

Best Answer

If you want to get pass level one in My Sims, follow these simple steps.

1. Meet Tom at the court.

2. Go to Helen. Type your name.

3. Go to meet the people Helen told you to meet.

4. Go back to Helen.

5. Go to the girl with orange hair.

6. Do the job she tells you to do. This is how.

- First, click the little button on the bottom left corner. Look on the top DS screen and you will see four little bars. Go to them and press A. Then, click on the flower that pops up a the bottom. You will be at your suitcase. Press one of your flowers and then click the green tick (It is located at the bottom right corner of your touch screen) and then you will be planting a flower into the brown bar!

Plant three/four in every bar until the flowers in your suitcase are fully gone. Then go back to the girl with orange hair and you will have passed STAR LEVEL ONE!

7. Click the start button on your DS, and then save.

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This is EVERYTHING in My Sims. Starting the Game: Basic Walkthrough, Level 1 You can choose gender, eye colour, flesh tone, colour of shirt with colour of skirt and shoes or you can choose a frock instead if you are a girl. Captain: The boat is leaving port. Come on, hurry up and get on the boat! Ok, are you settled in? So, which town are you going to? (This is your opportunity to name your town.) Captain: Oh, Asgard is it? I haven't been there in awhile. ... What?! You're moving there? Well, whatever. We're off! At the dock: Captain: Allright, we're here. You'll hit the town if you go due east from here, but I've gotta say, you're quite a curious Sim for wanting to come to this town. Your Sim now automatically will chase a young boy who is wearing a dog suit. He will run towards the east from the Port Area to the next screen, which is the Town Area. You will find yourself in front of a Fountain, out of breath. When you enter the building north of the fountain, you will see a woman who has her hair swept into a bun. Helen: Oh my, what shall I do... Now you have an option: Talk to the Town Mayor. Meet the Mayor Game Tip: Press A when close to some one, or touch the Sim directly to initiate conversation. Mayor Helen: Are you here to do some sightseeing? I'm sorry, but I'm so busy right now that I won't be able to show you around. My grandson TIm has gone out somewhere. I wonder if he's gone to the Racquetball Court in town again... If you speak to her again, she simply will repeat herself. Obviously, this is a hint for you to find Tim for her. Exit the building to obtain a prompt: Game Tip: Use the map to find your location. View the map to find your present location and the location of other Sims. Tim, whom Helen is looking for, is at the Racquetball court in town. Controls: Press Y, or touch the icon on the lower left to display the map on the upper screen. The map can also be viewed on the status screen. Touch the icon in the bottom left corner of the lower screen to access the map. The map will appear on the upper sceen and you instantly will see Tim at the top left corner of the map. Run northwest to find him at the Racquetball court. Guess what? He was the guy whom you chased earlier! Meet Tim: Social Interaction Tutorial Tim: I'm Tim... Who are you? Whoever you are, I'm not leavin'! You will see a prompt: Make Tim Happy! Game Tip: Fill up the Happy Metre by selecting the appropriate conversation command before the time limit metre runs out. A happy Tim will probably be more willing to walk to you. This is your first proper Social Interaction, a very vital component in the game, as it is in all the Sims games. There is a time limit for each Social Interaction with another Sim. The responses are displayed as icons at the bottom of the lower screen. They include: Talk Listen Laugh Cry Get Angry Encourage Comfort The order in which you choose them as well as the choices themselves will determine success or failure to some extent. This first Social Interaction is in the nature of a tutorial, however, and you may only have two choices, either to 'Talk' or to 'Listen'. When you complete a successful Social Interaction with Tim, he will say: Tim:Wow, Grandma is that worried? Well, I guess I should be heading back... He will shake your hand you will embrace if your conversation is successful. These are two of the physical responses to any successful dialogue. In some cases, Sims will laugh or give you a 'high five' sign. Social Interactions with ResidentsYou can approach any Tourist Sim once each day to engage in a Social Interaction. If it ends successfully, you will receive a sum of money from the Tourist. If it is unsuccessful, the Tourist will be very upset and will remain upset until the next morning. Ordinarily, you cannot engage 'business' or 'commercial' Sims in Social Interactions. Tim is considered a Business Sim as he is in charge of Racquetball. It is only when you first meet any Commercial or Business Sim that you are allowed to engage in a Social Interaction with him or her as you did with Tim. With respect to an initial Social Interaction with any Business Sim or townsperson, you will have only one option: Converse. With respect to any Social Interaction with any Tourist, you usually will have two different options: Give Gift Converse In order to give a Tourist a Gift, you must choose the Gift option immediately. Once you embark upon a conversation, you will not have any further opportunity to give a Gift to the Sim. Most Gifts will not stand in lieu of a conversation but simply will act as a partial boost in filling the Social Interaction bar. All items that are gift- wrapped are eligible for gift-giving. There are different types of gifts: ordinary gift options are flowers, food and jewelry. More details about this will be found in the section that deals with gifts. Residents' Information Game Tip: Look at the residents' information. The residents' information can be viewed from the status screen. Go to the status screen and select the human-shaped icon to cheque a resident. If you look at Tim now on this screen, it will say: Grandson to the Mayor. Cares for his grandmother deeply. The Residents' Information or Characters Menu will give all current information about any Resident. As you unlock more options, the description of the Residents' status will change accordingly. The game now will declare that: You were able to convince Tim who was at the racquetball court. He's quietly going back to the mayor's home. If you attempt to speak to him again, you will not be able to engage him in Social Interaction. Instead, he simply will tell you: I've caused Grandma enough worries. Exploring the Town Map As the game has stated, you can access your Map via two different options. The first is the icon at the bottom left of the lower screen of the DS. Tap on this to access either a screen of the Map of your current area or the time of day screen. You can choose which screen you wish to keep on the top screen of the DS. There are advantages to each. If you keep the current area Map on the top screen, you will be able to see your location as well as the current location of each Resident in the area. There are a number of different areas in the game. The Town is merely the first, but it contains the majority of shops and Residents in the game. Residents' positions vary according to the day of the week and time of day. Tourists are not displayed on the Map. You will begin to encounter Tourists later in the game. At this point, there are no Tourists and very few Residents. None of the Shops in Town have opened yet. Time of Day or Clock Screen: By tapping the icon in the bottom left corner of the lower screen, you can change the display on the top screen from the Area Map to the Time of Day Screen. The Time of Day Screen can be very useful as it will display the day of the week and the precise time of day. Time is organised into four periods: Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night, displayed in an arc or wheel on the top screen above the picture of a little house. The diamond in the centre is set on the precise current time. As the wheel turns, the diamond always will remain in the centre. There are no numbers, but you can see how far the wheel has turned towards the next period at any given time. Time IS of the essence in this game only in terms of visiting shops and interacting with Residents. Tourists will be found at all periods of the day or night but if you wish to purchase items at a shop, play a mini-game or sell fish to Joseph, the resident Fisherman, you need to be aware of the time. The day of the week can be relevant as well. Some shops have a 'day off'; Fashion Reviews are announced on a notice board at the Entertainment Area and will be given in different locations on different days. Exploring the Town Tim and Racquetball Court Beginning in the upper left corner of the Town, in the Northwest, you will find the Racquetball Court. There is a court in almost every area of the Map. Tim is in charge of all racquetball courts. Ewan and Police Station To the right of the Racquetball Court is the Police Station. Ewan, the local Police Officer, lives there as well. At this point, however, you will see a notice to the effect that: Patrol is in recess. -Ewan- Helen and Tim's House The house next to the Police Station is the Mayor's house where Helen lives with her grandson Tim. Below all these is another row of buildings. Charlie and Bakery or Cake Shop From far left or west to east, you will find: The Bakery or Cake Shop. At this point in time, it is vacant. If you investigate: There doesn't seem to be any one living here. Later, it will be managed by Charlie, the local Baker. To the right of the Bakery is a block of stone. If you investigate, you will see a prompt: There's a base to put something onto. Mayor Helen and Town Hall To the right of this is the Town Hall. You will find the Mayor here now. Mayor: Thanks for bringing Tim back. ... Oh! You're the new resident that just moved in. I'm Helen, the mayor iof this town. I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name. Could you please fill out this form to officialiy register your residence in this town? This is your opportunity to choose a name for your character. It can be a maximum of twenty characters, whether letters, numbers or icons. What is your name? Freyashawk, is that correct? In each situation in this game, you will be prompted to accept or reject any option. In the middle of the lower screen, you will see an X on the left and a chequemark on the right. If you do not wish to accept the option, tap the X. If you do accept, tap the chequemark. Helen: O.K. That should do it. Thank you, Freyashawk. I'd like to officially extend you a warm welcome to our town! There aren't that many residents right now.. But please enjoy your stay here. By the way, Tyler is the tailor in this town, and we also have police officer Ewan living here. If you have some time, I'd like you to pay them a visit. It's been a while since we had a new resident. The townsfolk will be so happy to see a new face. If you speak to Helen again, she will inform you: Tyler lives to the south of here and Ewan's house is to the north. Your next task, therefore, is to introduce yourself to the Police Officer Ewan and the Tailor Tyler. If you look at the Map now, you will see that the Police Station no longer is empty. The icon of a face is displayed there. Ewan apparently has returned from his patrol and you may wish to introduce yourself to him before you explore the rest of the town. Ewan and the Police Station Go almost directly north from the Town Hall to find the Police Station you investigated earlier. Ewan: Who are you? ... So you're Freyashawk. I'm Ewan. I'm here to serve and protect the citizens of this town. But the number of citizens to serve and protect have been few and far between. What am I to do to quench the fire of my soul that burns for justice? Make Ewan happy! Make an angry Ewan happy. The same conversation command will elicit different reactions from the same characters, depending on their emotion at the time. Select what you feel is the most appropriate conversation command at that time. Make an Angry Ewan happy! This time, you will see a different choice of icons: Cry Talk In this Social Interaction, it is the 'Cry' option that will fill the Social Interaction bar sufficiently to complete a successful conversation in the time limit. Use the 'Cry' option, therefore, until the bar fills. If you fail in these circumstances, however, you will be given another chance, unlike any Social Interaction with a Tourist, where failure will be absolute until the next day. Ewan: The fog in my heart has been cleared up thanks to you. You're new here aren't you? I think you have some potential, kid! How would you like to help this official police officer protect the town? If you speak to him again now: Ewan: Ah, I'm so bored! There's no one to protect here! I wish more people would move in... I'm going to go insane from boredom... When you leave the Police Station, you will see a prompt: You've finished meeting Ewan. Go meet Tyler next. Tyler is in the store located to the bottom left of the fountain. Before you do this, however, you may wish to explore the Town Map a little further, to gain your bearings. Ashley and Florist or Flower Shop To the right of the Town Hall is a shop with a red and white striped awning. This is the local Flower Shop. At present, however, it is not open for business, but you will have an opportunity to meet the Florist shortly and will be invited to assist her. Her name is Ashley. If you investigate now, you will see: There doesn't seem to be any one living here. You do need to speak to the Tailor who is in his shop in the southwest corner of the Map. On the way, however, you should explore... Trolley Stop Below these buildings is a path that goes from west to east across the Town. At the far left is a Trolley Stop. The Trolley ultimately will offer inexpensive and rapid transportation from one area of the map to another. At present, however, if you investigate, you will see: Not in service. Fountain of Happiness Continue east or right along the path from the Trolley Stop to find a Fountain in the middle of the Map and directly below the Town Hall. Investigate the Fountain to see a prompt: Fountain of Happiness Toss in some money and may good fortune be yours. If you stand at the side of the fountain, you will obtain a prompt asking if you wish to toss 10S into the water. Whenever you throw 10S into the Fountain, you will see: I hope there's good fortune coming my way... Tyler and Tailor Shop There are only two shops below this path. The one in the southwest or bottom left corner of the town is the Tailor's Shop. To the right of it is a General Store, not yet open. The General Store will be managed by Olivia. Go to the Tailor Shop now to introduce yourself to Tyler. Tyler: A customer?! Oh, my mistake... This town is so dead. Even if I made new clothes, there's no one to buy them. My sewing machine is turning to rust. You now will see a prompt to initiate a Social Interaction with the Tailor: Make Tyler happy! Make a sad Tyler happy. Emotions may change depending on the conversation command. Manage emotions to your advantage! As with respect to Tim, you need to tap icons to fill the Social Interaction bar before the time runs out. This time, you will see: Encourage Talk Listen Choose to 'Encourage' Tyler to increase the bar as quickly as possible, then 'Listen' to his troubles until the bar is completely filled. When you have concluded a successful conversation with Tyler, he will say: Tyler: I feel much better. Thank you. You're the new Sim in town, aren't you? Your name is... Freyashawk. My name's Tyler. As you can see, I make my living as a tailor. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm just getting ready to open for the day. I hope you come visit again. If you speak to him again, he will say: Tyler: The shop won't open until tomorrow. I'm sorry to have to make you wait. Olivia and General Store As previously stated, you will find a shop to the right of the Tailor's Shop but it will be shut. If you investigate, you will see: Out buying supplies. It is a General Store managed by Olivia. Your House To the right of Olivia's General Store, you will find that the path bears to the north. If you follow the path, you will see a signpost. Investigate it and you will see an announcement: House available in the east. -Asgard real estate- If you go to the right to exit this screen, you will find the site of your future house. Do not go there now. Instead, return to the Town Hall to announce the completion of your tasks to the Mayor. Your Next Task Mayor: So it looks like you've met every one. How were they? Believe it or not, this place used to be a resort town -- very lively with lots of people. But now the place has become a little desolate. Sims gradually moved away from here, which led to business closings. We put in some help-wanted ads in the newspaper, but not a single bite... Stranger: I finally found this place! A girl with orange hair runs into the Town Hall and takes a bow. Ashley: Oh, excuse me. I hope I'm not intruding. Mayor: Oh, I don't believe we've met before. Ashley: My name is Ashley. I'm just a pretty damsel that happens to love flowers. I saw your help-wanted ad and thought of coming here... Even though I kind of got lost on my way here and it took me about a month. Mayor: Oh, I see... So you're willing to run our flower shop? Ashley: Leave it to me, honey! I'll turn this town into a beautiful flower garden. She races out as quickly as she arrived. Speak to Helen now. Helen: I'm happy to have a new resident, but... I'm a little worried about here. Would you mind checking on her? Improving the Landscape If you look at the Map now, you will see that Ashley is standing in front of the Flower Shop, located to the right of the Town Hall. Go there to speak to her. Ashley: Wonderful! You're just the Sim I'm looking for! You know, I like this town a lot, but there's one thing that I just can't get over. I'm talking about flowers! There isn't a single flower to be found in any of the town's flower beds! Please, I'll give you some flowers, so could you plant them in the flower beds around town? You've got to fill this town with pretty flowers, OK? I'm counting on you to plant these flowers in all the flower beds. If you run out of flowers, just come and see me and I'll give you some more. Received Tulip! Plant flowers in the flower beds. Approach a flower bed and press A or touch the bed itself to plant flowers. Fill all the flower beds in town so that it looks beautiful! Flower Beds are rectangular plots of soil framed by brick. You will find one directly south of the Flower Shop where you are standing. Stand in front of the empty flower bed and you will see a green diamond over your character's head. This signifies the possibility of interaction or action. Press A and you will see an option to: Plant Tap the 'Plant' icon and you will be taken to your Inventory where you will find rows of tulips. There will be a total of 14, 10 on the 1st page of the Inventory and 4 on the 2nd page. The item that is partially out of its slot is the one selected currently. Simply press the green chequemark in order to perform the action, which is to 'Plant' it. You can plant a total of 3 flowers in this flower bed. There are four flower beds in the Town area. They are displayed as small brown rectangles on your Map. The easiest way to complete this task quickly probably is to go south and then west, making a full circle clockwise round the town area. The second flower bed is to the left of the Tailor's Shop and is slightly larger than the first. You can plant four flowers in this one.. The third is directly above it, to the left of the empty Bakery and is the same size as the second, with room for four flowers. The fourth and final flower bed is to the left of the Florist and is the same size as the first, with room for three flowers. Although she told you that you can ask for more flowers if you need them and in fact, if you approach her, she will give you 14 more tulips, the original 14 that you were given will fill all the flower beds in the Town area. When you have filled all four of the flower beds, return to Ashley. Ashley: My oh my! Well, well, well. I see you've planted the flowers. Hmm, that's so much better! If you asked for more flowers, hoping to have some extra flowers to plant in other areas, she will add: I'll take back the remaining flowers. As a matter of fact, even if you used only the original 14 flowers and therefore have none left, she will tell you: 'I'll take back the remaining flowers.' She will embrace you now and say: 'Thank you. I think I'm going to take a fancy to you. Your income bar now will increase from 0 to 200S. Your Star Rating bar will increase from 0 to 1. You will twirl in delight and an announcement will appear: Star Level 1 has been reached! The town will look a little different tomorrow. The game will advise you now: First let Helen know that you've finished helping Ashley. Game Tip: Star Level. As more shops open and the town becomes prosperous, the Star Level will accumulate. Once the Star Level metre is full, the number of tourists will increase, and a wider variety of events will occur. If you speak to Ashley again: Ashley: Pretty things just make me melt. It's good to make the ground lovely, but people need to be lovely too. Hahaha! Your New Home: It probably will be evening now, but when you look at the map, you will see that Helen remains in the Town Hall. Visit her there now. Helen: The beautiful flowers sure brighten up this town. Thanks for your hard work today. You must be tired. You deserve to get some rest. Your house is the empty one, to the east of this town. I think your belongings have arrived. Retrace your steps past the Florist and continue to follow the paved path south until you reach the signpost you investigated earlier. If you investigate it now, you will see that it has changed: Freyashawk's house is to the east. To the right of the signpost is a dirt path that leads directly east, away from the Town and the paved path that encircles the Town. Take the dirt path to the next screen and continue East until you arrive at your House. To the left of your House is an empty flower bed but as Ashley was not disposed to allow you to keep any extra flowers, you will have no flowers to plant there. Walk up the steps and enter your home to obtain a Game Tip: Game Tip: Place furniture in your home. Furniture can be positioned freely around your Home