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  • If you are still married to your husband and you are living together then he has been honest with you and you should file for divorce even if it is heartbreaking for you. People need to be loved and you cannot force someone to love you. If you are separated, but still legally married then it is time to get a divorce that will free not only your husband up, but yourself so each of you can have separate futures. Time is the healer and the support of family and friends will help. It may seem like you will never get over your husband, but many women have cheating husbands and they do get over them and meet the right person that should be in their lives.
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Q: How do you get over the fact that your husband is still in love with his ex?
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How do you get over when you still love your husband but he does not love you mymore there is no one else and he is still living in the family home how do you cope?

you have to get over it move on he's probably having sex with another woman right now FACE IT YOUR UGLY.

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As bad as that is you might still have feelings for your ex. The right thing to do is to go things over with yourself and see if you love your husband or if you still have feelings for the ex. If you really believe you still have feelings for your ex you should confront your husband about it, its only fair to him.

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No you can't bring this boyfriend of yours over cuz that would be cheating on your husband. Doesn't your husband love or do you not love him? If you love your husband let this so called boyfriend go! But if you don't love your husband get a Divorce, if you have children be mindful of their Opinion.

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get over it find sum 1 who wont leave u

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you don't Why get over it? Get both love each other.

What if you fall love will someone else besides your husband?

There will be a chance for your husband getting mad at you and dumping or divorcing you and there's also a chance that the one who you love will fight your husband to win you over

How do you get over your ex if you both still love one another?

why would you want to get over them if you still love them. THINK

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yes nialls still in love it seems that he can not get over her

Should i stay with my husband if he cheated and had two children with this other woman even if I'm still very much in love with him and we still are very much happy?

HELL NO! honey you can find a better man for you that will love you with all his heart and not cheat on you!! divorce him! in time you'll get over him.

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He sounds insecure and jelous, does not sound like love.

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To help Parvana's mother get over the fact her husband is not with her and in jail .

What should you do when ages after you still can't get over a breakup?

how long is that ages??? getting over doesn't mean forgetting him/her because in reality you can't. you'll just have to accept the fact that what you have had in the past is now over and time to move on with your own life. you don't have to try not to love him/her anymore because the love that you had for her/him will stay and will be remembered. love takes time ....