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You don't. Patio posts are natural gate posts, and are the exact sort of places that cats will want to leave scent traces to indicate the edges of their territory. They do that by scratching the posts.

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Q: How do you get neighborhood cats to stop scratching patio posts?
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Why do cats claw at your furniture?

Cats see furniture as a scratching post, so, if you want to stop this behavior put more scratching posts, and pads in your house. If they still choose your furniture over the scratching post, try sprinkling the scratching posts with catnip.

Are scratch posts really helpful to stop cats from scratching furniture?

Scratch posts can be helpful in stopping cats from scratching furniture. They should be placed near furniture so that cats will choose them instead of the furniture. It also helps to cover your furniture with plastic when you first put the scratch posts out so they are the only thing the cat can scratch until they get used to it.

What do scientist think cats are doing when they scratch furniture and scratching posts?

Cats are using their claws like the would in wild. They are sharpening them. It is an instinct kind of thing.

Why cats go in litter?

When the litter is manufactured the manufacture puts chemicals in the litter that the cats like and it attracts the cats. Same thing with scratching posts and other accessories for your cat.

Why do cats like scratching?

Cats like scratching because it allows them to sharpen their claws.

Is catnip for cats legal in the UK?

Yes, catnip is certainly legal in the UK, and is widely available. Catnip is usually used in or on cat toys, scratching posts, and can be sold as powder, spray and there are even catnip-flavoured treats for cats.

What is the origin of the term cat house?

A cat house refers to an outdoor or indoor infrastructure intended for cats. There are often several entrance ways and scratching posts or things for the cat to lounge on.

What is the stuff called that is wrapped around cats scratching posts?

It is most often sisal rope that is wrapped around a cat's scratching post. Sisal rope is safe for cats, and is an excellent material to allow the cat to dig its claws in in order to stretch and excercise muscles, help shed any old layers of claws and is easy to climb on.

What are cat needs?

Cat needs are beds, friends/people/other cats, food, brush, cat dishes, water, shelter, a litter box, scratching posts, toys, perches, and cat treats.

do cats claw on tires?

if they don't have a scratching post them they might.

Do tigers scratch marks on trees and bushes to guards its territory?

Not sure if that's one reason, but I do know that they use the trees like cats use scratching posts, they scratch the trees with their claws so that all they will sharpen, and therefore, be more useful.

Is there somewhere to learn about which type of cat scratching post makes a cat happiest?

There is unfortunately currently no where to learn about which type of cat scratching post makes a cat happiest. The best method is to buy a selection of cat scratching posts for your own cat and see which one that it likes the best. Another alternative is to read online reviews to see which other cats liked the best, however, that doesn't guarantee that it will apply to your own cat as well.