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Q: How do you get oxygen to a space station?
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What is the atmosphere of a space station?

The atmosphere of the space station is the same as on Earth, 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.

How would fans affect a fire on the International Space Station?

If there is oxygen on the space station, a fire could burn. Fans do not produce oxygen, but they could help spread the fire.

How and what do the astronauts breathe on the space station?

They breathe a combination of oxygen and niteragine gas in space.

How does an astronaut get CO2 to breathe in space?

Astronauts breathe O2, just as we all do. There are life support systems on spacecraft and on the Space Station that provide oxygen and absorb CO2. On the Space Station, there is an oxygen generator, as well as a water recycling system.

In an emergency what can be used to supply oxygen on the ISS?

Oxygen candles can be used to supply oxygen in an emergency on the International Space Station.

Why is oxygen taken on every trip into space?

Oxygen is only necessary on manned flights for breathing. Unmanned flights do not carry oxygen except to replinish the International Space Station.

How does the shuttle dock with the space station?

Answer: A space shuttle docks by landing in a pod attached to the space station which has all the air sucked out of it. Then oxygen is pumped in to the pod so the People inside can get out.

Why is fire a problem on a space station?

the fire would suck out all the oxygen and kill the people on board. The fire could also make the space station explode.

Does the space station have to fill up with air or oxygen?

It is filled with air, as prolonged exposure to pure oxygen is harmful to humans.

How is oxygen created on a space station?

The oxygen in space stations is created through a process called electrolysis, which uses energy from solar panels to split water (H2O) into hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2).

What are the percentage of gasses that make up air space?

There is no air in space. If you mean what is the atmosphere in the Space Station, it is essentially an ordinary Earth air mixture of nitrogen and oxygen.

What would happen if you tried to light matches in the International Space Station?

Think. When you light a match. fire occurs. For fire to breath it needs oxygen(air).Is there oxygen in the International Space Station? Is the International Space Station in space? Is there air in Space? If you look at the pictures of the interior if the ISS, the astronauts do not wear oxtgen masks, so yes, there must be oxygen in the ISS, and therefore matches should light. What i want to know is that because of the lack of gravity, does the flame extend in all directions, or does the hot air (i.e. flame) still rise as on earth?