by touching the icon on the upper right of the screen, or by pressing A. Your bed and chest have arrived, so try placing them around your home! Game Tip: Furniture Use Certain furniture in the room will have some use to them. For example, the chest can be used to store your belongings and the bed can be used to sleep in to advance time. Take Helen's advice and get some bed rest for now. Furnishing your House You will see the icon of a brown chest of drawers at the top right corner of the lower screen. Tap it to access your Furnishings Menu. On the top screen, the actual room will be displayed. At this point, it is empty, consisting only of a Floor and a Wall. On the bottom screen, you will see a Grid with three icons to the right of it. The top icon displays four blocks. Tap this to acquire a new item from your Furniture Inventory, separate from your Rucksack Inventory. The middle icon displays two blocks with arrows. Tap this to move an existing piece of furniture in the room. The bottom icon displays a single block and a single arrow. Tap this to remove an existing piece of furniture from the room displayed on the top screen. As you need to position furniture in your empty room now, tap the top icon and you will be taken to your Furniture Inventory Menu. Here you will see 10 icons on the right side and a List Menu on the left. The icons represent: Floors Walls Closets Chests Tables Chairs Plants and Decorations Beds Entertainment Special Items (?) At this point, only five items will appear in the Lists in the following categories: Floor: Oak floor Wall: Oak wall Closet: Red Closet Chest: Green Chest Bed: Yellow Bed When you tap on the icon of any specific category, the list of all items in that category will be displayed on the left side of the bottom screen. Highlight any item to place it in the centre of the room shown on the top screen. Tap the green chequemark and you will be taken back to the grid, with the piece of furniture that you have chosen displayed as a box in the centre of the grid on the bottom screen and as an item of furniture in the centre of the room on the top screen. You can turn the item by using the turn arrows below the grid but it will remain in the centre of both grid and room. You can use your stylus, however, to physically drag the item to any location on the grid. It will be moved to the corresponding position in the room itself. In order to work with the positions of all items of furniture that have been placed in the room, you need to tap the green chequemark at the bottom right of the screen. Now you will return to the original grid menu that displays the three options for adding, moving or removing items of furniture from your room. At this point in time, the only item that you actually will use is the Bed, but you should place your Chest and Dresser in the room as well for future use. Each item that you highlight automatically will appear in the centre of the room and the centre of the grid, but you can drag it physically to another location using your stylus. Dresser: Stand in front of your Dresser and press 'A' to open it. Your Appearance Menu will open, allowing you to change either your physical appearance or your outfit. The first 'page' deals with your Hair, eye colour and any headpiece. The second 'page' of the Menu deals with your Outfit. Chest: Stand in front of your Chest and press 'A' to open it. The Chest, like your Rucksack, consists of slots for items. Your Rucksack consists of 5 pages, each with 10 available slots. Your Chest consists of 7 pages, each with 14 available slots. Inventory: Items that can be stored either in Rucksack or Chest include flowers, gifts, fish and tools. Furnishings never will appear in your Rucksack and cannot be stored in a Chest. All Furnishings can be accessed physically only when you are inside your own Home and access the chest of drawers icon at the top right of the screen. You can review your furnishings at any time by accessing the Main Menu through the icon at the lower right corner of the bottom screen and choosing the Chest of Drawers icon there. As you cannot perform any more tasks or activities at this point, obey the prompt and go to sleep. To sleep, stand next to your Bed and press 'A'. Icons that represent different sleep periods of different lengths will be displayed. When you access your bed now, you may see only a single icon that represents the option to: Nap. Do so to sleep through the night period and awaken at the start of the next Morning period. When you awaken, the Time of Day Menu will be displayed on the top screen and a report from the local newspaper will be displayed on the bottom screen. On the top screen, you will see that it is Thursday, at the very start of the Morning period. On the bottom screen: Asgard News Star Level is up to 1! Your activities have helped clean up the town a bit and the Sims in town seem happier! Keep up the good work! You will find yourself automatically at the Town Hall now, speaking to Helen. Helen: It's been a while since we last saw tourists here! I hope they have a good time here and can take back some good impressions... They'll spread some good stories about this place, and then even more tourists will start coming. We have our work cut out for us! Olivia from the general goods store is back from her buying trip... Fisherman Joseph should be back too. And this is just a rumour, but... I heard that there's some one living in the house in the Forest. There isn't any one in the Forest, and it hasn't been touched, as far as I know... I wonder if some one really is living out there. Game Tip: Tourists are coming into town! Tourists are starting to visit the town, and they will also have avrious favours to ask of you. Try to satisfy their wishes! Speak to Helen again and she will tell you: Helen: It looks like both Tyler and Ashley have opened up shops. Thanks to you, both of them seem reinvigorated. When you exit the Town Hall, you will obtain another Game Tip: Game Tip: Four time segments! The top screen acts as a giant clock. The game is divided into 4 time segments: morning, afternoon, evening and night. The Sims' behaviour will change depending on the time, so be sure to walk around the time during different time segments. 2nd Day of Gameplay: It is Thursday morning and it is important to begin to learn how to use both the Map and the Clock. By accessing the Clock screen, you can see that it is the beginning of the morning period, giving you time to visit shops that are open in the morning on Thursday. By looking at the Map now, you will see that Tim is at the racquetball court, Ewan is in the Police Station, Ashley is in the Flower Shop and Tyler is near the Tailor Shop. Although Helen declared that Olivia and Joseph both had returned, you will see that the General Goods Shop next to Tyler's Clothing Shop remains empty. Joseph's Fishing Shop is at the Dock Area on another screen, but he can be found there usually only at night. If you return to the Dock Area now, it will be empty. A notice at Olivia's General Store will indicate that she is not yet prepared to open her shop for business today. In fact, if you go to Tyler's shop now, you will obtain a notice to the effect that the shop is 'Open from noon to eveniing'. If you speak to Ewan in the Police Station, he simply will tell you how bored he is. You need to speak to residents who are active in the Town area now. Go to the northwest corner of the screen first to speak to Tim at the Racquetball Court. Racquetball: Tim: Hi Freyashawk! Hehe, suprised that I know your name? I took a peek at your Residential Registration form. But I haven't said anything to Grandma since I don't wanna worry her needlessly... I wanna do somethin' about this shabby town... And turn it into a beautiful place where Sims would wnna move to. I'm dressed like this to attract Sims' attention to this place. the other day, I took off without telling Grandma where I was going, so I caused her some worry. It is important to speak to him again to unlock the first mini-game of Racquetball. Tim: Are you here to play Racquetball too? I've been thinkin'... If we had a really good Racquetball player here... Sims would hear about it and more Sims would be interested in checkin' out this town. If I lend you a racquet, you wanna try? Received Regular racquet! Now you can play the first level of Racquetball simply by entering the Court. Racquetball ordinarily can be played during the day. Mini-Games: In the various mini-games that are available in the DS game, you earn Simoleons whenever you gain points. New games and upgrades in sports equipment appear to be unlocked NOT by winning medals or achieving any specific point total but simply by playing the game a specific number of times! It therefore does not matter that much if you play well or poorly in terms of advancing the plot. The only difference will be seen in the amount of money you are able to earn each time you play the game. The first game that is unlocked is Racquetball. You will unlock this at the very start of the game when you speak to Tim, grandson of the Mayor, Helen. Racquetball: You begin with a Regular Racquet and a game called 'Rally'. By playing this game a specific number of times, you will obtain a Heavy Racquet and the option to choose a new game entitled 'Target 1'. When you have played a specific number of times, you will unlock a Speed Racquet and a new game called 'Target 2' Flowers for the Tourists After you play your first game of Racquetball, visit Ashley at the Flower Shop. Ashley: Welcome. The world's loveliest florist is opening the world's best flower shop. Make sure to fill your room with flowers. Game Tip: The flower shop. The flower shop sells flowers to adorn your home and the town. Give a bouquet of flowers to a tourist as a present to make them really happy! By speaking to Ashley and reading this tip, your Star Rating will increase a little. Ashley: Pretty things just make me melt. It's good to make the grounds lovely, but people need to be lovely too. Hahaha. Now you will have an option to: Go shopping Tap on the Shopping icon to see two choices: House plants Buy portable item House Plants: Tulips: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Cathedral Cactus: 100S Ficus umbellata: 100S Hoya: 100S Portable Items: Bouquet of flowers: 100S Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S You should buy a Bouquet of Flowers for 100S and then confront the first Tourist that you see. When you do, you will obtain another Game Tip: Make tourists happy! Make tourists happy to receive a few coins. As the number of happy tourists increases, the impression of the town improves, leading to more visitors to the town. Your choices: Gift Converse After you have performed a successful interaction with a Tourist, you will have a little more money to spend at the local shops. When noon arrives, visit Tyler's Shop. Tyler's Shop: Tyler: Welcome. Sorry to keep you waiting. We're back in business to sell you clothes. I've turned over a new leaf and I'm ready to sell, sell, sell! Game Tip: Buy some clothes! Clothes can be purchased at the tailor's! If you want to change into your new clothes, place a closet in your home first. Your Star Level will increase a little simply by speaking to him. Speak to him again and he will say: Tyler: I'm still an apprentice. I'm making a varity of clothes. All requests will be handled with a smaile. Whatever size you need can be arranged. Please try something on. I don't think my shop has enough of a variety of clothes. I need more custom- designed clothes to keep my customers happy. Now you will see an option to: Go Shopping Here the items that are offered appear to differ depending on whether your character is a boy or a girl and perhaps depending on the sort of outfit your character chose initially. Once an item is purchased, it will not appear in the shop menu again, unlike items offered at other shops. In any case, here are some of the items offered at the start of Tyler's 'reborn' career as a Tailor: Tops: For a boy: Grey circle T-shirt: 100S Purple circle T-shirt: 100S Beige circle T-Shirt: 100S Orange rugby shirt: 120S Red rugby shirt: 120S Orange gradient polo shirt: 180S Red gradient polo: 180S Orange shirt: 110S Pink shirt: 110S Purple shirt: 110S Lt. blue shirt: 110S Purple JPN shirt: 120S Lt. purple JPN shirt: 120S For a girl: Tops: Rabbit T-shirt 100S Bear T-shirt 100S Smiley Face T-shirt: 150S White polo shirt: 100S Bottoms: For a Boy: Red pants: 150S Ivory pants: 150S Green pants: 150S For a Girl: Green jeans: 120S Lt. blue jeans: 120S Brown striped skirt 150S Blue striped shirt: 150S One-piece: For a boy: Green training suit: 150S For a girl: Green training suit: 150S Blue halter dress: 500S Pink striped dress: 120S Yellow polka dot dress: 200S Buy at least one item from Tyler if you can. Purchasing items from all local shops is vital to the economy! Ashley's Plan: After noon, return to Ashley's Flower Shop. She will tell you that she is glad to see you and then speak of her new plan. Ashley: I'm glad you're here. I'm thinking about making leis, you know, to make people more delightful. But to tell you the truth, I'm so awful at making them... Could you give me a hand? Please! How to Make a Lei Use the Touch Screen To make a lei... Slide the same coloured card onto the example. Shuffle the cards... Touch the shuffle panel START... Pause Only one category of Lei will be available at the beginning. It is: Easy Afterwards: Ashley: Amazing! How delightful! Giving these to the tourists should make this town even more lovely! As a token of my thanks, you can keep one of the leis. I hope you can help me again. You're quite delightful. Your Star level will increase. Making Leis: The second mini-game you will unlock is at the Flower Shop. It is a game wherein you 'Make Leis' for the flower shop owner. Each time you complete the mini-game, you will be given a Lei as a Reward. The size of Lei that you are given does not depend upon your score but on the specific type of Lei you chose to make. How to Make a Lei To make a lei... Slide the same coloured card onto the example. Shuffle the cards... Touch the shuffle panel. START... Pause The first size is 'Small' and you will not unlock any larger size until you have played this game a specific number of times. Again, the only significance of the score is the total number of Simoleons that you will receive at the end of the game. Playing the game to make 'Small' Leis will result in the gift of a 'Small' Lei from Ashley, the owner of the shop. The second size that is unlocked is the 'Regular' Lei. Making Regular Leis will result in the gift of a Regular Lei as well as allowing you to earn far more money. The third size of Lei that you will unlock is the 'Large' Lei. Again, the real significance of this in terms of the number of points you receive is the total amount of money that you make. Other Mini-Games: Other Mini-Games that will be unlocked later include Paragliding, Scuba Diving and Dowsing. None of these will be available at this point in the game. Meeting Olivia: Continue to make leis until the Flower Shop shuts when the evening period begins. You now can enter the General Store to the right of Tyler's Shop in the southeastern corner of the town. When you enter, however, you will see no one. Go to the suit of armour in the corner and press 'A'. Olivia will appear to say: Th, thanks... I bought this armour for my store, and when I tried it on, I couldn't get out of it... I thought I would be stuck here forever. Hah... haha... My name's Olivia. I've finished putting the goods out. I sell a variety of things, so take a look around. Um... Freyashawk. It's nice to meet you. Hah... haha... Game Tip: The general goods store. Not only can you buy items at the general goods store, but you can sell them as well. Sell items you don't need anymore, or if you're carrying too many things. N.B. Remember to empty excess items into a Chest at your home for storage! It is a good idea to have many gifts on hand and sometimes shops will not be open when you need a gift. Keep some in your Chest as well as your Rucksack. After speaking to Olivia, your Star level will increase. Speak to Olivia again. Olivia: Come in... please. I don't have any customers... come in. It's very ... quiet. Hah... haha... You now will have an option to: Go shopping When you select this, you will see three choices: Buy furniture Sell portable item Sell furniture There are two categories: Entertainment Special Items (designated by ?) Entertainment: Radio cassette player: 300S Rattan lamp: 300S Special Items: ? Log shelf w/drawer: 300S Log screen; 300S Round waste basket: 100S Pen holder: 200S Baseball set: 200S White surfboard: 500S Stuffed horse: 150S Stuffed zebra: 200S Stuffed rhinoceros: 300S Remember that all purchases advance game progress. You need to support local businesses, even if none of the items that Olivia sells at present really are vital. If you have spent your afternoon making leis for Ashley, you should have enough money to buy a few items here. Explore the Highlands: If you exit the Town screen in the Northwest, you will find yourself in a new area known as the Highlands. You will find Tim at another Racquetball Court. You may see Ashley further to the west enjoying the countryside. Tim: Don't tell me you didn't have fun! Hmm, well... If you agree to help me out with my plan... You get to keep the racquet! Use it well! Your Star Level will increase. Becoming Ewan's Deputy: Ewan will be at the Port Area after nightfall. Ewan: Your actions have helped bring in more tourists here. Helen's counting on you. I'm sure she's put her faith in the right Sim. Time for this officer to get down to some real work. I've got to patrol the area to serve and protect this town. I like your zeal, so you can help me out... But first, you need to pass a test! To become a police officer here, you need to know every nook and cranny of this town. Here, I'm giving you this camera. Go to the Forest and take a photo of the Symbol Tree with this camera. That photo will be proof that you've been out on patrol. You'll recognise the Symbol Tree by its distinctive shape. Good luck. Received Camera! Taking Photographs: Game Tip: Take photos! Hold the camera to take photos. An icon on the upper left indicates that photos can be taken. Try taking lots of different photos! Controls: Touch the camera icon, or press L to hold the camera. Touch the shutter button or press R to release the shutter. The photos taken can be viewed in the status screen. Take the road that leads north from the Port Area to find the western part of the Forest. Here you will find the Symbol Tree. A sign in front of it announces 'Symbol Tree' so you cannot miss it. Take a photograph of the Tree, then return to Ewan with it. Ewan: Oh, it looks like you've managed to get a good photo of the tree. Good work. I'll tell you what: you can keep the camera. Just keep up the good work, deputy! Meet Joseph the Fisherman: Although he won't be seen on the map at this point, you should be able to find Joseph in the Fishing Shop during the night hours. Joseph: What the...? Never seen ya around. I'm busy, so don't get in mah way. Converse You must complete a successful Social Interaction with Joseph, then speak to him again. Joseph: Hmm... Name's Joseph. You wanna go fishin' wif me sumtime? Your Star Rating will increase. Speak to him again. Joseph: I'm busy now, so I can' be dealin' wif ya right now. If yer interested in sum Fishing, you best come back another time. If you speak to him again during this night period, he simply will repeat himself. Wait until morning, then return to the Fishing Shop to speak to him again. Joseph: Yer back again? I'm busy, so just leave me be. Converse. You must complete another successful Social Interaction with him now. Joseph: Ya don' stop, do ya? But you don' seem to be a bad Sim. I fergot to ask yer name the other day. ... ah. Freyashawk, is it? Pleased to meet ya. If you speak to him during this period again, he will tell you as before that: Joseph: I'm busy now, so I can' be dealin' wif ya right now. If yer interested in sum Fishing, you best come back another time. The Forest: As you discovered, you can take a path north from the Pier Area to the Forest. East of the Symbol Tree, you will find a shop. Enter it to find a girl sleeping in her chair. Sophie's Furniture Shop: Sophie: Zzz... Your only option will be: Converse. Complete a successful Social Interaction. Sophia: I was sleeping again. Yawn. Hey, who are you? Freyashawk? I'm Sophie. I make furniture. You wanna buy some? OK. I'll just think of some new furniture designs. Game Tip: The furniture store. Furniture purchased at the furniture store can be placed in your Home. The purchased furniture can be viewed by pressing the storage icon on the status screen. Your Star rating will increase. Speak to her again. Sophie: Welcome, Freyashawk. See anything you like? Don't be shy to buy. I made them all myself. There aren't any customers, so I can sleep as much as I want. You now will see an option to: Go shopping: Floors: White wooden Floor: Oak floor: 80S Ebony floor: 80S Concrete floor: 80S Walls; White wooden wall: 80S Oak Wall: 80S Ebony wall: 80S Concrete Wall: 80S Closets: Red closet: 300S Green closet: 300S Blue closet: 300S Yellow closet: 300S Chests: Red chest: 300S Green chest: 300S Blue chest: 300s Yellow chest: 300S Tables: Red table: 200S Green table: 200S Blue Table: 200S Yellow table: 200S Chairs: Red chair: 150S Green chair: 150S Blue chair: 150S Yellow chair: 150S Beds: Red bed: 300S Green bed: 300S Blue bed: 300S Yellow bed: 300S As always, it is a good idea to buy as many items as you can from Sophie in order to unlock new items and new options. Northwest of the Furniture Shop, you will see a sign that declares: Asgard Forest: Wanted: Forest Ranger! Fishing Unlocked: Return to see Joseph after noon. Basically, you need to visit him at three different time periods before he will offer the fishing option to you. Joseph: I wanna ask you for a little favour. I luv fishin' and mah dream is to see all the fish in the world. An' this world is so huge... I'll give you this rod so whenever you catch a fish, I wancha to bring it to mah place so I can take a gander at it. Received Regular Fishing Rod! Game Tip: Complete the fish book! Give Joseph a fish to have it added to the fish book. Select the fish icon in the status screen to view the fish book. You can check data on reeled in fish by viewing this screen. Go fishing! Touch the icon in the upper right of the screen when it appears, or press R to go fishing. The fish that can be caught