuff you dont need:

a. Excess mining equipment

b. Human and Cow bloods.

c. Sell Souls

d. Sell stuff FOR GOLD and selling stuff for gold protects you from being mugged. (trouble is that NOW gold becomes personal - so this may not be a good option for most any more)

Taking Money

1. Mugging

a. Search for Users in Town in Descending Order by Money

b. Try mugging

c. Because gold is so high do not heal

The Item Market:

The market is the place to sell unused weapons, unwanted bombs, BOAs, anything you find really. What a lot of people don't realize is that watching the market to earn a profit is very easy to do.

The easiest way to earn a profit on the market is if you can get hold of shop price higher level weapons and amour. For example, a level 25 can buy level 5, 10 and 20 weapons and amour from the NPC shop. To buy a cutlass from that shop it will cost $110,000. If you can sell a cutlass on the market for $130,000 or for an equivalence of gold, you made a nice profit.

Be careful to watch the markets if you plan on doing this. At certain times some things are in higher demand than others. For example Blood of Ancients are always being bought and sold on the market because they are in constant high demand. Weapons and amour come and go. Pick a few things you'd like to invest in selling and watch if they sell, how often, and how much for. Find something that goes a lot but people aren't selling many of, that is the best way to ensure you will get a sale within a day or two at the very least.

Also please note this: If you are OVER level one and selling on the market sell for GOLD! For one thing gold cannot be mugged off you if you go offline, also if you sell something for gold at a time when the gold market is high, you can sell that gold for a total amount of money higher than you could have sold the item for.

The Stock Market:

The stock market is a good way to invest and make good money on returns as long as you are willing to watch it constantly. The stock market changes with every tick (so every 5 minutes) and can seriously alter in the space of a few hours. Invest a little and you could make a lot, but you could also lose a lot so if you're going to do it, make sure you have the time to watch it.

Some good items to consider selling:

1. Donator Items:

These sell incredibly well on the market but don't need to spend real cash just to get them. Donator packs, BOAs, bombs and everything else go for gold in the market and some people will sell them for a lot cheaper than they should. If you do want to go into this then watch how they sell for, buy at a time where people are selling low and sell them on again for a higher price. Remember that everything donators can buy gets sold on the market.

2. Special Donator Packs: When new donator packs are released, there is an instant feeding frenzy among those who want them. This is by far the best way to turn real money into large sums of game money. Search the night messenger and swap meet forums for buyers or place an ad that you are selling. (Remember, swap meet forum may be less uses, but its free.) I would recommend not buying anything until you have a buyer. Once you do, buy the Donator Pack and trade it for cash. Just remember, that the feeding frenzy will only last for a day or two at most and then the prices will level back down.

3. Vampire Venoms:

Be very careful trying to sell these for a profit on the market. Anyone who looks at the NPC shops knows that they sell there for 5 gold a piece or you can buy them with karma points. People who try and sell them for more than they're worth on the market often get burned. However, there are many stupid people in this game, so if you can find yourself a few good suckers, go for it!


Immortal Businesses:

Not a lot of people check the businesses, but make sure you are aware of them as you sell. People who are smart check the markets, auctions and the businesses before they buy things so try to keep in line with them and you won get stuck with items.


Be wary of muggers. If you do want to sell for cash on the market or you are selling gold or souls then be wary of the muggers. Anything over $30,000 on you and you're over level one and someone come after you. Also: Take anything selling for money off all the markets when you log out.

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go to item market certen stores will avertize there selection on rings

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