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Play the goldfish Basketball in the goldfish zone Dragonxer

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Q: How do you get nickpoints in nicktroplis?
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How do you get 1000 in nicktroplis?

by getting 1000 nickpoints you have to sign out of nicktropolis and scroll all the way to the bottom then you click on newsletter and scroll up the fill up the information and if you are new the you will get 1000 nickpoints. the once you are done sign back in and go to outfitters and go to a closet then... BOOM!!! you have 1000 nickpoints.

Does Nick Jonas go on nicktroplis?

yes his name is shawn2004 on nicktroplis

How do get really new cloths in nicktroplis?

You enter in the nicktroplis news letter and you get a new outfit.

Can you be Squidward on nicktroplis?


How do you get easy nickpoints?

play some games..

How do get a lot of money in nicktroplis?

Answer trivia Answer trivia

Are their cheats for nicktroplis?

i think there is no cheat codes for it sorry

How do you copy clothes on nicktropolis?

how do ya copy clothes on nicktroplis?

How do you get nickpoints on nick com?

You play any game or go to a trivia room.

Who is the richest person on nicktropolis?

Cfrick is the richest person nicktropolis she has over 2,000,000,000 nickpoints. And Starjewel4 is the second richest person with over 400,000 nickpoints. He used to own a Nicktropolis army. lildele619 is the third richest person with 1000,000

What sites you can play 3D avatars?

meez weeworld and nicktroplis are all of the ones i know about

How do you get nickpoints on nicktropolis?

you play games or return stuff to get NPs you earn them from gigs and other stuff