will differ depending on whether you go fishing in the river or ocean, or even the time of day. Try fishing in different places at different times of the day. Your Star Level will increase and you will reach Star Level 2. Star Level 2 has been reached! The town will look a little different tomorrow. The day automatically will end now and it will become Saturday morning. Astaria News Star Level is up to 2! A few stores have opened up and the town is picking up. The mayor is thinking of ways to improve the town's transportation system. Walkthrough: Saturday Morning, Star Level 2 You will find yourself at the Town Hall speaking to Helen now. Helen: All the visitor are having a wonderful time and the number of tourists is climbing steadily. With the number of Sims increasing, we've decided to introduce a trolley system to improve the transportation around here. There will be a small fare to ride the trolley, but it'll be very convenient, so please do use its services when you can. And, to increase the number of shops, I've hired some one to reopen the cake shop that had been closed down. He should be at the shop by now. With this, the Town is taken care of... But there are other areas that need tending to. I think the Highlands need to be addressed first... We don't have the funds to hire a ranger for that area yet. It's a nice place with a windmill and all... With the opening of the cake shop, the Town will have a full range of shops... What am I going to do about finding a ranger for the Highlands? Speak to her again: Helen: Oh, a furniture store has opened up there. That's fine, of course, but the store needs to be registered. Fishing Shop: When you obtain the first fishing rod from Joseph, your Star rating bar will increase by at least 1/4. If you followed the Walkthrough in this guide, you will attain your Second Star Level after receiving the Fishing Rod. Whenever you are in a location where fishing is possible, you will see a fishing pole icon at the top right of the screen. Tap the icon to obtain a prompt: Would you like to go Fishing? Instructions for Fishing Use the Touch Screen. Touch the float and slide... Move the float Touch the float twice... Raise the float START... Pause Touch the open book icon on the right upper corner to access information: Intructions for Fishing. Move the lure around to attract fish. If the bob sinks, touch it twice quickly to reel in the fish. Different fish react to different lure movements, so try applying various motions to the lure. With the fishing rod, you can catch fish that can be sold to Joseph as well as certain special items, such as an Anchor or Crayfish, that may be requested by a Tourist randomly. Any new type of fish will be entered by Joseph in the Fishing Book. If you have caught the same type of fish previously, he simply will pay you for it. Special Items in Fish From time to time, when you give a fish to Joseph, he will tell you: 'sumthing came out of this fish so it's yers.' The items that can be obtained in this fashion often are frogs of different colours. You will see these displayed at Olivia's General Store. Other items that are found inside fish are pearls. These can be displayed in your home or given to Olivia to be made into rings. Items are 'loaded' into the fish at the point when you give them to Joseph. Any type of fish can contain an item. If you desperately need a specific item, save your game BEFORE you give the fish to Joseph. If it does not contain any item or does not contain an item that you need, simply reload your game until you achieve the result you want. In fact, though, finding an item in a fish is a possibility only and you may be forced to reload a number of times before Joseph will announce that an item has been found. It may be better simply to catch more fish and take your chances naturally! Walkthrough at Star Level 2 Go to Ashley's Shop in the morning. Make as many leis as you can for her. This will increase your income and give you gifts for Tourists. Moreover, when you have made a few, she will tell you: Unlocking the 2nd Level of Leis Ashley: Wow, you've become so good at making leis. Next time, can you help me make a normal lei? It's a tad more difficult to make, but the receiving party will be that much happier. Your Star Level will increase a little. Ashley: Oh wow! More beautiful leis. To show you my thanks, I want you to have this lei. Olivia will be at the Florist this morning. Olivia: The items in this store... They're from a special supplier. And the identity of the supplier... I'm afraid that's a secret. Hah... haha. Unlocking the first upgrade for the Florist Shop If you have purchased a few items from Ashley, when you speak to her again: Ashley: Oh, I have some good news for you. I'm going to be putting out a new product tomorrow to help spread the beauty of flowers. this is going to make the Sims even more lovely. Hahaha! Charlie's Cake Shop: You will find the Cake Shop now open. Go inside to speak to Charlie, who is behind the counter. Charlie: Ah! A customer! Today's special: experimental cake! How many will you buy? Huh? You are not a customer? Oh, you are Freyashawk! I am Chef Charlie. Maybe you can help me distribute my special cakes. Cakes for everybody! Game Tip: The cake shop. A wide variety of cake can be bought at the cake shop. Giving cakes to visiting Sims sound like a good way to make them happy, but be careful; different Sims have different tastes. Your Star Level will increase. Charlie: Hey, hey, welcome! You are here for cake, yes? My cakes are perfect, and yet... No customers. You now will see an option to: Go shopping. Shortcake: 80S Cheese cake: 80S Buy a few cakes to give as gifts to Tourists. As with respect to any business, spending money there will encourage the owner to offer new items. There are two 'upgrades' for any business. Level 1 for the business represents the items that are available at the start. Level 2 represents the new items that are offered first. Level 3 is the highest upgrade. I have included sections for each business in this guide that give lists of all items that are available at Level 3. Unlocking a Racquetball Upgrade: Between noon and dusk, go to the Forest to find Tim in front of the Racquetball Court and play one or more games of Racquetball until Tim declares: Tim: Freyashawk! You must be gettin' tired of this same ol' Racquetball game. I arranged it so that next time you'll be able to play a new game called Target 1 - if you want to, that is. But it's fun, so you should check it out! Your Star Rating will increase. Evening Activities:Ashley's Flower Shop is shut in the evenings and Racquetball can be played only during the Morning and Afternoon periods as well. In the evening, you can visit the Forest where Sophie has her furniture shop. You now have a Fishing Rod and there is a river as well as a lake in the Northern part of the Map where the Highlands and Forest are situated where you can catch Freshwater Fish. You will find Joseph at the river above the Furniture shop in the evening on Saturday. Joseph: What a great fishin' hole! Maybe you can catch some rare fish in here. Joseph can be found at different locations on the Map at different times of day on different days of the week. Speak to him to discover where rare fish can be caught. Fish until the Night period arrives, then go to the Port Area to visit Joseph. He will be found at the Fishing Shop during the Night period and it is then that you will be able to sell your fish to him. The Furniture Shop will not be open during the Night period. Shooting Stars At night, when you look at the Clock screen, you often will be able to see shooting stars. If you are diligent in searching the ground of any area during the night period, you can find spots where you see a tiny light sparkling. Is it a star that has fallen to earth or something else? Whatever it represents, it denotes the location of treasure. Press 'A' or use your stylus to tap the sparkle and you will discover treasure. The treasure may be a random sum of money, a special item such as a Surfboard or Sea Wall or a rare fish such as a Pacific Saury or Sardine. The item is 'loaded' into the game at the time of access, so if you are looking for a specific item, save your game BEFORE you press 'A' to uncover the treasure. If you do not obtain the item you need, simply reload the game and try again. From the second night of gameplay, you can search all locations that have been unlocked for sparkles that indicate hidden treasure. You should be able to find at least half a dozen each night that you search. Often, the items that you find will be rare and valuable. Some will be items that cannot be obtained in any other fashion. Others, like surfboards, can be purchased at local shops. Rare fish can be obtained but random sums of money are the most common 'treasure' item found beneath a sparkle. Finally, it appears that the items that you find beneath sparkles are somewhat connected to the area where you find them. Money can be found in ALL areas, but large sums are most common in the Entertainment Area. The items that can be found at the Port Area are fish, surfboards, plugs and other items with a 'sea' theme, such as a 'Sea Wall'. Items that are found in the Forest include potted plants of the sort that are sold at the Florist Shop. Items found in the Town can be cakes like Shortcake or Leis. Items found in the Mountain have a mineral theme and include Garden Stones and 'Rock Floor'. Walkthrough, Level 2: Sunday On Sunday morning: Olivia's General Store is open. Enter and speak to her: Olivia: Ah... Freyashawk. I wanted to let you know... I will be out buying supplies tomorrow, so the store will be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience... Buy whatever you can today in order to persuade her to upgrade to the next level. The Cake Shop is open. Buy Cheese Cake and Shortcake from Charlie. At the Florist, you will see a sign: New flowers just in. -Flower Shop. Ashley- On Sunday, however, the Flower Shop is shut and if you try to open the door, you will see an announcement to that effect: Day off today. You therefore cannot play the lei-making game today in order to make money. Your only choice is Racquetball. Racquet Upgrade: Heavy Racquet Tim will be found in the morning at the first Racquetball Court in the northwest area of the Town. Speak to him if you have unlocked the second Racquetball game of Target 1 and he will say: Tim: I see you're gettin' better and better at Racquetball! It looks like you can make good use of this, so I'll give it to you. Received Heavy Racquet! Meet the Highlands Ranger If you go to the Highlands in the morning to investigate the house in the far North that was empty last night, you will meet a new Sim: Marie: Who the?! What do YOU want? You will have an option now to: Converse After a successful Social Interaction, she will say: Marie: So you're Freyashawk. I'm Marie. Err... Umm... Oh, I almost forgot! I'm the ranger here, you know. So what are you doing here? Can I help out? It doesn't matter, I guess. Let's see... There's a lot of things to be done here in the Highlands, so just make yourself handy. You can... Ahh... Just figure it out yourself! Enhance the Highlands: Enhance the Highlands! Approach areas where grass is sparse and press A, or touch the actual ground itself to place various items there. You will be given a choice of five different items to place. Bed of tulips, bed of sunflowers, statue, rest area. When you have finished, go to Marie: Marie: You're finished? That's it? I was just starting to think that people might come to this town... but I guess you're right and we're just wasting our time. The screen will go black and you then will find yourself in the Ranger's cottage. Marie: Wow, you actually helped me out? ... You're a curious one, aren't ya? Well, you can go home now. She will pay you and your Star Rating will increase a little. Sophie's Furniture Shop will be open in the morning today. Name the Furniture Shop Sophie: Smack... grrrzzz... Smack... grrrzzz... Muhya... name... store... When you attempt to leave: Sophie: The store name! ... muhya, muhya. Exit and return to speak to her again. Sophie: The store name! ... muhya, muhya. You now will have an option to name the Furniture Shop: Game Tip: What is Sophie's store name? Please choose a name for Sophie's store. A maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters can be used. Once the store name has been entered, touch the confirm button or press START. Funfurnishings? What a great... name... it is. Agree and she will awaken suddenly. Sophie: I've got it! This is it! i'm going to name the store Funfurnishings! That's a load off my mind. I feel so good that I can get back to sleeping... Your star level will increase considerably. When you have finished enhancing the Highlands, it will be noon. Marie will be found outside her Cottage: Marie: I should play some sports to unwind. You will be given the option now to: Customise the Highlands. Marie: Huh? You wnat to do some work in the Highlands again? Well, you can do as you like just as long as you do it by yourself. Play some Racquetball, then return to the Bakery to speak to Charlie: Charlie the Local Gossip Charlie: Thank you for buying so much cake! I am a happy chef! You know, I hear a lot of gossip in my shop. And if you buy more cake... (this is a special offer for you only) I can tell you what other customers are feeling. And today... I will tell you about me! Every one expects me to be a famous Italian chef like my cousin Gino. But in reality... I love Chinese food! Chinese food and cake mixed together... This is my secret dream. After you purchase some cake from him, he may tell you: Ah yes... I hear that Ashley was very, very happy. Something good must have happened. Ah yes, I hear that Tyler was very, very happy. Something good must have happened. During the afternoon period, you can: Shop at the Tailor's Shop Shop at Sophie's Furniture Shop in the Forest Shop at Charlie's Bake Shop Play Racquetball in the Highlands Play Racquetball in the Town Interact with Tourists in the Town Fishing Hole Tips In the evening, you may find Joseph to the left (west) of his Fishing Shop, standing on the shore. Speak to him to discover: Joseph: Man, this is a terrible fishin' hole. No fish is gonna be swimmin' in here... At different periods each day, you may be able to find Joseph at a different fishing location. By speaking to him, you will discover the best locations to fish. At night, you may find Ewan in the Town. If you have been interacting with as many tourists as possible, he may say: More tourists have started visiting... This area... But there should be more visitors! Fishing Rod Upgrade: Stiff Fishing Rod If you have been fishing regularly and have caught and sold a number of fish to Joseph, you may be given a better fishing rod when you visit him during the night period now: Yer findin' it fun fishin in the ocean? I'll give ya this. It's a Stiff Fishing Rod. It'll be easier fishin' with this here. Try it out. Received Stiff Fishin' Rod! Do not forget that the Night period is the time when you can find treasure in the ground at any location where you see a sparkle. Alternate between Fishing and searching the ground in every part of the Map that has been unlocked. Monday Walkthrough: Level 2 Star Rating On Monday morning, you should find the following Shops open for business: Sophie's Furniture Shop in Forest Ashley's Florist Charlie's Bake Shop If you purchased a number of items from Olivia and she announced yesterday that she would be buying supplies today, her shop will be shut until tomorrow morning. It is Tyler's day off and you may find him in the Bakery this morning. If you bought many items from him, you may see a sign in front of his shop today: Tyler's Shop: Sign Outside: For all your clothing needs! New items in store! -Tyler the Tailor- Day off today Upgraded Florist Shop If Ashley made an announcement previously that she would be acquiring new flowers, you will find an expanded menu at the Florist Shop today as follows: Ashley: Come on in. Some new flower friends have arrived today. They'll help to make your room lovelier than ever! Shop at Level 2: Household plants: Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Amaryllis: 200S Dendrobium: 400S (2nd) Cathedral Cactus: 100S Ficus umbellata: 100S Hoya: 100S Bird of paradise: 150S (2nd) Dracaena: 150S (2nd) Sugarvine: 200S (2nd) Peperomia: 200S (2nd) Portable items: Bouquet of Flowers: 100S Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Amaryllis: 200S (2nd) New items will have (2nd) after the price in brackets, denoting the fact that they are 2nd level items. Sophie's Announcement of Upgrade If you have been buying items regularly from Sophie, she may make an announcement today: Sophie: That's it! I've got it! Tomorrow I'm going to have some new furniture. You jsut wait and see. Monday morning activities:You can play Racquetball, make Leiis or conduct successful Social Interactions with Tourists to make money this morning. As always, buy as many of the new items as possible at Ashley's Shop. If you have been following this Walkthrough, there may be a Tourist in the Port Area. If so, make certain that you engage him/her in a successful Social Interaction. Whenever you find a Tourist in a new area of the Map, conduct a successful Social Interaction immediately to make progress in this game. If you find Joseph on the beach closest to the exit to the Town, he will say: This fishin' hole is awright I guess. I'm sure there'll be sum fish in them waters but I ain't gonna expect much. If you find him at the northeast corner of the Lake in the Highlands, he will say the same thing. Game Hints from Charlie: If you buy cakes from Charlie today, afterwards he may tell you: Charlie: Ah, I just remembered. Marie was looking for you, Freyashawk. You should go see what that was about. This hint will be given only if you have been following this Walkthrough and have 'Enhanced the Highlands' for Marie previously. There is no point in visiting her today, however, as she simply will repeat her usual complaint about being bored and wanting to take up a sport. You need to visit her tomorrow to trigger the next event. Tourist's Photograph Request: This is a random event that can occur at any point during the game. When you engage a Tourist in conversation, instead of obtaining the usual 'Gift' and 'Converse' options, the Tourist may make a special request. One of the first is as follows: Tourist: I want a photo to remember my trip here. Could you please take a picture for me? I want a photo of the fountain. Take the photograph then return to the Tourist to show it to him/her and your Star Rating will increase a little. Monday Walkthrough: Afternoon through Night When the afternoon period arrives, you will find that the Florist and Bakery remain open. You can play Racquetball, Make Leis or interact with Tourists to make money. Try to make as much money as possible as, if you have followed this walkthrough and purchased quite a number of items from the local merchants, Olivia, Tyler and Sophie all should have new items in their shops tomorrow. When evening arrives and you no longer can play the Racquetball or Lei-making mini-games, spend some time fishing. When night arrives, you can visit Joseph to sell the fish you have caught as well as searching all areas both for Tourists and sparkles. Tuesday Walkthrough: Level 2 You should be able to visit Marie this morning to trigger the event that will boost your Star Rating to Level 3 but if you do so, you will lose the rest of the day as, whenever a new Star Level is reached, your character automatically will be taken to the next day. You therefore may wish to delay this visit a little. On Tuesday morning, you will be able to visit the following shops: Ashley's Florist Shop Olivia's General Store Sophie's Furniture Shop The Bakery, ordinarily open in the Morning, is not open on Monday. If you try to go there, you will see an announcement to the effect that it is the Baker's 'Day Off'. Olivia's Upgraded General Store Visit Olivia in the morning in order to see the new items that have been added. You will find the shop open but will not see her at first. She is hiding beneath a desk. Press 'A' to rescue her. Olivia: I dropped something under the desk, and when I crawled underneath to pick it up... I got stuck. You helped me out again. Hah... haha.a Olivia now will have new items: Buy Furniture: Entertainment and Lights: Radio cassette player: 300S CD player: 500S Black and white TV: 1000S (2nd) Rattan Lamp: 300S Log Lamp: 400S (2nd) Special Items: ? Log shelf w/ drawer: 300S Rattan shelf w/drawer: 500S (2nd) Rattan dresser: 400S (2nd) Log Screen: 300S Rattan Screen: 350S (2nd) White sink: 500S (2nd) White cabinet set: 300S (2nd) White Cabinet: 300S White stove: 500S Round waste basket: 100S Square waste basket: 150S (2nd) Pen holder: 200S Baseball set: 200S White surfboard: 500S Blue surfboard: 500S (2nd) Stuffed horse: 150S Stuffed zebra: 200S Stuffed giraffe: 300S (2nd) Stuffed rhinoceros: 300S N.B. The notation of (2nd) in brackets denotes a new Level 2 item. Sophie's Upgraded Furniture ShopRemember that you can travel quickly from area to area by using the trolley. For 10S, you can go from the Town to the Forest in a matter of seconds to visit Sophie's Shop. A noteboard in front of the shop will announce: Newly made furniture. Come in and take a look. -Furniture Store Sophie - Sophie: Welcome, Freyashawk. I've got some new furniture in stock, so take a look around. Floors: White wooden floor: 80S Oak Floor: 80S Ebony Floor: 80S Concrete floor: 90S Round rug: 100S (2nd) Log house floor: 120S (2nd) Pink carpet: 150S (2nd) Blue carpet: 150S (2nd) Modern floor: 200S (2nd) Walls: White wooden wall: 80S Oak wall: 80S Ebony wall: 80S Concrete wall: 90S Pink wall: 100S (2nd) Blue wall: 100S (2nd) Cork wall: 120S (2nd) Brick wall: 120S (2nd) Stone wall: 150S (2nd) Retro style wall: 200S (2nd) Closets: Red closet: 300S Green closet: 300S Blue closet: 300S Yellow closet: 300S Log closet: 350S (2nd) Chest: Red chest: 300S Green chest: 300S Blue chest: 300S Yellow chest: 300S Log chest: 350S (2nd) Block chest: 350S (2nd) Tables: Red Table: 200S Green table: 200S Blue table: 200S Yellow table: 200S Glass table: 250S (2nd) Wooden table: 250S (2nd) Block desk; 250S Chairs: Red chair: 150S Green chair: 150S Blue chair: 150S Yellow chair: 150S Log chair: 200S (2nd) White sofa: 250S (2nd) Red sofa: 250S (2nd) Blue sofa: 250S (2nd) Beds Hammock: 150S (2nd) Red bed: 300S Green bed: 300S Blue bed: 300S Yellow bed: 300S Log bed: 350S (2nd) N.B. (2nd) after the price denotes the new items or 2nd Level of furniture. Tyler's Upgraded Clothing Shop When you visit Tyler's Shop after noon when it is open for business, he will say: Tyler: Freyashawk, look at this! I've just put out the new clothes I made! I can already see people lining up to get in here! Then: Welcome. I'm still an apprentice. I'm making a variety of clothes. All requests will be handled with a smile. Whatever size you need can be arranged. Please, try something on. I don't think my store has enough variety of clothese. I need more custom- designed clothes to keep my customers happy. Now you will have more choices in terms of outfits: Tops: For a boy: Grey circle T-shirt: 100S Purple circle T-shirt: 100S Beige circle T-Shirt: 100S Checked T-Shirt: 120S (2nd) No. 5 T-Shirt: 120S (2nd) Navy JPN T-Shirt: 120S (2nd) Orange striped Polo: 100S (2nd) Red striped Polo: 100 (2nd) Purple Striped polo: 100S (2nd) Green striped polo: 100S (2nd) Orange rugby shirt: 120S Purple rugby shirt: 120S (2nd) Green rugby shirt: 120S (2nd) Red rugby shirt: 120S Orange gradient polo shirt: 180S Purple gradient polo: 180S (2nd) Green gradient polo: 180S (2nd) Red gradient polo: 180S Orange shirt: 110S Pink shirt: 110S Purple shirt: 110S Lt. blue shirt: 110S Purple JPN shirt: 120S Lt. purple JPN shirt: 120S White sweatshirt: 130S (2nd) Green sweatshirt: 130S (2nd) Red sweatshirt: 130S (2nd) Bottoms: For a Boy: Red pants: 150S Ivory pants: 150S Green pants: 150S Dark blue roll ups: 180S (2nd) Blue roll ups: 180S (2nd) Lt. blue roll ups: 180S (2nd) Brown pants: 150S (2nd) One-piece: For a boy: Green training suit: 150S Blue training suit: 200S (2nd) Buy at least one item from Tyler if you can. Purchasing items from all local shops is vital to the economy! N.B. (2nd) indicates a new items at the Level 2 upgrade for the shop. Unfortunately I did not write all the items available for girls when I was playing as a girl... once the player purchases an item, it no longer is available at the shop... In my current girl game, my character has purchased most of the clothing items by now. Marie's new Paragliding Option: When you trigger this event, you will attain Star Level 3 afterwards and be taken directly to the next day. You can trigger this event in the morning or the afternoon periods. I suggested that players see the new upgraded shops first as the day will end effectively once the player has tested the Paragliding equipment today for Marie. Go to Marie in the Highlands and you will find her standing outside the cottage. Marie: Oh, I'm glad you're here. I'm going to pick up a sport and I was looking around my house... And I found this old Paraglider. I forgot how long it's been since I used this, and it might be broken. So could you fly it and check if it's OK? Agree, of course. Marie: You don't know the word 'no', do you? Well, fly it for me, baby. I'm not responsible for any accidents, just to let you know. Paragliding: Instructions for Paragliding. Use the +Control Pad + ... Movement B... Fast descent START... Pause Blow into the microphone to ascend quickly! Afterwards: Marie: hey, it flies OK. Great. I guess it's safe for me to try it. Star Level 3 has been reached. The Town will be a little different tomorrow. You automatically will be taken to the next day where you will see a notice: Star Level 3: Asgard News Star Level is up to 3. All the stores in town are open for business and every one is eager to work. Sims from the lively town on the outlying island are coming to the mayor's town. You then automatically will go to the Town Hall. Helen: A lot more Sims are getting involved in sporting activities and the place is becoming more and more like a resort town. Today we got an application from some one applying for the position of Forest Ranger. And, there's going to be a ferry service between and the Entertainment Area on the other island. Get ready for more tourists. Walkthrough for Wednesday, Star Level 3:Wednesday, Level 3 Walkthrough: Speak to Helen again as she will give you some useful information now: Helen: The new Forest ranger is kind of a shy, gentle type. If you have time, could you go and check on him? You're a fairly amicable person, so I trust I can let you take care of the newly-arrived Forest ranger also. The ferry used to run a long time ago, but it stopped just as the visitors stopped coming. It's nice to have its services again. The Mountain in this town is ownded by a wealthy Sim and we don't have the right to use it as a tourist attraction. Rumour has it that there are a lot of valuable things buried deep in those mountains. Lei-Making Upgrade: Hard Lei If you have been making leis daily, Ashley may say: Ashley: Next time you can try making a hard lei. Give this to some one and they'll feel as though they're in heaven! Your Star rating will increase a little. When you acquire any medal in the Hard Lei category, you will see a notice: Certified Master: Astaria NEWS Certified bronze master! All the bronze medals have been acquired for making leis. Freyashawk has been certified a bronze master. (This will occur even if the only medals you have received in one of the categories is silver or gold!) Obtained Flower trophy: bronze! If, in fact, the medals have been silver rather than bronze, you will receive another notice immediately thereafter: Another Flower trophy: Astaria NEWS Certified silver master! All the silver medals have been acquired for making leis. Freyashawk has been certified a silver master. Obtained flower trophy: silver! New Cake at Bakery: At the cake shop, you may see a signboard outside if you have been buying cakes regularly: New cake made! Try the special flavour! -Cake shop Charlie - The cake shop will be open this morning. Charlie: Hey, hey! I tried some of my experimental cake. It is perfect! So now I am making all kinds of crazy cakes! Will you take part in this wild cake adventure? Please try some today. He then will tell you: Some customers shop here now. I must make the finest cakes and keep my customers happy. After all this advertising, you will find only one new type of cake: Shortcake: 80S Cheesecake: 80S Chocolate cake: 100S (2nd) After you buy his new cakes, you may be told: Sophie seems really upset lately. Maybe you can find out what is wrong, hmm? Meet Foster the Forest Ranger: If you go to the Forest, you will discover that today is Sophie's day off, but you will find her wandering about there and she will tell you: The sales at my shop aren't that great. If only I could sell more stuff... You need to go to the Forest, however, to meet Foster, the new ranger. He can be found in the house that formerly was empty. Foster: Wh, who are you? Th, there's nothing of interest here. You can just go on your way. As always when you meet a new business Sim, you will have the option to: Converse After you complete a successful Social Interaction, Foster will say: Foster: I didn't think all those Sims would be coming. I... my name's Foster. Ah... And you, you are... So you're Freyashawk. I heard this was a sleepy old town. I figured I wouldn't have to face any more Sims and thought this would be the perfect place. But... I love animals, so I want to do something to help them. Um... if you could... do you think you could help me out? When you agree, you will be given the option to: Enhance the Forest: Game Tip: Enhance the Forest! Approach a withered tree and press A, or touch the tree itself. Afterwards, plant a tree there to spruce up a desolate Forest! You will be offered four different choices: regular tree, flowering tree, rest area and camping tent and will be given an opportunity to replace five dead trees with any of these. Do so and return to speak to Foster: Foster; That's it for today? I hope you can help out again sometime. The screen will go black and you will find yourself in the Ranger's hut: Foster: You're finished. Th, thank you. It will take some t, time for the animals to appear... So maybe you should ah... come back later. I ho, hope they come... Your star rating will increase now. It probably will be evening now. Foster will be found standing outside the hut now. If you approach her, you will have the option to Enhance the Forest, but will not be given any more items with which to work. If you see Joseph to the west (left) of the bridge here, he will tell you: Joseph: Man, this is a terrible fishing hole. No fish is gonna be swimming in here. New item to Customise the Highlands: If you visit the Highlands, you will find Marie outside the door of her cottage: Marie: With all your help around the Highlands... There seems to be more tourists coming in. So... Umm... I've got more stuff you can use to improve the Highlands. You can place them all around the Highlands. Your star rating will increase. Marie: Some Sims are starting to come here wanting to try out Paragliding. But I'm sure it's just a temporary fad and Sims will stop coming pretty soon. Now you will have two options with her: Paragliding Customise Highlands If you choose to Customise the Highlands, you will be given five different choices of items to place on the bare spots on the ground. A bird house has been added to the previous four choices. Meet Nicki, Captain of Ferry at the Port Area: You need to visit the Port Area now to meet the Captain of the newly revived Ferry Service. Nicki: Hey there! Today's the first day of this ferry service. I'll take you to and from the Entertainment Area. Hey... Didn't I see you on my boat before? I see you've been doing well. What was your name again? It's Freyashawk, isn't it? My name's Nicki. Nice to meet you, again! Your star rating will increase by 1/4 simply by meeting her. Speak to Nicki again to be given a chance to travel to the Island for 50S. Nicki: C'mon, hurry it up! We're leaving port! You will see an option: Board the boat Nicki: You're getting on the boat? The fare is 50S. Pay it and your character automatically will walk along the dock to the ferry. Nicki: You on board already? OK... We're off! A new Island to explore: Entertainment Area: Explore the Entertainment Area now. You will find Tourists there, but you must try to find a girl with long blonde hair tied up in a red ribbon. This is Elizabeth and she is very important to the plot. Meet Elizabeth: Elizabeth: Oh dear, what shall I do... Oh hello. In whose presence may I say I am? The pleasure is mine, Freyashawk. You may call me Elizabeth. I hope I'm not intruding but... No, I'm sorry. I'd rather not trouble you. You will have the usual option to: Converse. Conclude a successful conversation with her and she will tell you: Option to Purchase another House: Elizabeth: I have a house for my pet near here. But it's just too small and cramped for my pet... So I've bought an entire island and decided to build a new, grand house there. And I'm looking to sell the current pet house to some one... You wouldn't happen to need another house, would you? Say that you do to advance the plot. Elizabeth; That's great. Let's see... the price... I bought it for 300,000,000S. But you can have it for a day's worth of pet food, which is 10,000S. Agree. Elizabeth: Is the deal really acceptable to you? Agree. Even if you do not have enough money to purchase the house now, your star rating will increase. If you cannot buy the house now, simply speak to her again in the future to see a new option to: Buy a House There are three places to explore now at the Entertainment Area. There is the mansion that you can purchase from Elizabeth. Go west from the dock, then north to the next screen to find it. If, instead of going north to the next screen, you go east instead, you will find three businesses. The first is a Fashion Exhibition, but although filled with mannikins dressed in the latest styles, no one will be there. The second is a Casino. The third is a Disco. The Disco will not be unlocked at this stage in the game. Night at Entertainment Area: When the night period arrives, you should be able to find sparkles on the ground at the Entertainment Area. Tourists will be there as well. It is during the night that the Casino will be open. The Casino: You will not be able to enter the Casino until the Night period arrives. When it does, enter. Game Tip: How to play at the casino! Coins are used instead of money at the casino. Buy coins from the machine located at the right side of the entrance. Once enough coins have been accumulated, they can be exchanged for items through the machine. Perhaps some hard-to-find items can be gotten here! 100S can be exchanged for 10 coins. That amound should be sufficient to allow you to win quite a few coins. There are two tables in the Casino, each offering a different game. Sit at a seat in front of a table to meet the individual who is acting as the dealer. Dodge the Thief: Hank: Welcome guest. My name is Hank. It is our pleasure to have you here. This table is for a game called 'Dodge the Thief'. Would you be interested in a game? How to play 'Dodge the Thief' Use the +Control Pad or the Trouch Screen. Left/Right arrows... Select card. A... Confirm Touch the button... Confirm Hank: Very good. it will be a pleasure to deal for you. Basically, there are six cards that are dealt. One of them may or may not be the Thief. The others are numbered cards: 1-6. They need to be dealt in order if you wish to win any money. You decide where each card is to be placed, attempting to place them in numerical order. Tic Tac Trump: Emma: Hello there. I'm Emma. It's your first time at this table, isn't it? This table is for 'Tic Tac Trump'. Would you like to play? How to play 'Tic Tac Trump'. Use the +Control Pad or the Touch Screen. + ... Select card. A... Confirm Touch the card... Confirm. Emma: Let's play. Exactly 21: The other game available at the Casino is 'Exactly 21'. You can play it at the slot machines that are located against the back wall. Welcome! You can play 'Exactly 21' on the game machine. Would you like to start the game? How to play 'Exactly 21'. Use the +Control Pad or the Touch Screen. Left/Right Arrows... Move between buttons. A... Confirm Touch the button... Confirm. Thank you! We hope you are not too lucky! You can play any games you choose at the Casino until the night period ends. Play at least a couple of games of Exactly 21 in order to obtain an increase in the bet amount tomorrow. Walkthrough, Thursday, Level 3: In the morning, you may find Elizabeth at the Port Area. Elizabeth; I bought the mountain in this town as a gift. That was the first mountain I had ever climbed. I remember being tired from all that climbing, and I thought I'd never reach the top. But when I did, I felt the exhilaration of making it. Seeing all those little Sims from the top of the mountain was an amazing sight. But I haven't done anything with the mountain since then. New Option at Furniture Shop: If you go to the Forest now, Sophie's Furniture Shop will be open. Sophie: ...Hmm. I'm coming up blank. I want ot make some original furniture designs but I can't think of anything! I guess some inspiration is better than no inspiration... Freyashawk, do you wanna try coming up with a furniture design for this material? Sophie: All right! You can design it as you see fit. Design Custom Furniture: Game Tip: Design materials for furniture! Design the material to be used on furniture. The designed material can be used on various furniture. You can make your own original furniture! You will see four save slots. You can make an original design to save in each of these. The designs then can be used to decorate specific items of furniture. Sophie: Whoa. I wasn't expecting much, but this is kind of good. I'll tell you what. From now on, if you design the furniture, I'll make it for you. Whenever you need more furniture, just let me know. Essences: You now will see a prompt: Essence of forest can be used now! The essence can be used at the furniture store to be applied to your favourite furniture. Essences are not quite what they are in the Wii version of the game. In the DS version, there are four Essences that can be unlocked in the course of the game. Essence of Foresr is the first. Your Star Level will increase and if you have followed this Walkthrough, you will reach Star Level 4. Star Level 4: Star Level 4 has been reached! The town will look a little different tomorrow. You automatically will be taken now to Friday morning. Walkthrough, Friday morning, Star Level 4: Astaria NEWS Star Level is up to 4! The boat can be taken to the Entertainment Area and more new places are opening up. The only place that is still closed is the mountain... As always when you reach another level, you will find yourself at the Town Hall with Helen. Mountain Area Unlocked:: Helen: Freyashawk, you know that closed-off Mountain I was talking about? Well, the owner... ... in a gesture of goodwill, has donated it to the town! It even comes with a ranger! This is such wonderful news! Ever since you came to this town, things have been going smoothly. It's like a dream. Speak to her again. Helen; The ranger taking care of the Mountains is a woman named Tracy. I'm glad some one's there to take care of that desolate place. New Product announced for Florist Shop: Stop at the Florist: Ashley: Oh, I have some good news for you. I'm going to be putting out a new product tomorrow to help spread the beauty of flowers. This is going to make the Sims even more lovely. Hahaha! Olivia's new offer to make Jewelry: Visit Olivia at her shop. If you have any jewels such as a Pearl, found in a fish that you caught previously, Olivia may say: Olivia: Oh, Freyr. a little bird told me that you have some jewels? If you don't mind... Would I be able to borrow one of them? Thank you! Thank you so much! There's something I'd like to do with them. Please come back in a few days. Charlie the Local Gossip: At the Cake Shop, Charlie will tell you that Foster is very happy, that something good must have happened. He may tell you as well: Marie was looking for you, Freyashawk. You should go see what that was about. Animals in the Forest: If you go to the Forest now, you will find Foster outside of her Ranger Hut. Foster's Animal Feed:Foster: A, animals have appeared in the Forest! Not that many... But this is great! And I have another request for you... I want to make some animal feed. I can make one feed with 1 flower and 1 fish. If you can spare any, I'd appreciate it. Foster: Th, Thanks to you, more animals are making their way here. But at the same time, more people are coming out of the mountains as well. To make the animals a little happier, I've decorated the Forest a bit more. If, if you got some time again, I'd appreciate your help. Your Star Rating will increase a little. Foster: The planted trees are just saplings, so it's going to take some time for them to grow up. When they're big and tall, this Forest is going to look so much mightier. Now you will have a new option: Assist If you choose this, you will have a choice: Customise forest Make animal feed Make animal feed: give her 1 flower, then 1 fish Foster: Ho, hold on. It's done. My specially made super feed. And they'll love you for it. Obtained Super feed! Feed the animals: Game Tip: Please feed the animals! To feed animals, make sure you have some super feed on you and approach the animals and press the A, or touch the animal itself. Become friendly with animals by feeding them and something good may come of it... Customise the Forest: Customise the forest for her. You will have a chance to remove five withered trees and replace them with a choice of five different items. Explore the Mountain: Walk north from the Highlands into the Mountain area now to meet Tracy. You can do this in the morning, afternoon or evening. When you arrive in the Mountains, you first will see a Racquetball Court to the left. Now that the Mountain has been unlocked, Tim will stand here on occasion. Meet Tracy, the Mountain Ranger: Tracy: Hang on a sec. I've got my hands full here. !! Hey, are you Elizabeth? Hey! What's with the mountain? There's nothing here! It's just some desolate piece of land! There's nothing here of value! How do you explain this? You now will have the option to engage in 'Converse' with her. You need to complete a successful Social interaction now in order to advance the situation. Tracy: ... Oh, you aren't Elizabeth? My mistake. I'm Tracy. I heard that the super rich Elizabeth was looking for a mountain ranger... So I came down here looking to make a quick buck.. I've been scammed! You! You live here right? You have to take some responsibility for this! I've giving you a shovel, so I want you to dig up something of value for me! And don't come back until you've got something of value! Huh... And one more thing. Don't think that the shovel is free. I'm charging you a rental fee for it! Dowsing Mini-Game: You now have unlocked a new mini-game, Dowsing. How to go Dowsing. Use the Touch Screen. Touch the screen twice... Displays radar Touch '!' and slide... Dig the ground You now will play a 'trial version' of the dowsing game. In future, when you play this mini-game, there will be a time limitation of 3.00 minutes but in this situation, there is none. You simply must tap twice on the ground repeatedly to use the metal detector. Rings of different colours will appear. Red signifies that you are close to a discovery. The paler the colour, the farther you are from anything. When you see an exclamation point in a circle, dig there by sliding your stylus over the spot. You can dig at different depths. The deepest is 5. Keep sliding the stylus over the spot to dig until, at zero, you will unearth an item. Keep digging until you find an ore. You will see a prompt then: An ore has been dug up! In the future, you may be able to dig up more than one ore in the time alloted to you but in this first, trial game, you will be allowed only one ore. Different ores are worth different amounts of points. When the mini-game is offered, you will be able to redeem the points for prizes. Tracy: What do we have here? It's a gemstone ore! This was found in the ground you say?! Oh my.,,. Well, since it's been dug up, I guess I'll just hang on to it. (Oh boy...) (I wonder how much this would fetch.) ... Let's see. Well. It looks like we're going to be great partners. This is what I call a viable business. You dig things up and I'll buy them from you. The purchases I make will be added as points to your credit. You can use those points to trade them in for things you like. But the shovel isn't freee. You need to pay for that! Your star rating will increase a little after you have completed the trial game. When you speak to Tracy now, you will see: Redeem Points