

How do you get oxygen in the fall when the leaves fall?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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we get oxygen from plants that live during the winter such as pine tress

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Q: How do you get oxygen in the fall when the leaves fall?
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Why do deciduos trees lose there leaves?

the pollen and air from the oxygen at this time of year makes the leaves dry up. this makes the roots loose their "hold" of the leaves and the leaves fall

What is going to be fall?

fall is when leaves fall

Do their leaves fall in winter?

Yes some plants have leaves which fall of like mango leaves . But there are some plants of which leaves do not fall , like oak leaves.

What happens to the leaves on the ground in the spring?

In the fall, we rake up the leaves and dump them in the compost bin. Stir up the pile every week or so, and keep it damp but not really wet. By spring, the leaves will have become compost, ready to be mixed in the soil of the garden.

Why do leaves fall down?

Leaves fall down due to the force of gravity pulling on them.

What happens to the dead leaves that fall to the ground?

What happens to dead leaves that fall to the ground

What is the use of leaves to man?

stoma present in leaves gives out oxygen we breathe so that we can get oxygen through stoma present in leaves

In which season do deciduous trees loose their leaves?

Autumn which is also called "fall" because the leaves fall from the trees.

What kind of tress leaves fall in fall?

Deciduous trees fall in the Fall. The trees lose their color and lose their leaves. That's why there are many trees that are bare in the Fall.

Why do leaves fall when they do?


What is the name for trees that let their leaves fall?

Deciduous Tree's loose their leaves in the fall, Evergreens do not

Which season leaves fall from the trees?

Autumn, or Fall. That's pretty much why they call it Fall. the leaves FALL off trees.