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Consider yourself lucky that you have that phobia in the first place. That phobia just saved your life. Don't be a junky. Seriously, I am not here to preach, but if you must do heroin, just snort it. Don't IV street drugs, ever. Number 1, it is the quickest way to addiction, and to death. But secondly, with street heroin, it is never pure, it is always cut up with random stuff that could be fatal if injected. Since you never know what your heroin is cut with, you could be a junky for ten years with no problems, then one day get a batch cut with something toxic, and BOOM. . . you are on your way to the hospital.

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Q: How do you get over a needle phobia so you can use heroin?
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What happens if you use the same insulin needle over and over?

The needle becomes worn out and sharp which could then lead to a serious infection.

What does a rig for heroin injection consist of?

The 'Rig' is the syringe itself. You may also use a new 'fit' (another term for the needle/syringe), and a cooker (usually a spoon), and water (this can come packaged from a needle exchange site).

What phobia is the fear of speed bumps?

Tachophobia is the term that most phobia lists use to refer to the fear of speed.

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THe only safe thing you can do with heroin is to stay away from it!

What will heroin do to your sexual partner?

If it is your usage of heroin, it will do nothing to your partner. At least not by itself. However, heroin usage often involves other risky behavior such as needle sharing and any diseases you have obtained through its use may be transmitted to your partner. They also may not like the way you behave while on drugs.

Does heroin cause HIV?

It can, if you shoot it up, and use someone else's dirty needle. You can only get HIV from blood, so as long as blood touches, then you insert it into yourself, you have the possibility of getting it.

How do you test for heroin?

You test positive for morphine after you use heroin

What is the phobia of syringes called?

The phobia of needles is called entetophobia and the phobia of needles and pins is called belonephobia. The medical term Trypanophobia, is rarely used. Tryanophobia refers to an extreme and irrational fear of all the medical procedures that involve use of syringes, injections and even hypodermic needles. The phobia of needles is similar to aichmophobia, that is, a morbid fear of all sharp things. These sharp objects include needles, knives, sharp end of an umbrella and even a pointing finger! However, the term tryanophobia is not used and is generally referred to as phobia of needles or needle phobia.

To use a needle and thread?

To use a needle and thread could be called sewing.To use a needle and thread could be called quilting. To use a needle and thread could be called embroidery. To use a needle and thread could be called suturing.

What is a teasing needle?

a teasing needle is a needle that is use when dissecting something

To use a needle and cotton?

to use needle and cotton means to knit

What are the reasons that some people would use methadone and others can only tolerate LAAM?

methadone is a substitute for heroin. it taakes away the cravings from heroin and u should not use methadone & heroin cuz depending on the mg of methadone your on the methadone blocks the heroin when you do it (heroin)..