Dowsing If you choose 'Dowsing', she will ask: Do you want to borrow a shovel? That'll be 50S. Redeem Points: As with respect to the coins you acquire at the Casino, points that you obtain from dowsing can be redeemed for special items that cannot be purchased anywhere else. Redeem Points: Garnet: 100 Amethyst: 100 Aquamarine: 100 Diamond: 100 Emerald: 100 Ruby: 100 Peridot: 100 Sapphire: 100 Opal: 100 Topaz: 100 Turquoise: 100 Dancer Head: 150 Friendly Head: 150 Surfer body: 150 Angel body: 150 Smiling lady picture: 250 Turban girl picture: 250 Wise man head: 300 Rock 'n' Roll body; 400 Aristocratic girl picture: 500 Boy blowing flute picture: 500 Kabuki woodblock print: 600 Retro poster: 600 Ballet body: 650 Scary head: 700 Pompadour head: 550 Disco body: 550 Lady with marten picture: 800 Old lady picture: 800 Green monster head: 900 Bear head: 900 Green monster body: 900 Bear body: 900 Night patrol picture: 1000 Woman with parasol picture: 1000 Aristocratic boy picture: 1000 Samurai head: 1200 Armour body: 1200 Japanese beauty picture: 1500 Revolution picture: 1500 Kabuki head: 1700 Kabuki body: 1700 Cheating picture: 1800 Robot head: 2000 Robot body: 2000 N.B. Gems obtained here can be made into jewelry. Paintings can be used to decorate the walls of your home. Heads and Body parts are used together to create a Town Symbol in the form of a statue. Finding Elizabeth in the Evening: Now though, if you did not have enough money to buy the house from Elizabeth last night, you may wish to return to the Port Area now to be able to meet Elizabeth in the Entertainment Area on the Island during the evening period. It seems to be only when she is in the Entertainment Area in the evening that she will offer to sell the house. Elizabeth: That bargain-priced house for 300,000,000S... Would you be interested in it for the cost of a day's worth of pet food, which would be 10,000S? Is this deal really acceptable to you? Very good. The pet house is all yours. It's located to the north of here and you can use it as you see fit. What kind of pet are you going to house in it? Your star rating will increase when you purchase the house. Bet increase at Casino for Exactly 21: The same night, if you visit the Casino and had played 'Exactly 21' the night before, when you return to the machine to play again: Welcome! Due to popular demand. This game has been arranged so that the maximum bet is up to 30 now. Please enjoy the game! You can continue to play indefinitely but time will pass as soon as you quit any game. You will find yourself outside the Casino when morning arrives. Walkthrough, Saturday, Level 4: Saturday morning: Next to the dock where the ferry is kept on the island, Joseph will say; Not a bad fishing hole at all. Them fish seem lively. A Tourist's Special Request: From time to time, a Tourist may request a special item specifically. For example: What should I do...? I was going to buy a Large lei, but I don't have enough money on me. Do you think you could part with yours? Give the Tourist the Lei not only to obtain about 500S as a reward but also an increase in your Star rating. Often, a Tourist who is standing at the Symbol Tree in the Forest will request a Large Lei. Enhance the Forest Again: Go to the Forest to speak to Foster again today: Looks like the animals have made a few more friends apart from myself. Looks like lots of fun... Oh, and I've added a few more things to the Forest for the animals. Help me again when you can, all right? Your star rating will increase a little. Foster: The items to place in the Forest... Depending on how they're placed, they will have different effects. Y, you should try a few different places to see the effects. There now will be fruit-bearing trees as well as the items you had before. If you recall, Charlie indicated that Marie wished to see you. Go to the Highlands in the afternoon to visit her outside her house. Enhance the Highlands: Marie: Thanks to you, more Sims are visiting the town. Seeing the families that come into town... Reminded me of my dad... Anyhow... I've got more things ready for you. You'll be able to put them around the Highlands now, so keep up the good work. I'm doing my best to help this place become better too. Your star rating will increase a little. You now will be able to customise the Highlands with a new item as well as the ones available previously. You will be able to place five different items in the Highlands. New Racquetball game: Target 2: Play Racquetball again if possible. If you have been playing regularly, Tim may tell you afterwards; Tim: Hey Freyashawk, I'm glad you've having' fun playin' Racquetball. And you know what? I've come up with a new game! Next time you can choose to play Target 2. Try it out, OK? Your star rating will increase a little. Racquet Upgrade: Speed Racquet Play another game and then speak to him again: Tim: Freyashawk, you look like a Racquetball pro! Sims are talkin' about you in the town! Here, I'll give you this. You deserve it. Received Speed Racquet! If you wish, you can return to the Mountain to play the Dowsing game as this can be done in the evening period. At night, you can fish or return to the Casino at the Entertainment Area. Notice of Fashion Review: A new activity is available now and announcements of it are made on a noticeboard to the left of the Casino on the corner of the road that leads to your Mansion. Elizabeth organises Fashion Reviews periodically. Read the notice to find out when and where the next Fashion Review is scheduled to be held. For example: The next fashion reveiw will be in the Highlands on Monday. -Elizabeth- Bet increase at Casino for Exactly 21: If you go to the Exactly 21 machine at the Casino: Welcome! Due to popular demand... This game has been arranged so that the maximum bet is up to 50 now. Please enjoy the game! Walkthrough: Sunday, Level 4:Sunday morning: You may have been too busy in other areas to have visited the shops in the town lately. Today may be a good day to do that. Visit Olivia and she will ask: Can I hang on to the jewel for just a alittle bit longer? I'm almost finished with it. Ashley's Flower Shop will have a notice outside that announces: New Flowers just in. -Flower Shop Ashley- It is her Day Off, however, so the shop will be shut. Charlie the Local Gossip speaks about Tyler: Go to the Bakery to buy some cakes. Charlie may tell you: So, hey. Tyler seems really upset lately. Maybe you can find out what is wrong, hmm? Usually in this situation, it is an indication that speaking to the person who is upset will bring a new option at his/her shop. When Sophie was 'upset', she offered you the opportunity to create custom designs and furniture. Tyler in fact may be at the Bakery. If you speak to him, he may tell you: Freyashawk, I'm planning to add new items to my clothing lineup. Please come again sometime soon. Sophie announces new furniture: Go to the Forest. Speak to Sophie and she may say: Sophie: That's it! I've got it! Tomorrow I'm going to have some new furniture. You just wait and see! It is a good idea to keep some Large Leis in your rucksack as the Tourists often ask for them, especially those who stand at the Symbol Tree. Tyler's new Option: You may recall that the Tailor's Shop is open in the afternoon. Visit Tyler in the afternoon to discover why he is upset. Tyler: Umm, I've been hearing comments... Seems that people don't like my 'old-fashioned' designs, but I think they're classic. Oh, I'm such a failure. What am I going to do...? You will have an option to: Converse. After you have completed a successful Social Interaction with him: Tyler: Thanks for trying to cheer me up... Say, you wouldn't be able to... I know! If you could, would you mind helping me design some clothes? Agree to do so, naturally. Tyler: Thanks so much! Well, you can use this material and start designing. Game Tip: Make original clothes! Design original clothes. The design screen is colour-coded to show what is to be designed, where. Design according to the colours. Colour code: Blue... front White... back Green... left arm Yellow... right arm Pink... palm You now have your first chance to create an original design and to save it in one of four design slots. Tyler: I never would have thought of this design... Your designs are so intriguing and modern. I hope you can help me again by designing new material. He will pay you for the design and your Star rating will increase. You now will have a new option: Go shopping Custom design If you choose 'Custom Design': Create a design Make clothes Tyler: 1 piece of clothing will be 100S. Will that be all right? If you decide to make clothes, you can choose one of four designs that you have created yourself. You can create four different outfits, but all will be limited to tops. Tyler: Sorry to keep you waiting. Your original clothes are ready. Would you like to try them on? If you choose to wear the new top: Tyler: It looks great on you. More Tourists in the Mountain If you go to the Mountain this evening, you may find at least three Tourists there. Tracy will tell you: Tracy: Thanks to MY business, people are flocking to this town. This is a great business opportunity! You can play the dowsing mini-game here until the night period begins. Night in the Entertainment Area: Go to the Port Area to sell any fish you have caught when the Night period begins, after looking for sparkles in any areas that interest you. You will find mineral-themed treasures beneath the sparkles in the Mountain area now. The Forest area tends to produce plants and the Town produces items sold in the shops there, including cakes and leis. Sparkles in the Port Area produce fish and other maritime-themed items such as surfboards and plugs. Sparkles in the Entertainment Area tend to produce sums of money. When you go to the Entertainment Area tonight, you may find that the Disco to the right of the Casino has been unlocked. The Disco is an odd place. You have to pay 500S to enter but you cannot make money there nor really benefit personally from your visit. When you are at the disco, you will find a few Tourists dancing. You need to engage in successful Social Interactions with them. Each of the Tourists will complain about a specific area. A successful social interaction will change the perception of the area about which the complaint was made. Disco: It will cost 500S to enter the disco. Do you want to pay this amount? Game Tip: The disco! The tourists in the disco have a lot of disparaging things to say about many areas. Talk to them and make them happy to instantly turn around the image of the area in question. For example: Tourist: You know the Highlands... It was boring and sooo not fun. Tourist: I visited the Port Area today but it was nothing to write home about. Tourist: I visited the Forest and it wasn't that bad. Walkthrough, Monday, Level 4: If you speak to Tyler in the Town this morning, he may say: Tyler: Freyashawk, I'm planning to add new items to my clothing lineup. Please come again sometime soon. New Cake at Bakery:A notice in front of the Bakery should say: New cake made! Try the special flavour! -Cake Shop Charlie- Charlie: Hey, hey! My cakes are selling like hotcakes. I can hardly bake enough! I am a happy, happy chef! My latest experiments are now ready. Can you handle the flavour? Charlie: Even more customers are showing up. I must become a better baker and keep every one's taste buds in suspense! There is one new cake: Shortcake: 80S Cheese cake: 80S Chocolate Cake: 100S Mont Blanc: 100 S (3rd) New Items at Florist: Ashley's Flower Shop: Ashley: Some new flower friends have arrived today. They'll help to make your room lovelier than ever! House Plants: Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Amaryllis: 200S Dendrobium: 400S Lily: 500S (3rd) Cathedral Cactus: 100S Ficus umbellata: 100S Hoya: 100S Bird of paradise: 150S Dracaena: 150S Sugarvine: 200S Peperomia: 200S Long-Leafed Fig: 250S (3rd) Strelitzia: 250S (3rd) Blue latan palm: 250S (3rd) Yucca: 300S (3rd) Portable Item: Bouquet of Flowers: 100S Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Amaryllis: 200S Lily: 500S (3rd) Essence of Flowers When you win a Gold Medal in making a Hard Lei: Essence of flower can be used now! The essence can be used at the furniture store to be applied to your favourite furniture. Olivia and the Jewelry Option: Visit Olivia and she may announce the completion of her gem project: Olivia: Ah... Freyashawk! It's finished! I used your jewel to make a ring. I'll return this to you. When I thought about the beautiful jewel, I thought it would make a perfect ring... I didn't think I could do it. But nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it! I feel a little more confident in my abilities. Thank you. Hah... haha... Received Pearl Ring. Ironically, although she gives the ring to you, she will pay you almost 1000S and your Star rating will increase as well. Now there will be a new option when you shop there: Go shopping Make jewelry Olivia: Do you want to change the jewel... into a ring? Special items sold to Olivia will obtain the following prices: Value of Special Items when sold to Olivia: Portable special items: Super feed: 75S Pearl ring: 150S Garnet ring: 150S Large Lei: 150S Furniture special items: Starry sky floor: 250S Rock floor: 250S Plug: 5S Yellow frog: 125S Green frog: 125S Orange frog: 125S Gold frog: 250S Garden stone: 50S Japanese sword: 750S Pearl: 150S N.B. Any items that you purchased from a shop can be sold to Olivia for half of their original price. This includes custom furniture that you have made. For example: Furniture 1/table: $350 (A custom table costs $700 to make.) As you can see, it is foolish in economic terms to sell items that you have purchased elsewhere to Olivia. It is possible, I suppose, that selling her a few special items that you acquired beneath sparkles or inside fish may benefit the local economy, as she displays frogs in her shop Upgrades at Sophie's Furniture Shop: At Sophie's Furniture Shop: A sign outside reads: Newly made furniture. Come in and take a look. -Furniture store Sophie- Sophie: I've got some new furniture in stock, so take a look around. My store is starting to pick up a bit. If only the Forest were more inspirational. I'm sure I could come up with an amazing idea. Go shopping Floors: White wooden floor: 80S Oak Floor: 80S Ebony Floor: 80S Concrete floor: 90S Round rug: 100S Log house floor: 120S Pink carpet: 150S Blue carpet: 150S Tile carpet: 180S (3rd) Modern floor: 200S Quilt mat: 250S (3rd) Japanese floor: 250S (3rd) Tile floor: 300S (3rd) Woodwork floor: 350S (3rd) Walls: White wooden wall: 80S Oak wall: 80S Ebony wall: 80S Concrete wall: 90S Pink wall: 100S Blue wall: 100S Cork wall: 120S Brick wall: 120S Stone wall: 150S Rattan wall: 150S (3rd) Retro style wall: 200S Modern wall: 250S (3rd) Japanese wall: 250S (3rd) Striped wall: 300S (3rd) Bamboo wall: 350S (3rd) Closets: Red closet: 300S Green closet: 300S Blue closet: 300S Yellow closet: 300S Log closet: 350S Block closet: 400S (3rd) Rattan closet: 500S (3rd) Chest: Red chest: 300S Green chest: 300S Blue chest: 300S Yellow chest: 300S Log chest: 350S Block chest: 350S Pretty chest: 400S (3rd) Rattan chest: 400S (3rd) Japanese chest: 450S (3rd) Tables: Red Table: 200S Green table: 200S Blue table: 200S Yellow table: 200S Glass table: 250S Block desk; 250S Japanese desk: 300S (3rd) Wooden table: 250S Block table: 350S (3rd) Log table: 400S (3rd) Rattan table: 450S (3rd) Chairs: Red chair: 150S Green chair: 150S Blue chair: 150S Yellow chair: 150S Log chair: 200S Block chair: 250S (3rd) Rattan chair: 400S (3rd) White sofa: 250S Red sofa: 250S Blue sofa: 250S White love seat: 380S (3rd) Red love seat: 380S (3rd) Blue love seat: 380S (3rd) Beds Hammock: 150S Red bed: 300S Green bed: 300S Blue bed: 300S Yellow bed: 300S Log bed: 350S Block bed: 400S (3rd) Japanese bed: 600S (3rd) N.B. (3rd) after the price denotes the fact that the item is available when she acquires new items for the third time. Custom Design: Create a design Make furniture Create a design: You have four slots to save designs that you create. Make furniture: You have six slots to create original furniture: Chest: 700S Closet: 1000S Bed: 900S Chair: 500S Sofa: 600S Table: 700S Fashion Review at the Highlands: Fashon Reviews always are held during the afternoon period. The day and location will vary from game to game but I am including specific Fashion Reviews from one of my own games to give the player specific information about each type of review. If a Fashion review in the Highlands today has been announced, go to the Highlands to find Elizabeth in the afternoon. You can find her by accessing your Map. On this occasion, I was wearing a top I had designed myself, consisting mainly of purple and pink tones. I believe I was wearing black trousers with this. She will tell you: Elizabeth: Hello, Freyashawk. You've come at a good time. I thought I would try to get to know the common Sims a little better from a fashion point of view. So I've started a new business called total Beauty Consulting. Soon, I'm going to be giving commendations to the most beautifully dressed Sim in each area. Would you like to participate? Fashion review Elizabeth: A fashion review to declare this area's most exquisite Sim is under way. Are you participating, Freyashawk? Agree to participate. Elizabeth: Hmm... Umm... Well... Oh my... Oh dear... Freyashawk, you look... Looks fabulous, i must say. Very well done. You remind me of the beautiful peacock spreading its magnificent feathers. Reward for winning the Fashion Review: Received Origami Japanese helmet! If you speak to her again: Elizabeth; Today's Fashion review is finished. The next area to hold a fashion review will be posted on the board in the Entertainment Area. I hope to see you all again. Other activities today in the Highlands: Marie is in her Cottage in the afternoon today. Marie: The Highlands have never been in better condition. You're pretty good, you know? I spoke to a Sim next to the Racquetball court in the Highlands: Tourist: I heard that there's a Racquetball pro in this town. Are they talking about you? Do you wanna show me how good you are? If you obtain this option from a Tourist, you will be taken automatically to the Racquetball Game screen where you can choose any game. When you are finished: Tourist: You're pretty good. I'm impressed. You will make some money and your Star rating will increase slightly. Paragliding in the Mountains: Go to the Mountain in the evening. Tracy: Here's my new business plan. I'm going to open a Paragliding facility on top of the mountain. It's more exciting than the Paragliding at the Highlands, so there's no mistake that this is going to make it big! And it won't cost a dime since all the equipment I need can be borrowed from Marie in the Highlands. I'm so good, aren't I? All I need is some one to do a test run. (...glaring) I don't have to spell it out for you, do I? Have a nice flight! You will not have a real choice here. If you refuse to participate, she simply will ask you again, forcing you to take the trial run for her. Tracy: Well, you didn't crash and burn! That takes care of the safety check... I'll get things ready today, and be open for Paragliding tomorrow. Be grateful that you got a free ride today... Starting tomorrow you'll be charged the regular price. Just like every one else. I won a Bronze Medal on the trial run. Wind Trophy: Astaria NEWS Certified Bronze master! All the bronze medals have been acquired for paragliding. Freyashawk has been certified a bronze master. Obtained wind trophy: bronze! Your star rating will increase by 1/4 at least. When you speak to Tracy again, she will confide: Tracy: I'm ready to make some serious money! Night period, Falling Stars: In one night, I found the following treasures where Sparkles were to be seen: In Mountain area: Turquoise Garden Stone Rock floor In Forest area: Ficus umbellatus In Port Area: Plug Pacific Saury At the Entertainment Area: Disco Wall Go to the Port Area at night to sell any fish to Joseph and look for sparkles. Nicki finds a Boat: Speak to Nicki and he will say: Hey, Freyashawk! I found a boat! What should I do? I was walking along the shore this morning and I found the empty boat just floating in the water. I've docked it in the port... But what should I do from here? At the Disco: Pay 500S to enter the Disco during the Night period: Tourist: I went to the Mountains today. It wasn't terrible. Tourist: I went to the Forest today. It wasn't anything special. Tourist: Isn't the Highlands atrocious? Wouldn't you agree? There will be three complaining Tourists at the Disco on any night. Have successful Social Interactions with all three. Walkthrough, Tuesday, Level 4: On Tuesday morning at the Entertainment Area, there was a new notice of a future Fashion Review: Next Fashion Review Fashion review notice: The next fashion review will be in the Forest on Thursday. -Elizabeth- Take the boat back to the Port Area, then speak to Nicki immediately. Nicki keeps the Boat: Nicki: Hey Freyashawk! I asked Helen about that boat I found this morning. She said I can keep it! Can you believe this?! I'm thinking of starting a new business with it. As soon as I come up with an idea, I'll let you know! You need to have this conversation with Nicki in order to allow her to proceed to the next stage of the plot. Go to Ashley's Florist Shop, buy items and make leis. Take a Photograph: A Tourist may ask for a photograph. If so, always take the photograph and show it to the Tourist in order to raise your Star Rating a little: I'd like a photo of the fountain. Fishing in the Mountains: In the evening, Joseph may be on the eastern shore of the little pond in the Mountains. Joseph: This fishin' hole is awright I guess. I'm sure there'll be sum fish in them waters but I ain't gonna expect much. Tracy's Attitudes: Speak to Tracy in front of her Cottage in the evening: Tracy: Finally customers are starting to come. But there's definitely room for improvement. Keep on flying! Then: It's good that more and more Sims are visiting this mountain but... Some Sims are digging up MY ores without permission. The nerve of some Sims! Paragliding costs 120S here. Paraglide or perform some Dowsing before the Night period arrives as she will not be open for business at night. Night in the Mountains:It is useful to be in the Mountains when the Night period begins as you usually can find some wonderful treasures there beneath Sparkles. Found Garnet. Ewan's Heartache: Ewan now may begin to exhibit some heartache and loneliness. Ultimately you will be required to cheer him but at