

Best Answer

I have the same problem but the best thing to do is:

1. stretch really well

2. do your back bend a few times

3. practice kicking over against a wall


5. it's not that scary

6. I did it in my back yard and it felt so good :)

7. good luck :)

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Q: How do you get over your fear of kicking over in a back kickover?
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The only way to get over fear is to face it. Over and over again. Take a deep breath, make sure you have a spotter, and just go for it. It might help to read techniques on how to do back handsprings, too.

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How do you try a back kickover for the first time?

Backbend:Before Trying this make sure you can do a backbend you can try one by laying on your back with your legs bent and a little spread apart and your hands by your ears push your legs, arms, and hips up to be in a backbend position. You can try one by standing try by arching your back into a backbend on a raised surface like a bed or a couch or some mats or pillows. try making the mats or pillows lower. Then you have a backbend. you can also do a backbend by using a wall. Walk your hands down the wall to lower yourself into a backbend. Kickover: start by using the leg the is easier to kick over with. And put as hard as you can off of your non-dominant leg and swing over as hard with momentum while shifting your weight onto your shoulders and hands. Make sure your arms are straight. Make sure you land tightly. You can try to kick over from a raised surface like a couch or bed. You can also use mats or pillows. And there you have a kickover! Hope This Helps!

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There is no easy way to get over the fear of going to the doctor. You can try hypnosis to help you get over your fear, or you can talk to a therapist to help you over the fear.

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Water lessens the gravitational effect on the body.

How do you do a bridge kickovers?

in order to do a bridge kickover u must get i a bridge position and lean ur arms foward, lift ur leg up and hop up then flip over

How do you do a bridge kick over?

You have to do the bridge then you have to gather up strength and kick back over to a standing position here is a tip when you kick back over and you are near the handstand position you have to make sure your legs aren't too straight so you don't injure yourself and do the handstand backwards instead of kicking over.

How do you get your backhandspring in a day or two?

Well first you need to have your backbend,backbend kickover,back limber,and back walkover. Next you need to have in your head (well this helped my friend) "Im awsome and I can do this." Next get couch cushions up to your waist about and practice over those. When you think your ready get a spot and use a mat or lay out the cushions and have the spotter help you over keep doing this until you feel comfortable telling the spotter to pull away their hands.

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I really don't think that there is anyway to stop someone from kicking ur trash can srry!!

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