present, simply take note of his condition. Ewan in Forest: Ewan: Argh... It's nice to see tourists comeing in but... Every one and their uncle seems to be paired off with some one or another and flaunting the fact... Don't they know that they're safe here because of me and my patrols? Outrageous! Even I'd like to go out for a walk with a nice cute lass sometime and not be on patrol all the time! ... sigh! The burden of my duty is like a crushing weight on my soul! Ahhhh! Sansevieria obtained in Forest with Sparkle. New Fishing Rod: Flexible Fishing Rod Take fish you have caught to Joseph at the Fishing Shop at night. Joseph: Looks like you're getting the hang of freshwater fishing. I'm gonna give ya the Flexible Fishing Rod here. You'll find it easier to catch them freshwater fish wif this. Here, take it. Received Flexible fishing rod. At the Disco: At this point, it is a good idea to visit the Disco each night in the Entertainment Area if possible. Doing so costs 500S but actually consumes very little of your time. Furthermore, Sparkles in the Entertainment Area usually signify fairly large sums of money and are worth investigation. The Casino is open only at night and many rare items can be obtained there. At the Disco: Tourist: I went to the Entertainment Area today. It wasn't terrible. Tourist: I visited the Highlands today but it was nothiing to write home about. Tourist: I visited the Mountains and it wasn't that bad. Walkthrough, Wednesday, Star Level 4: If you have been in the Entertainment Area, take the ferry back to the Port Area in the morning. As soon as you arrive, you can speak to Nicki again: Nicki's Idea: Scuba Diving Nicki: Hey Freyashawk. I've come up with an idea for a new business! What do you think of scuba? Scuba diving that is. Dive deep into the ocean to watch all those fish and maybe even take pictures of them. Wouldn't that be amazing? I've got it all set up so whenever you're interested, give me a holler! Your star rating will increase. On Wednesday morning, the following shops are open for business: Charlie's Bake Shop Ashley's Flower Shop Olivia's General Store Sophie's Furniture Shop, ordinarily open in the morning, is not open today as it is her 'Day Off'. New Clothing at Tyler's Shop: If you purchased many items from Tyler, you should see a notice in front of his shop: For all your clothing needs! New items in store! -Tyler the Tailor- His shop is not open in the morning, however. Befriending the Animals You should buy Tulips now at Ashley's Florist on a regular basis as a flower is a component in the creation of 'super animal feed' and tulips are the least expensive of all the flowers that can be used as an ingredient. When you have caught 5 fish of any type to give to Joseph for inclusion in the Fish Book, any future fish of that type can be used as ingredients in super animal feed. By feeding a specific type of animal in the Forest, you then will find that Animal in your own garden to the east of the Town. Feed the animals you like best in order to fill your own garden with those animals. Animal types I have seen in my game include: Dogs Cats Fawns Rabbits Sheep On Wednesday afternoon, visit Tyler's Shop to see his new items: Tyler's Upgraded Clothing: Tyler's Shop will be open in the afternoon. Tyler: Freyashawk, look at this! I've just put out the new clothes I made! I can already see people lining up to get in here! A few customers are starting to drop by. But I can't be happy with just that! I have to make clothese that all the customers want! New clothes for boys: Tops: Polka dot T-shirt: 150S Smiley face T-shirt: 150S Red JPN T-shirt: 150S Black striped polo: 100S Grey striped polo: 100S Pink striped polo: 100S Lt. blue striped polo: 100S Red shirt: 110S Green shirt: 110S Black JPN Hawaiian: 120S Lt. blue JPN Hawaiian: 120S Red training jacket: 180S Black training jacket: 180S Pink training jacket: 180S Orange training jacket: 180S Bottoms: Black ripped jeans: 220S Dk. blue ripped jeans: 220S Lt. blue shorts: 300S Camouflage shorts: 220S Sea camouflage shorts: 220S One-piece outfits: Red training suit: 250S Grey suit: 300S N.B. ALL items listed here are Level 3. Unfortunately, I did not keep a detailed list of the girls' clothing offered at any given level, but many of the items shown here for boys are available for girls as well. The difference in the girls' game is that camisoles are offered as tops, skirts as bottoms and dresses are offered as one-piece outfits. In the girls' game, however, you will be able to buy most if not all tops available to boys and will be able to buy jeans and training suits as well. In the Highlands at noon: Marie: Some Sims are starting to come here wanting to try out Paragliding. But I'm sure it's just a temporary fad and Sims will stop coming pretty soon. This is her personality rather than any indication of success or failure. Keep playing the Paragliding game. Scuba-Diving Mini-Game: Visit Nicki at the Port Area in the afternoon and he will say: Not enough Sims know about Scuba Diving yet. You keep on diving, OK Freyashawk? Because Scuba Diving is such a great sport! Scuba-Diving Mini-Game: You now will have the option for Scuba Diving. Ready to go Scuba Diving? That'll be 100S. OK, leave the boat to my command. And we're off! Instructions for Scuba Diving. Use the +Control Pad. + ... Change directions L ... Hold the camera While holding the camera, R... Shutter release Tip: When I do this, I simply hit L at the very start of the session to 'frame' the screen for a photograph. All I need to do then is hit R when I have the fish I want in the centre of the frame. Your only option at this point will be: Easy You have film for nine shots in your camera. It is your choice when and how to take your photographs, although there is a time limit. I cannot give a precise point list, but the number of fish that are in the frame, the distance and the type of fish all contribute to the points you obtain. At the end of the diving session, choose the three best photographs to submit for appraisal. You will be given a specific number of points for each photograph that you submit. In the Easy level, you will find yourself on the ocean floor. Fish of various types will swim past you. Try to get as close to them as possible and fit as many as you can into the shots. Tips and Tricks:Tip for Saving Time: You will discover that each mini-game takes time. You can 'cheat' the game a little by beginning a mini-game as the clock is about to shift from one time period to the next. The game is unable to allot any time from a future time period to a mini-game. Beginning a mini-game near the end of any time period therefore means that the game will take only the remaining time from the current time period. This is a way to conserve time while filling your day with as many activities as possible. Don't forget to use the trolley to move from one area to the next. Using the trolley helps the economy as well as saving time. Use the trolley and only THEN explore any area on foot. Evening in the Forest: Fishing in the Forest: If you see Joseph directly above Sophie's Furniture Shop at the southern shore of the river, he will declare: Joseph: What a great fishin' hole! Maybe you can catch sum rare fish in here. Evening on the Mountain: Tracy's Realisation: Tracy: I saw a family out digging for ores today and I was going to give them a piece of my mind... but when I saw the genuine fun they were having, I couldn't find it in my heart to yell at them. They just looked so happy. Maybe everything is not about money... Sparkles in the Mountains: Yellow frog Orange frog Garnet Night period: Look for Sparkles in the Mountains and in the Forest, then take the Trolley to the Port Area. Sell any Fish to Joseph and make certain that you make at least one Tourist happy in every area you visit. Take the Ferry to the Entertainment Area. You will discover that you can play the Scuba Diving mini-game at any period of the day or night. Disco at Night: At the Disco, you will find three Tourists who make derogatory remarks. Some of them are: Tourist: I went to the Town today. It wasn't terrible. Tourist: I visited the Mountains today but it was nothing to write home about. Tourist: Isn't the Entertainment Area atrocious? Wouldn't you agree? Walkthrough, Thursday Level 4 Your Star Rating should be at least halfway between 4 and 5 now. In the morning, you can shop at the following locations: Sophie's Furniture Shop Ashley's Florist Charlie's Bake Shop Olivia's General Store If you visit Sophie in the morning in her shop: Sophie: Tomorrow I'm going to have some new furniture. You just wait and see! She may say: If only this Forest were more inspirational. I'm sure I could come up with an amazing idea. If you visit Ashley in the morning in her shop: Ashley: Oh, I have some good news for you. I'm going to be putting out a new product tomorrow to help spread the beauty of flowers. This is going to make the Sims even more lovely. Visit Olivia and she may tell you: Olivia: Ah... Freyashawk. I wanted to let you know... I will be out buying supplies tomorrow, so the store will be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience... Hahaha... Fashion Review in the Forest:The notice stated that the next Fashion Review would be held on Thursday in the Forest. This is not a random contest, by the way. Colour apparently is critical here and if the clothing is of two pieces, both need to be the right colours for the area. Furthermore, the top needs to be your own design or Elizabeth will tell you that you do not appear to need a fashion review. This time, I designed a top using green and brown, which I thought to be 'forest colours'. When afternoon arrives, go to the Forest and find Elizabeth by accessing your Map. Elizabeth: Freyashawk, there's going to be a Fashion Review here today. So, shall I critique your fashion sense for you now? A fashion reveiw to declare the area's most exquisite Sim is under way. Are you participating, Freyashawk? Here is what followed: The first time, although I had designed a top using brown and green, I paid no attention to the bottom half of the outfit. I was wearing black trousers. Elizabeth asked me if I had looked in the mirror and what I thought of the bottoms I was wearing. She then declared: A wilder colour would have suited this area better. You look like some scrubbery that no one would notice. I returned home and changed only the bottom half of the outfit to brown trousers. I returned for another analysis and Elizabeth told me: Freyashawk, you look... Fabulous, I must say. Very well done. You look grand and majestic, like a giant redwood. Received Enlightened masque! Ewan's Heartbreak, Part I: When you speak to Charlie after buying cake, he may tell you about Ewan's heartbreak. Charlie: So hey, Ewan sees really upset lately. Maybe you can find out what is wrong, hmm? Police Station: Visit Ewan at the Police Station at the earliest opportunity. You will find him slumped in dejection there. Ewan's Heartbreak Ewan: I can't believe I said what I did. I'm not fit to protect this town. Converse. At the end of a successful Social Interaction: Ewan: I don't need you to cheer me up. Just leave me alone... Speak to him again immediately. He will repeat: Ewan: I don't need you to cheer me up. Just leave me alone... This time, however, you will have two options: Gift. Converse Give him ANY gift. His bar will fill completely and he will say: Ewan: This is for me? I've never received a present before. I don't know what to say... I want to say thank you, but... If you speak to him again: Ewan: I can't believe I said what I did. I'm not fit to protect this town... Racquetball Courts: Any game that can be played at more than one location will have separate records for each. Racquetball now can be played at three separate locations: Town, Highlands and Mountain. You need to play regularly at ALL three sites to contribute to the success of every area. As the Town was the site of the first Court that was available, when you speak to Tim now there, he may tell you: Tim: I've started seein' a few Sims play Racquetball! Keep it goin', Freyashawk! A Gold Medal in Rally: In my game, I won a Gold Medal in Target 1 before I won one in the game of Rally. It was only when I won a Gold Medal in Rally that I unlocked the Essence of Ball. When you win a Gold Medal in Rally: Essence of Ball: Essence of ball can be used now! The Essence can be used at the furniture store to be applied to your favourite furniture. Tracy's Changing Philosophy of Life: Visit Tracy in the Mountains before nightfall to speak to her outside her Cottage: Tracy: I've been thinking it over... And I've decided that having dreams is more important than having money. It's good to think like this. But... You need some money to fulfill your dreams. So I want you to keep digging for me. By the way, I forgot to ask your name. Well, Freyashawk, it's nice to have met you. Play the Dowsing game or go Paragliding there. Night Period: When the night period arrives, search for Sparkles and speak to at least one Tourist in each area. In Mountain: Found Orange Frog. Found Rock Floor. In Forest. Found Sanseveiria. Found Hoya. If you speak to Marie in her home at the Highlands at night she will say; The Highlands have never been in better condition. You're pretty good, you know? At Highlands: Found Hibiscus. At Port Area: Found Sea Wall. At Entertainment Area: Found Disco Wall. At the Port Area, sell any fish you have caught to Joseph, then take the ferry to the Entertainment Area. Now, whenever you speak to Nicki, you will have two options: Scuba Diving Board the Boat Nicki: Not enough Sims know about Scuba Diving yet. You keep on diving, OK Freyashawk? Because Scuba diving is such a great sport. Walkthrough, Friday, Level 4: Next Fashion Review:Before you leave the Entertainment Area, look at the Fashion Notice board to discover the day and location of the next Fashion Review: The next Fashion review will be in the Town on Sunday. -Elizabeth- Friday Morning: If you recall, Sophie announced yesterday that she planned to have new items in her shop. You may wish to visit her in the morning. New Items at Sophie's Furniture Shop: Outside Sophie's Shop you will find a notice: Newly made furniture. Come in and take a look. -Furniture Store Sophie- Sophie: Welcome, Freyashawk. I've got some new furniture in stock, so take a look around. I've got a wide variety of furniture in my store now. I feel like I can continue to churn out quality pieces of furniture. And all thanks to you for making this Forest a better place. Furniture Item List at Level 4: Go Shopping: Floors: White wooden floor: 80S Oak Floor: 80S Ebony Floor: 80S Concrete floor: 90S Round rug: 100S Log house floor: 120S Pink carpet: 150S Blue carpet: 150S Tile carpet: 180S Modern floor: 200S Quilt mat: 250S Japanese floor: 250S Tile floor: 300S Woodwork floor: 350S Retro rug: 400S (4th) Block floor: 400S (4th) Fur rug: 500S (4th) Rattan floor: 600S (4th) Library floor: 700S (4th) Walls: White wooden wall: 80S Oak wall: 80S Ebony wall: 80S Concrete wall: 90S Pink wall: 100S Blue wall: 100S Cork wall: 120S Brick wall: 120S Stone wall: 150S Rattan wall: 150S Retro style wall: 200S Modern wall: 250S Japanese wall: 250S Striped wall: 300S Bamboo wall: 350S Log wall: 350S (4th) Passionate wall: 400S (4th) Block wall: 400S (4th) Chinese wall: 700S (4th) Woodwork wall: 800S (4th Closets: Red closet: 300S Green closet: 300S Blue closet: 300S Yellow closet: 300S Log closet: 350S Block closet: 400S Rattan closet: 500S Japanese closet: 1000S (4th) Antique closet: 1500S (4th) Chest: Red chest: 300S Green chest: 300S Blue chest: 300S Yellow chest: 300S Log chest: 350S Block chest: 350S Pretty chest: 400S Rattan chest: 400S Japanese chest: 450S Wavy front chest: 500S (4th) Girl's chest: 1000S (4th) Antique chest: 1800S (4th) Tables: Red Table: 200S Green table: 200S Blue table: 200S Yellow table: 200S Glass table: 250S Block desk; 250S Japanese desk: 300S Log desk: 350S (4th) Wooden table: 250S Block table: 350S Log table: 400S Rattan table: 450S Office desk: 500S (4th) Modern table: 700S (4th) Chairs: Red chair: 150S Green chair: 150S Blue chair: 150S Yellow chair: 150S Log chair: 200S Block chair: 250S Rattan chair: 400S Girl's chair: 500S (4th) Office chair: 500S (4th) White sofa: 250S Red sofa: 250S Blue sofa: 250S White love seat: 380S Red love seat: 380S Blue love seat: 380S Log bench: 400S (4th) Block sofa: 500S (4th) Rattan sofa: 700S (4th) Beds Hammock: 150S Red bed: 300S Green bed: 300S Blue bed: 300S Yellow bed: 300S Log bed: 350S Block bed: 400S Straw bed: 500S (4th) Japanese bed: 600S Rattan bed: 700S (4th) After you have visited Sophie's shop in the Forest, go to the Town to see all the new items that have been unlocked. New Items at Bakery: Chinese Cake, the Ultimate Upgrade: At the Bake Shop, there should be a notice: New! Chinese cake on sale! Are you ready for it? -Cake shop Charlie- Charlie: Hey, hey! It is finally finished! The king of all cakes! So? You have never seen something like this? You thought it was an impossible flavour? Well now it is reality! Can your brain handle this?! Please try some. Charlie: My Chinese cake is starting to sell... So far it has received... mixed reviews. ... but I really like it. Chinese Cake is an odd combination of Chinese food and Cake. It is the most powerful gift of all edible gifts but its power can be totally positive or totally negative. It either will fill the Social Interaction bar immediately or anger the Tourist to whom it is given to the point where any further Social Interaction will be impossible. Ewan's Heartbreak, Part II: You need to visit Ewan if he remains upset. Do this now. Ewan: I don't need you to cheer me up. Just leave me alone... You will have the following options: Gift Converse Give him any gift and the bar will fill completely. Ewan: Hmm... I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. But... I'm... That will be the extent of your capacity to interact with him now. If you speak to him again, he will say: Ewan: I can't believe I said what I did. I'm not fit to protect this town. It will take one more attempt on another day to cheer him completely. New Items at Ashley's Flower Shop: In front of Ashley's shop, you should see a notice: New flowers just in. -Flower shop Ashley - Ashley: Come on in. Some new flower friends have arrived today. They'll help to make your room lovelier than ever! Florist List of Items at Level 4: Household Plants: Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Amaryllis: 200S Dendrobium: 400S Dahlia: 400S (4th) Lily: 500S Anemone: 500S (4th) Cathedral Cactus: 100S Ficus umbellata: 100S Hoya: 100S Bird of paradise: 150S Sansevieria: 150S Dracaena: 150S Sugarvine: 200S Peperomia: 200S Long-Leafed Fig: 250S Strelitzia: 250S Blue latan palm: 250S Yucca: 300S Anthurium: 400S (4th) Autograph Tree: 500S (4th) Dwarf fiddle-leaf fig: 500S (4th) Footstool palm: 500S (4th) Portable Item Bouquet of flowers: 100S Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Amaryllis: 200S Lily: 500S Night Period in the Mountain: At night on the Mountain, a Tourist may say: I want a photo of a mountain lodge. Take a photograph of Tracy's Mountain Lodge and give it to the Tourist to increase your Star Rating. Sparkles in Mountain area: Pearl Turquoise Night Period at Port and Entertainment Area: As always, you can visit the Port to sell any fish to Joseph as well as finding Sparkles there. Take the ferry to the Entertainment Area to find Sparkles, visit the Disco and the Casino during the night period. Walkthrough, Saturday, Level 4: Saturday morning: You may wish to visit the Town first as you still have unfinished business with Ewan. If you bought many items from Tyler and Olivia, today there may be notices in front of both of their shops: For all your clothing needs! New items in store! -Tyler the Tailor- His shop does not open until noon. New products in store. -Olivia General goods store - It is her day off on Saturday, however. At the Bakery, as you now can buy Chinese Cake, there will be no further upgrades. Remember that Chinese Cake is a rather big gamble as a gift, combining as it does the taste of Chinese food with cake. Some Tourists adore it but others hate it with a passion. It either fills the bar completely or reduces it to zero and angers the Tourist to the point where no further social interaction is possible at that point. Police Station: If you have interacted with Ewan successfully in his heartbreak on two previous days, today will be the day when you will persuade him to return to his duties. Ewan: I don't need you to cheer me up. Just leave me alone... Your options as before: Gift Converse Any gift whatsoever given to Ewan will fill the bar completely and instantly. Then: Ewan: Thank you, Freyr. Your kind heart has helped heal my Heart of Justice. My first mission is to keep protecting this town with all my effort. In time, I will find a girl to call my own. My mind is clear on this! Yeah! Neglecting the Highlands: It is easy to neglect the Highlands in this game, but try not to allow that to happen. There are no shops in the Highlands and both Racquetball and Paragliding, the two games available here, can be played at other locations. It is necessary to make progress in this area, however, and it is a good idea to visit Marie to play the Paragliding mini-game. List of Items at Tailor's Shop at Level 4: You can visit Tyler's Shop in the afternoon today: Tyler: Freyashawk, look at this! I've just put out the new clothes I made! I can already see people lining up to get in here! Tyler: It's only by small increments but your reputation is getting better and better. The clothes you've designed have given me new inspiration... I'm not going to get down and out, and I'm going to try even harder! New clothes for boys: Tops: JPN flower T-shirt: 220S Big heart T-shirt: 220S Small heart T-shirt: 220S Black polo: 100S White rugby shirt: 120S Black rugby shirt: 120S Pink rugby shirt: 120S Lt. blue rugby shirt: 120S Red flower shirt: 200S Blue flower shirt: 200S White Hawaiian: 220S Yellow Hawaiian: 220S Black hooded sweat: 200S Lt. blue hooded sweat: 200S Pink hooded sweat: 200S Bottoms: White jeans: 250S Blue ripped jeans: 220S Lt. blue ripped jeans: 220S Red chequed pants: 250S Brown chequed pants: 250S One-piece outfits: Black suit: 500S N.B. ALL items listed here are Level 4. Saturday night: Items found beneath Sparkles: In the Forest at night: Forest Wall obtained. In the Port Area: Sea Floor obtained. Horse Mackerel obtained. Nicki's Hearbreak: You may become aware of Nicki's heartbreak when you approach him to ride the ferry to the Entertainment Area. There is a specific manner in which you can earn your Personal Gold Star with each Resident. Solving Nicki's Heartbreak is the way to earn your Gold Star with him. This is how it begins: Nicki: Oh it's you? You want a ride? But I won't be riding the boat anymore... I took a customer out Scuba Diving and because of a navigational error I made, we almost became shipwrecked. I'm a failure as a helmsman. I've decided not to work on a boat anymore. I'm just standing here and reflecting on the mistake I made. So if you could leave me alone... Speak to him again immediately: Nicki: You again. I'm not getting on that boat no matter how often you come here. Gggrrr... But I sure am hungry... Give him ANY cake. Nicki: You're giving me a cake? *chomp, chomp*... That was delicious... No, no, I'm still in remorse! Speak to him again: Nicki: You again. I'm not getting on that boat no matter how often you come here. Gggrrr... But I sure am hungry... Give him ANY cake once again. Nicki: You're giving me a cake? *chomp, chomp*... That was delicious... No, no, I'm still in remorse! If you have a total of five cakes when this encounter first begins, you will be able to complete the tranformation from an unhappy Sim to a happy Sim. If you do not have five cakes, you will be obliged to go to the Bakery for more when it reopens in the morning. In my first game, I had enough cakes to complete the Gold Star quest without delay. In the game on which this Walkthrough is based, I had forgotten to keep at least five cakes in my rucksack and/or chest. As Nicki refused to run the ferry service, I had to pass the night fishing and searching for treasure. Sunday Morning: The Bakery and Olivia's General Store both should be open. Visit the bakery to buy more cakes for Nicki. Charlie gossips about Nicki: Not having enough cake to fill Nicki's unhappy void, I went instantly to the Bakery where I purchased many cakes. Afterwards, Charlie told me: Nick seems really upset lately. Maybe you can find out what is wrong, hmmm? New Items at General Store: A notice in front of Olivia's shop announced: New products in store. -Olivia General goods store- Olivia: Thanks for waiting, Freyashawk. I've got... some new products! If you see anything you like... Don't hold back! Customers are starting to show some interest in my store. That makes me feel... happy. List of Items at Olivia's General Store, Level 3: Entertainment and Lights: Radio cassette player: 300S CD player: 500S Retro Stereo Set: 1000S (3rd) Black and white TV: 1000S Rattan Lamp: 300S Log Lamp: 400S Block Lamp: 500S (3rd) Japanese Lamp: 600S (3rd) Special Items: ? Log shelf w/ drawer: 300S Rattan shelf w/drawer: 500S Block shelf w/drawer: 500S (3rd) Rattan dresser: 400S Log Screen: 300S Rattan Screen: 350S Block Screen: 400S (3rd) White sink: 500S Oak sink: 700S White cabinet set: 300S Oak cabinet set: 500S (3rd) White Cabinet: 300S Oak Cabinet: 500S (3rd) White stove: 500S Oak Stove: 700S Round waste basket: 100S Square waste basket: 150S Pen holder: 200S Baseball set: 200S White surfboard: 500S Blue surfboard: 500S Red surfboard: 500S (3rd) Stuffed horse: 150S Stuffed zebra: 200S Stuffed giraffe: 300S Stuffed rhinoceros: 300S Stuffed hippo: 350S (3rd) Stuffed leopard: 350S (3rd) Stuffed elephant: 350S (3rd) N.B. The notation of (3rd) in brackets denotes a new Level 3 item. Obtaining your Personal Gold Star with Nicki: Feed Cakes to Nicki:Return to the Port Area to see Nicki: Nicki: You again. I'm not getting on that boat no matter how often you come here. Gggrrr... But I sure am hungry... Give him ANY cake. Nicki: You're giving me a cake? *chomp, chomp*... That was delicious... If you speak to him again: No, no, I'm still in remorse! Ignore that to speak to him yet again: Nicki: You again. I'm not getting on that boat no matter how often you come here. Gggrrr... But I sure am hungry... Give him any cake. Nicki: You're giving me a cake? *chomp, chomp*... That was delicious... Afterwards: No, no, I'm still in remorse! Ignore his churlish attitude and speak to him once again: Nicki: You again. I'm not getting on that boat no matter how often you come here. Gggrrr... But I sure am hungry... Give him another cake. Nicki: You're giving me a cake? *gulp*... I've had enough cake, Freyashawk. You're a nice Sim. Filling my stomach has made me feel better. Dwelling on my mistake is not going to do any one any good... All this time wasted on my own worries and I'm just inconveniencing more customers! I'm going to do my best! Thanks, Freyashawk! Now you will obtain your personal Gold Star with Nicki. It will be displayed on his page in the Characters Menu. Furthermore, the ferry service will resume at once. Fashion Review in Town: If you recall, the next Fashion Review is scheduled to occur in the Town area in the afternoon. Wear a top that you designed yourself. I wore a red top with black patterns. Wear blue jeans with it. Any other 'bottom' will incite a derogatory remark about the bottoms you chose. Another remark for an unsuccessful choice will be: You could have picked a more passionate colour for this area. If you wear blue jeans with a top of your own design, Elizabeth should declare: Elizabeth: Looks fabulous, I must say. Very well done. The way you look now, why, the beautiful city of Venice would pale when compared to you! Received Chinese lion masque! Scuba Diving Upgrade: Normal Scuba Diving Course: Return to the Port Area. Nicki may declare: Nicki: I've added a new normal Scuba Diving course. It's a whole new feeling, so I want you to check it out! Your Star rating will increase. Sunday evening: Fishing near the Bridge in the Evening: Evening in the Forest: If you see Joseph to the right of the bridge on the north shore of the river, he may say: Not a bad fishin' hole at all. Them fish seem lively. Redeeming points for Body parts: Visit Tracy in the Mountain. By now, you should have earned enough points to be able to redeem them for a couple of 'body parts'. Tracy: Finally customers are starting to come. But there's definitely room for improvement! If you have enough points to purchase both a head and a body part from Tracy, do so, then visit Helen at the Town Hall. The conversation that follows will lead to your 5 Star Rating. It is best, therefore, to visit Helen in the evening or during the night, rather than visiting her earlier in the day as the day will end when you reach 5 stars. Bargain Heads and Bodies: The least expensive Heads and Bodies are: Dancer head: 150 points. Friendly Head: 150 points Surfer body: 150 points Angel body: 150 points Any combination will work. It need not be one that you particularly like, if you simply are concerned to reach 5 Star Rating as quickly as possible. You will have the option afterwards to change the combinations whenever you wish. You can visit the Mayor at the Town Hall during any period of the day apart from Night to obtain the 5 Star Rating. Gossip Tip from Charlie about Body Parts and Helen: When you have at least 1 Head and 1 Body part and you buy cake from Charlie at the Bake Shop, he will tell you: Ah, I just remembered. Helen was looking for you, Freyashawk. You should go see what that was about. Dowsing Upgrade: Large Shovel: Meanwhile, in the evening still in the Mountain, if you have been dowsing a few time, Tracy may tell you: Tracy: You're quite the hard worker. Since you work so hard, I'll lend you a bigger shovel. You can dig faster with this shovel. (Keep digging for me, baby.) But... The rental rate is going up! The big shovel will cost 100S. Photo Op in the Mountains: Tourists: I want a photo to remember my trip here? Could you please take a picture for me? I want a photo of the run down court. There appear to be two different photo opportunities in the Mountain area. A tourist may ask for a photograph either of the 'mountain lodge' or the 'run down court'. Taking the photograph and showing it to the Tourist will increase your Star Rating. Sparkles and Treasure Found: At night: In Mountains: Topaz Amethyst In Port Area: Horse Mackerel Sea Floor Red Surfboard Next Fashion Review Announcement: Visit the Entertainment area to see the notice of the next Review on the board: Fashion Review Board: The next fashion review will be in the Port Area on Wednesday. -Elizabeth- Walkthrough, Monday, Star Level 4: In this Walkthrough, I spent the entire evening in the Mountains in dowsing rather than rushing back to Town to see Helen. The only period in which you cannot find Helen at the Town Hall is the night period. I therefore waited until today to trigger the Level 5 event. Announcement of Upgrades by Sophie: Visit Sophie in the Morning in the Forest and she should say: Sophie: That's it! I've got it! Tomorrow I'm going to have some new furniture. You just wait and see! Note that you need to speak to the Sim in the shop in order to trigger the announcement that will lead to an upgrade. If you do not speak to the Sim, the upgrade will not occur. Strategy in planning the 5 Star Rating Event: Go to the Town. If you wish, you can visit Helen iin the morning to obtain your 5 Star Rating, but I would advise waiting until the Evening period in order to accomplish the most you can before the day ends automatically. Announcement of Florist UpgradeVisit Ashley at the Florist Shop in the morning and she will tell you: Ashley: Oh, I have some good news for you. I'm going to be putting out a new product tomorrow to help spread the beauty of flowers. This is going to make the Sims even more lovely. Hahaha! At noon, you can continue to shop at Ashley's Florist Shop or the Bakery. It is Tyler's Day Off so you cannot shop there today. The 5 Star Rating Event: If you have at least 1 Head part and 1 Body part redeemed from Tracy, you can visit Helen in the morning, afternoon or evening to trigger the event that will give your town the 5 Star Rating: Helen: Freyashawk, I want to talk to you about something... With all the statue parts you've collected, do you want to build a town symbol? If you were to make a recognisable symbol to be placed in the middle of town, it would be a good attraction for more tourists! It's a very self-serving request I know, but what do you think? Agree. Helen: That's great, thanks! Let's see, which parts do you want to use? You now will see two icons on the bottom of the upper screen, one for a head and one for a body. On the lower screen, you will see icons for head and body, with a list for each of all parts that you have in that category. Choose one of the head parts and one of the body parts. Helen: The town symbol will go up next to the town hall tomorrow. Every one is going to be in for a big surprise! You will make money and your Star Rating should increase to 5. Star Level 5 has been reached! The town will look a little different tomorrow. Walkthrough, Tuesday, Level 5: As always when a new Star has been obtained, you will see an announcement in the local newspaper: Asgard News Star Level is up to 5! All areas are now accessible and the town is almost fully developed. There are some Sims interested in taking up a new sport! Helen: You're making the tourists happy and this town is so full of Sims now. An excellent town symbol has been erected and every one is gazing upon it with deep interest. Also, somebody has arrived at the air field in the Entertainment Area. He seems to be having some sort of trouble. I wish there was some way I could be of help to him... New Option with Helen: Now whenever you speak to Helen, you will have the option to: Make a symbol Helen: Would you like to make a town symbol? Town Symbol: Go to the statue base to the left (west) of the Mayor's office to see the Symbol of your town. Symbol of Asgard Visit Helen and choose the 'Make a symbol' option if you wish to change your town Symbol at any point. List of Items at Florist Shop at Level 5: At Ashley's Florist Shop: New flowers just in. -Flower shop Ashley- Ashley: Some new flower friends have arrived today. They'll help to make your room lovelier than ever! Hahaha! House Plants: Tulip: 100S Hibiscus: 200S Amaryllis: 200S Dendrobium: 400S Plumeria: 400S (5th) Dahlia: 400S Lily: 500S Anemone: 500S Rose: 500S (5th) Cathedral Cactus: 100S Ficus umbellata: 100S Hoya: 100S Bird of paradise: 150S Sansevieria: 150S Dracaena: 150S Sugarvine: 200S Peperomia: 200S Long-Leafed Fig: 250S Strelitzia: 250S Blue latan palm: 250S Yucca: 300S Anthurium: 400S Autograph Tree: 500S Dwarf fiddle-leaf fig: 500S Non-leaf strelitzia: 500S (5th) Footstool palm: 500S Bombax elipticum: 1000S (5th) Agave: 1500S (5th) Ashley: The shop is so full of flowers that I can't add anymore! But I hope you keep buying them. In the Town now, a Sim may tell you: There was this rich Sim who criticised my fashion sense and she just ripped me apart! Announcement of new Furniture at Sophie's Shop: At Sophie's Furniture shop this morning: Newly made furniture. Come in and take a look. -Furniture store Sophie- List of items at Furniture Shop at Level 5: Sophie: Welcome Freyashawk. I've got some new furniture in stock, so take a look around. Then: Since I came to this town, I've been able to create inspirational pieces of furniture! My customers are happy, I'm happy; it's great! Floors: White wooden floor: 80S Oak Floor: 80S Ebony Floor: 80S Concrete floor: 90S Round rug: 100S Log house floor: 120S Pink carpet: 150S Blue carpet: 150S Tile carpet: 180S Modern floor: 200S Quilt mat: 250S Japanese floor: 250S Tile floor: 300S Woodwork floor: 350S Retro rug: 400S Block floor: 400S Fur rug: 500S Rattan floor: 600S Library floor: 700S Victorian floor: 1000S (5th) Girl's Floor: 1250S (5th) Marble Floor: 1500S (5th) Cow rug: 2500S (5th) Arabian rug: 5000S (5th) Walls: White wooden wall: 80S Oak wall: 80S Ebony wall: 80S Concrete wall: 90S Pink wall: 100S Blue wall: 100S Cork wall: 120S Brick wall: 120S Stone wall: 150S Rattan wall: 150S Retro style wall: 200S Modern wall: 250S Japanese wall: 250S Striped wall: 300S Bamboo wall: 350S Log wall: 350S Passionate wall: 400S Block wall: 400S Chinese wall: 700S Woodwork wall: 800S Charming Wall: 1000S (5th) Victorian wall: 1250S (5th) Girl's Wall: 1500S (5th) Arabian Wall: 1800S (5th) Marble Wall: 1800S (5th) Closets: Red closet: 300S Green closet: 300S Blue closet: 300S Yellow closet: 300S Log closet: 350S Block closet: 400S Rattan closet: 500S Japanese closet: 1000S Antique closet: 1500S Girl's Closet: 1800S (5th) Victorian Closet: 2500S (5th) Chest: Red chest: 300S Green chest: 300S Blue chest: 300S Yellow chest: 300S Log chest: 350S Block chest: 350S Pretty chest: 400S Rattan chest: 400S Japanese chest: 450S Wavy front chest: 500S Girl's chest: 1000S Dilapidated Chest: 1500S (5th) Antique chest: 1800S Victorian Chest: 2500S (5th) Grand Chest: 4000S (5th) Tables: Red Table: 200S Green table: 200S Blue table: 200S Yellow table: 200S Glass table: 250S Block desk; 250S Japanese desk: 300S Log desk: 350S Low Japanese Table: 1500S (5th) Wooden table: 250S Block table: 350S Log table: 400S Rattan table: 450S Office desk: 500S Modern table: 700S Girl's Table: 1800S (5th) Victorian Table: 2300S (5th) Antique Table: 2500S (5th) Chairs: Red chair: 150S Green chair: 150S Blue chair: 150S Yellow chair: 150S Log chair: 200S Block chair: 250S Rattan chair: 400S Girl's chair: 500S Office chair: 500S Victorian chair: 1000S (5th) White sofa: 250S Red sofa: 250S Blue sofa: 250S White love seat: 380S Red love seat: 380S Blue love seat: 380S Log bench: 400S Block sofa: 500S Rattan sofa: 700S Zebra print sofa: 1000S (5th) Leopard print sofa: 1250S (5th) Girl's Sofa: 1500S (5th) Victorian Sofa: 1800S (5th) Beds Hammock: 150S Red bed: 300S Green bed: 300S Blue bed: 300S Yellow bed: 300S Log bed: 350S Block bed: 400S Straw bed: 500S Japanese bed: 600S Hospital Bed: 700S (5th) Rattan bed: 700S Girl's Bed: 1500S (5th) Victorian Bed: 2500S (5th) N.B. (5th) after the price indicates items that are available only at the highest level of upgrade. List of Items at Level 5 at Tyler's Shop: At noon, you can visit Tyler's Shop: For all your clothing needs! New items in store! -Tyler the Tailor- Tyler: Freyashawk, look at this! I've just put out the new clothes I made! I can already see people lining up to get in here! Tyler: You've helped so much to make my store all the rage. Seeing the smiles on the customers' faces is all the encouragement I need! Tops: Polka dot T-shirt: 150S Smiley face T-shirt: 150S Camouflage T-shirt: 300S Star T-shirt: 300S Strawberry T-shirt: 300S Lt. blue striped polo: 100S White gradient polo: 180S Black gradient polo: 180S Pink gradient polo: 180S Blue gradient polo: 180S Red Hawaiian: 220S Black Hawaiian: 220S Blue arrow shirt: 250S Yellow arrow shirt: 300S Blue wave shirt: 300S Gold wave shirt: 300S Brown hooded jacket: 200S Purple hooded jacket: 200S Blue hooded jacket: 200S Bottoms: Black roll-ups: 180S White roll-ups: 300S Brown gingham pants: 250S Green gingham pants: 250S Zebra striped shorts: 300S Leopard print shorts: 300S One-piece outfits: White suit: 500S Blue shirt set: 500S N.B. ALL items listed here are Level 5 Interacting with Tourists: When your town has a 5 Star Rating, many of the Tourists you encounter will be celebrities. At the port: Tourist: Hey, don't say anything to the media about me being here, got it?. You still have to interact with them in the same fashion as you would with ordinary Tourists. Tourists and Racquetball: You may encounter Tourists who have heard of your Racquetball skill and who will ask you to demonstrate. These Tourists usually are to be found standing close to the Racquetball Court in any given area. Tourist in Town: I heard you're a pretty good Racquetball player. Is it true? I'm learning myself. Do you think you could show me how it's done? You can choose any of the three games. You must attain a good score if you wish the Tourist to remark afterwards: Tourist: You're amazing. I won't forget this. If you perform poorly, the Tourist will tell you how disappointed he/she is. New Resident at Star Level 5: Go to the Entertainment Area and go to the northeast corner to find a Sim with a red aviator's cap and goggles. Meet Martin: Sim: Hey you. Whacha name? Freyashawk huh? Got it. I, myself, am Martin. The pleasure is all mine I must say! So... Can you spare me a little bit of your time? Agree. Martin: I flew here in my most exquisite airplane. I thought I'd take a quick rest and made a touch down... But then, BANG! Oh such a bad landing. Unbelievable... So my plane is being patched up now. The fix-'em-up bill has my wallet singing the blues. So I don't even have enough moola to buy fuel for my trip home. No future for me, you know what I mean? So I'm thinking... Start a business, that's what I'll do. I'm gonna start working on it as soon as the repairs to my plane are done, so come on by again! If you speak to him again immediately: Martin: You're too eager. The plane is still being repaired. Come by again when repairs are finished. Tuesday night, Level 5: At night in the Port Area, you can sell fish to Joseph or play the Scuba Diving game. Go to the Entertainment Area if you like to attend the Disco and play games at the Casino. Walkthrough, Wednesday, Level 5: Wednesday Morning in Town: It is Sophie's Day Off, so the Furniture shop will be shut today, but in the Town, the Bakery, Florist and Olivia's General Store should be open this morning. Olivia announces another upgrade: Olivia: Ah... Freyashawk. I wanted to let you know... I will be out buying supplies tomorrow, so the store will be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience. Charlie gossips about Marie: At the Bakery: Charlie: Ah, I just remembered. Marie was looking for you, Freyr. You should go see what that was about. If you visit Marie, you will have an opportunity to earn a Gold Star with her simply by speaking to her. Fashion Review in the Port Area: At noon, however, there is a Fashion Review in the Port Area, so go there first to get that out of the way. Elizabeth: This area calls for a cooler colour, don't you think? You probably shouldn't be seen: like plankton. Create a top that is in blue shades, and wear light blue jeans to have her say: Looks fabulous, I must say. Very well done. You look like the beautiful and elegant dolphin. Received fish hat! Personal Gold Star with Marie: Now visit the Highlands to see what Marie wants from you. Marie: You've helped to make the Highlands a lively place. I thought there was not hope for a forlorn piece of land like this... I ran away from home after a fight with my dad. I just happened to be using this house as a shelter when you found me here. I never imagined things would turn out like this... You sure put up with a lot of my selfishness. I'm going to have a talk with my dad and see if we can patch things up. But since things with the Highlands are going so well, I'll stick around a little while longer and continue my duties as a ranger. Thank you, Freyashawk. Now you will have your Personal Gold Star rating with Marie and her Character description will reflect the change: The highlands are very lively! Marie has spoken to her father and they are back on good terms! Speak with Off-duty Residents Speak to Ashley when she is in the Forest Area in the evening. She will tell you: Ashley: You're able to make any kind of lei now. You're so reliable, and reliable people are the loveliest people of all! Sophie too will be in the Forest, although her shop is shut. Sophie: The store is full of all the furniture I've made. I can't add anything else, but if you see something you like, I hope you'll buy it. Foster's Gold Star When Foster makes the following speech, you will earn your Gold Star with him: Foster: I... I was thinking... The animals aren't really afraid of people, so I shouldn't be afraid of people either. I'm not very good at speaking with people, so I get nervous in front of them... B... but I'll try to do my best. I hope you'll continue to be my friend. Night in the Mountains Ewan may be found in the Mountains at night now as well as other areas. If so, he should say: Ewan: This place is booming! This area has fully developed and we should fortify patrols here! Night in the Forest: Forest Floor obtained! Night in the Port Area: Sea Bream obtained! Next Fashion Review: In the Entertainment Area, look at the announcement on the board to discover the location of the next Fashion Review: The next fashion review will be in the Entertainment Area on Saturday. -Elizabeth- Walkthrough, Thursday, Level 5: Morning, Port Area: Catching a Marlin: If you see Joseph standing at the end of the twin dock where the two resort cottages are, he will say: Joseph: What a great fishin' hole! Maybe you can catch sum rare fish in here. The rare fish to which he refers is the Marlin. If you fish now using the Stiff Fishing Rod, you may catch one without much trouble. Take it to Joseph either in the afternoon when he is in his Shop or at night: Joseph: Woahhh!? What in the world is this? I ain't never seen anything like it! You tryin' to gimme a heart attack by bringing in something so rare? Gotta register this one quickly. ... There, all registered. Man, that was exciting. Whale Watching: Go Scuba Diving a couple of times, then Nicki may tell you: Nicki: Hey Freyashawk. Get this! A whale's appeared! This is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity! If you're going to do some whale watching, now's your chance! So, are you gonna go or not?! Nicki: OK, leave the boat to my command! And we're off! You will have the opportunity to take nine photographs. Afterwards: A New Essence: Essence of Sea: Essence of sea can be used now! The essence can be used at the Furniture store to be applied to your favourite furniture. After: Nicki: A few more people have started Scuba Diving! Freyashawk! You have to go diving more and let every one know how exciting it can be! Night period: Often Charlie is at the Port Area at night where he will tell you: Charlie: My cake shop is a great success! My secret dream of making Chines cake has come true! Thank you so very much! Sparkles: In Highlands: Rose Cloud Floor Anemone In Forest: Cathedral Cactus Special Request for a Plug: Tourist in the Port Area: What should I do...? I was going to buy a Plug, but I don't have enough money on me. Do you think you could part with yours? Really?! Thanks a lot! This will really help! Wii and DS Family Members: If you visit the Mayor in her home at night, she may tell you about the Mayor of the Wii version: Helen: You know, I have a niece named Rosalyn who is the mayor of another town. I wonder how she's doing? Tim: Thanks to all your hard work, Racquetball is all the craze now! i think we've done all we can with Racquetball. Let's keep lookin' for other ways to help Grandma out. Walkthrough, Friday, Level 5: Martin: On Friday morning, in the Entertainment Area, visit Martin again: New Skydiving Mini-Game: Martin: Hey, Freyashawk. How's it doing today? Hahaha! I've got some good news just for you. My wonderful airplane has been fixed up! And I've come up with a plan to start a Skydiving service to pay for my fuel home. You know Skydiving, don't ya? I'll fly you high into the sky in my elegant little plane. Swoosh! And then we'll start dropping. Whoooooo! Whatcha think? Great sport, huh? I want you to come and try it, OK? Then: Martin: Where oh where are the customers? Hope they aren't afraid to go Skydiving. If I can't get off this island... The missus is going to be MISS- ing me... Get it? You now will have a new option: Skydiving Martin: Hey Freyashawk. You wanna go Skydiving? That'll be 200S, OK? Martin: Let's fly! Have a good time. Instructions for Skydiving. Use the +Control Pad. Left/Right Arrows... Move left/right + (Pad) + A ... Acrobatics START... Pause You only can play one level at this point: Easy Friday Afternoon: Attaining Gold Star with Tyler: Visit Tyler in his shop in the afternoon: Tyler: Freyashawk! There's a rumour going around... That your originally- designed clothes got a perfect score from Elizabeth's fashion review! You're amazing, Freyashawk! Well it looks like I've got myself some competition. You just watch and see what I do, OK Freyashawk? With this conversation, you will obtain your Personal Gold Star with Tyler and the description in the Characters Menu will change. The tailor's popularity is going through the roof and Tyler is very satisfied! Announcement of Upgrade at General Store: In front of Olivia's shop is a notice: New products in store. -Olivia General goods store - She is open only in the Morning and Evening periods, however. In the afternoon, Ashley's Flower Shop and Charlie's Bakery are open. Attaining Gold Star with Ashley: Ashley: Hahaha! With you spreading flowers all over the town, the townsfolk are being captivated by their beauty. This is so wonderful! Hahaha! To be honest, when I first came to this town, I wasn't sure this would work. But it's all thanks to you. I hope you keep helping to spread beauty to every one here. Hahaha! With this conversation, you will obtain your Personal Gold Star with Ashley and her description in the Characters Menu will change to reflect this: The town is filled with flowers and Ashley is very delighted! Sleeping Beauty Sophie: Visit Sophie in the Forest begin a Gold Star quest with her: Sophie: Freyashawqk, I just realised something amazing. I can't keep sleeping like this! I'm going to turn over a new leaf. And to get ready for this new me, I'm going to get all my sleep in now, all at once. I'm going to catch some zzz's, so don't wake me. If you speak to her now: Sophie: Zzz... Thanks for coming... You can just leave... the money: You will have the option as usual to go shopping or make custom designs. The Characters Menu message is: She fell asleep... She won't be waking up anytime soon. If you wish to make a custom pattern: Sophie: Zzwuh... Design...? The only option that will not be available at this point is the option to make custom furniture. If you choose: Make furniture: Sophie: I'm thinking... New design... New furniture... Stop interrupting... Grrrzzz... New items at Olivia's General Store: Visit Olivia to see her new items: Olivia: Thanks for waiting Freyashawk. I've got... some new products! If you see anything you like... Don't hold back... Hah... haha. Olivia: I never thought Sims would star coming to my store. I'm not sure what to make of this, but... it gives me a sense of... fulfillment. List of 4th upgrade items at General Store:Entertainment and Lights: Radio cassette player: 300S CD player: 500S Retro Stereo Set: 1000S Black and white TV: 1000S Large TV set: 1500S (4th) Rattan Lamp: 300S Log Lamp: 400S Block Lamp: 500S Girl's Lamp: 600S (4th) Japanese Lamp: 600S Special Items: ? Log shelf w/ drawer: 300S Rattan shelf w/drawer: 500S Block shelf w/drawer: 500S Girl's shelf w/drawer: 600S (4th) Rattan dresser: 400S Girl's dresser: 800S (4th) Victorian dresser: 1000S (4th) Log Screen: 300S Rattan Screen: 350S Block Screen: 400S Girl's Screen: 500S (4th) White sink: 500S Oak sink: 700S Ebony sink: 800S (4th) White cabinet set: 300S Oak cabinet set: 500S Ebony cabinet set: 600S (4th) White Cabinet: 300S Oak Cabinet: 500S Ebony cabinet: 600S (4th) White stove: 500S Oak Stove: 700S Ebony Stove: 800S (4th) Round waste basket: 100S Square waste basket: 150S Pen holder: 200S Go set: 1000S (4th) Fussball table: 1500S (4th) Baseball set: 200S White surfboard: 500S Blue surfboard: 500S Red surfboard: 500S (3rd) Stuffed horse: 150S Stuffed zebra: 200S Stuffed giraffe: 300S Stuffed rhinoceros: 300S Stuffed hippo: 350S Stuffed leopard: 350S Stuffed elephant: 350S N.B. The notation of (4th) in brackets denotes a new Level 4 item. Port Area: In the Port Area at night beneath a Sparkle: Obtained Tathrella Clam! Scuba Diving Tips: One Scuba Diving session takes almost half of an entire period, so do not begin one if you are halfway through a period and wish to perform another activity somewhere before the period ends. The best time to begin a Scuba Diving session is at the very end of a period as then it occupies almost no time. If you begin a session at the very start of a new period, you still will have half a period to perform other activities. High Scores: It evidently is better to take two good photographs of the same rare fish than to take photographs of as many different fish as possible. The largest fish and the most rare are worth the most points. Five little fish in a photograph will not give you as many points as one enormous shark or dolphin. Martin during Night period: Martin will be found in the Casino during the night period. Martin: Hey Freyashawk. How's the new course? I hope you try it out. Walkthrough: Saturday, Level 5: Sophie Slumbers in the Forest: Visit the Forest in the morning to discover that Sophie still is sleeping her 'Great Sleep'. You will be able to buy furniture or create new designs but you will not be able to make custom furniture at this point. If you attempt to do so, she simply will mutter about interruptions. Sophie: I'm thinking... New design... New furniture... Stop interrupting... Grrrzzz... Olivia's Day Off: In the Town, Saturday is Olivia's Day Off so the General Store is not open today. It costs 120S to Paraglide in the Mountains, more than it does for the same sport in the Highlands. New Hard Level in Scuba Diving: At the Port Area: Nicki: Yo Freyashawk! Scuba diving is really taking off, so I've added a new hard course. It's a fun and challenging course, so try it out! Bronze Trophy in Scuba Diving: I won the Bronze Medal in the Hard course. If you have won medals in every level or course of Scuba Diving, you will become a Certified Bronze Master: Asgard NEWS! Certified bronze master! All the bronze medals have been acquired for Scuba Diving. Freyashawk has been certified a bronze master. Obtained Sea trophy: bronze! Nicki: All the courses, including the hard one, have been reached and every one's having a good time. They're all enjoying themselves. Fashion Review in Entertainment Area: There is a Fashion Review in the Entertainment Area today, so make your way there when the afternoon period arrives. If you are not wearing the right colours when you participate, Elizabeth will tell you: Elizabeth: Have you considered a more showy colour for this area? You look about as good as a sandwich board. I wore a silver and blue top I had designed with red trousers to win the Review: Elizabeth: Looks fabulous, I must say. Very well done. You're as gorgeous as a flashing neon sign! Received Chinese masque! Announcement of next Fashion Review: You can go to the notice board immediately afterwards for an announcement of the next review: The next fashion reveiw will be in the Mountains on Friday. -Elizabeth- Skydiving Schedule: Martin: Where oh where are the customers? Hope they aren't afraid to go Skydiving. If I can't get off this island... Hey Freyashawk. You wanna go Skydiving? That'll be 200S, OK? The sign at the airfield now states: Brimming with excitement! The thrill of the fall. Skydiving at its best! The Skydiving mini-game is available in the morning, afternoon and evening. The Scuba Diving game appears to be available during all periods. The Casino and Disco are open only at night. In the Town, Saturday is Olivia's day off but in the afternoon, you can shop at the Tailor Shop, the Bakery or the Florist Shop. At night: Scuba Diving at the Port Area: Silver Sea Trophy: Asgard NEWS Certified silver master! All the silver medals have been acquired for Scuba Diving. Freyashawk has been certified a silver master. Obtained Sea trophy: silver! Walkthrough Sunday, Level 5: Visit Sophie in the Forest and she still will be slumbering. Business as usual in all areas today. Sunday is Ashley's Day Off, so the Florist will not be open today. Walkthrough Monday, Level 5: Announcement at General Store This morning in the town, when you visit Olivia, she will announce that her shop will be shut tomorrow, as she needs to buy supplies. This alerts you to the fact that she is about to upgrade her list of items to the next level. Olivia: Ah... Freyr. I wanted to let you know... I will be out buying supplies tomorrow, so the store will be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can shop at the Bakery and the Florist this morning. Buy items as usual to use as gifts for the many tourists who can be found in every area of the map now. After buying cakes, Charlie will tell you: Charlie: Ah yes, I hear that Sophie was very, very happy. This is a hint that Sophie's condition has changed. Mountains in the Evening: You can Paraglide, go Dowsing or play Racquetball in the Mountains in the afternoon and evening. If you find Joseph on the west (left) bank of the little pond in the mountains in the evening, he may tell you: Joseph: Not a bad fishin' hole at all. Them fish seem lively. While fishing there: You've caught a Plug! Any of the special items found beneath Sparkles in the Port Area that are denoted by question marks in your rucksack can be found when fishing as well. These include the Plug, the Tethrella Clam and the Anchor. Monday Night in the Highlands: Sky wall obtained! Ewan at night in the Entertainment area may say: This area is... pretty lively! Officer, read to go on patrol! Tuesday Walkthrough, Level 5 From Charlie's Gossip yesterday, you will know that you should visit Sophie today. Go to the Forest in the morning. You will experience a little scene when you enter the Furniture Shop. Sophie Turns over a New Leaf Sophie leaps from her chair, wide awake. Sophie: Hmm... HUUUUU. Umm... That was a nice... Sleep. I'm going to stay awake and think of some new furniture designs! You just watch me, Freyashawk! On her page in the Characters Menu, the description has changed now: Sophie is awake! She's turned over a new leaf! Sophie: What, are you going to buy something? Since I came to this town, I've been able to create inspirational pieces of furniture! My customers are happy, I'm happy; it's great! You still will not have reached a Gold Star with Sophie, but you have taken another step closer to that goal. Town Status on Tuesday In town this Tuesday morning: It is Charlie's Day Off today so the Bakery is shut. Olivia is off buying supplies for the 5th and last upgrade of her General Store so her shop is not open today. Tyler does not open his shop until the afternoon. The only shop open this morning in town, therefore, is the Florist. You can make Leis if you like or you can go elsewhere to play other mini-games. Racquetball is available now in the Town, the Highlands and the Mountain area. Each area keeps its own scores, so you may wish to visit the court where you have played the least to try to improve your record there. Scuba Diving is available during all four periods of the night and day. Skydiving is available during all daylight periods: morning, afternoon and evening. You can go Paragliding in the Highlands or the Mountain. Walkthrough, Wednesday, Level 5: 5th and final Upgrade of Items at Olivia's shop: This morning, in Town, there is a notice in front of Olivia's shop: New products in store. -Olivia General goods store - Hide-and-Seek with Olivia: Enter the store and you will find it seemingly empty. Now you must search for Olivia to earn your Gold Star with her. Olivia is hiding behind the blue surfboard in the northwest corner of the shop. Olivia: You've been able to find me whenever I got stuck... So, I decided to hide on my own. But you still found me. Hah... haha... Gain Olivia's Gold Star: You now will have attained your Gold Star. Olivia: My store can't hold any more things. There won't be any more new things coming in, but if you see something you like... List of all Items at General Store at Level 5: The following list includes every item available at Olivia's General Store. You have obtained the fifth and final upgrade in terms of items. Entertainment and Lights: Radio cassette player: 300S CD player: 500S Retro stereo set: 1000S Large Stereo set: 1500S Black and white TV: 1000S Large TV set: 1500S Flat screen TV: 2000S (5th) Rattan Lamp: 300S Log Lamp: 400S Block Lamp: 500S Japanese Lamp: 600S Girl's Lamp: 600S Victorian Lamp: 1000S (5th) Special Items: ? Log shelf w/ drawer: 300S Rattan shelf w/drawer: 500S Block shelf w/ drawer: 500S Girl's shelf w/ drawer: 600S Victorian shelf w/drawer: 800S (5th) Rattan dresser: 400S Girl's dresser: 800S Victorian dresser: 1000S Log Screen: 300S Rattan Screen: 350S Block Screen: 400S Girl's Screen: 500S Victorian Screen; 1000S (5th) White sink: 500S Oak sink: 700S Ebony sink: 800S Modern sink: 1000S (5th) White cabinet set: 300S Oak cabinet set: 500S Ebony cabinet set: 600S Modern Cabinet set: 800S (5th) White Cabinet: 300S Oak Cabinet: 500S Ebony cabinet: 600S Modern Cabinet: 800S (5th) White stove: 500S Oak Stove: 700S Ebony Stove: 800S Modern Stove: 1000S (5th) Round waste basket: 100S Square waste basket: 150S Pen holder: 200S Typewriter: 500S (5th) Go set: 1000S Foosball table: 1500S Baseball set: 200S White surfboard: 500S Blue surfboard: 500S Red surfboard: 500S Stuffed horse: 150S Stuffed zebra: 200S Stuffed giraffe: 300S Stuffed rhinoceros: 300S Stuffed hippo: 300S Stuffed leopard: 350S Stuffed elephant: 350S Stuffed tiger: 400S (5th) Mounted Boar: 1250S (5th) Fireplace: 1000S (5th) N.B. Items with (5th) after the price indicate that they are the items available only when you have attained the highest level of upgrade with respect to the General Store. Walkthrough, Thursday, Level 5: Sophie's Realisation: To thine Own Self be True Visit Sophie in the morning at the Furniture Shop. She will say: Ah... Freyashawk. You know, I was thinking... Life is too short to worry about the little things. Even after all that sleep, I felt myself getting sleepy again pretty quickly... And being awake didn't help at all in giving me any ideas... So I thought, what's the point of forcing something when you're not ready for it? I've realised it's best to take life one day at a time. I'm sure you understand, Freyashawk. So... Sophie's Gold Star: You now will attain your personal Gold Star with Sophie. In the Characters Menu, her description now reads: She really loves to sleep! That's Sophie for you. At this point, your goals have changed slightly. You no longer can raise the Town Rating any higher, as you have reached the 5 Star Level. You probably have not attained Gold Stars with every character, however, so achieving this is one of your goals now. If you have followed this Walkthrough, you will have attained Gold Stars with Ewan and Nicki by making them happy when they were upset. You will have attained Gold Stars with all the local shopkeepers as well now. You should obtain the Gold Star with Elizabeth tomorrow. Walkthrough, Friday, Level 5: Fashion Review in the Mountains: There is a Fashion Review in the Mountains today. As all Fashion Reviews are held in the afternoon, make your way to the Mountain area when the afternoon period begins and find Elizabeth on the Map. You should be wearing an orange top and green trousers if you wish to obtain her prize. I designed two different orange and white tops. The first had more white on it than orange. When I wore this top, she told me my taste in tops was 'dreadful'. When I redesigned the top to have less white and more orange, I won the award. Elizabeth: Looks fabulous, I must say. Very well done. You look very majestic and beautiful; much like Mount Everest. Wrestler's masque: Received Wrestler's masque! Elizabeth: Oh, Freyr. It's unbelievable! You were able to get a perfect score in my fashion review for every area! How extraordinary! I feel as though I've bonded with the common Sims through these fashion review sessions. Up until now I lived solely for my own pleasure... It's nice to do something for other Sims too. Hehehe! Elizabeth's Gold Star: You now have your personal Gold Star with Elizabeth and the message in the Characters Menu will be: She's had a change of heart and wants to help people by doing fashion reviews! If you speak to her again here, she will say: Elizabeth: This mountain I've donated... Sims seem to be having fun, but what on earth are all these Sims digging for? ... Oh, Sims are digging for their lives to find money and ores... Imagine! Sims sweating for the sake of money... Sparkles and Treasure: You may be at the point where you have obtained most of the treasure that can be found beneath 'fallen stars' but it may be useful to review a list of the items that can be acquired in this manner at any given area. A special wall and floor set can be found beneath sparkles in each area on the Map. These are: Port Area: Sea Wall Sea Floor Forest: Forest Wall Forest Floor Mountain: Rock Floor Highlands: Sky Wall Cloud Floor Town: Star Wall Starry Sky Entertainment Area: Disco Wall Disco Floor As far as other special items are concerned, you can find: In the Forest, you can find any potted plant that does not bear flowers. In the Highlands, you can find any flowering potted plant. In the Mountains, you can find any frog as well as any gem, including pearls. Garden stone can be obtained as well. In the Town, you can find any type of cake and any size of lei. In the Port Area, you can find any item that can be caught while fishing, including Plugs, Tathrella Clams, Anchors and Saltwater Fish. In EVERY area, you can find random sums of money. Next Fashion Review: Even if you have won every fashion review in every area to obtain Elizabeth's Gold Star, a notice of the next fashion review will be posted in the Entertainment Area: The next fashion review will be in the HIghlands on Monday. -Elizabeth- If there are any items you still need in order to furnish your rooms to your taste, it may be useful to have a schedule of local businesses and the days when they are shut: Schedule of Businesses: Sunday is Ashley's Day Off. Monday is Tyler's Day Off Tuesday is Charlie's Day Off. Wednesday is Sophie's Day Off. Saturday is Olivia's Day Off. Highlands Fashion Review: Wearing a white top with light blue pattern and black trousers, Elizabeth pronounced that I: Looks fabulous, I must say. You remind me of the beautiful peacock spreading its magnificent feathers. You will make money but gain no prize if you have won all the prizes previously. Maximum Bets at all Tables in Casino: When you have played all three games at the Casino sufficiently to persuade the owner to raise your maximum bet level to 50 for ALL games, you will obtain a new Essence: Essence of Casino Here is a tip for players who have had trouble with 'Dodge the Thief': the order in which the cards appear when they are face up is the REVERSE order of their placement when they are face down. In other words, the card that is on top initially will be the bottom card or card that is furthest to the left when placed again on the table.

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13y ago

I wish i know I'm on that level and I've looked all over the web and tried everything people told me but sadly NOTHING worked

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13y ago

you go to the hotel and help guests arrive in the morning but then you bring them to a giant log and bury them in it then they dig themselves out to survive. mysims is very cool fun!

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Nobody will answer beacuse this site is a nothing !trust me!

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