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Q: How do you get past the Lord Jabu-Jabu on the legend of Zelda ocarina of time?
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How do you get to Barinade in Legend of Zelda ocarina of time?

Barinade is the boss of Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly, the third dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This parasitic organism is revealed to be the cause of Lord Jabu-Jabu's gastrointestinal distress. It appears to have a symbiotic relationship of some sort with Bari.

Where can you get the boomerang in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time?

You get the boomerang while you're a child in Lord Jabu-Jabu's stomach. It is obtained after beating the mini-boss.

How do you get past the room where there is a wall blocking a switch in legend of Zelda ocarina of time in Lord jabu jabu?

Use your boomerang and make it around the wall and hit the swicth

How do you get past the Lord Jabu-Jabu on the legend of Zelda ocarina of time for Nintendo 64?

I am not sure this is what you meant but to get into Jabu-Jabu you take a fish and put it right in front of his mouth

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Inside lord jabu jabu's belly.

Is Link from the Legend of Zelda a Time Lord?

He is not a time lord he is the Hero of Time and the Hero of Winds(Wind Waker)

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By the order in which you fight them:The Legend of ZeldaAquamentusDodongoManhandlaGleeokDigdoggerGohmaGannonZelda II: The Adventure of LinkHorseheadHelmetheadRebonackCarockGoomaBarbaThunderbirdDark LinkThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastArmos KnightsLanmolasMoldormAgahnimHelmasaur KingArrghusMothulaBlindKholdstareVitreousTrinexxGanonDark Links (GBA only)The Legend of Zelda: Link's AwakeningMoldormGenieSlime EyesAngler FishSlime EelFaçadeEvil EagleHot HeadNightmareGiant Hardhat Beetle (DX only)The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeQueen GohmaKing DodongoBarinadePhantom GanonVolvagiaMorphaBongo BongoTwinrovaGanondorfGanonThe Legend of Zelda: Majora's MaskOdolwaGohtGyorgTwinmoldMajora Majora's MaskMajora's IncarnationMajora's WrathThe Legend of Zelda: Oracle of AgesPumpkin HeadHead ThwompShadow HagEyesoarSmogOctogonPlasmarineRamrockVeranTwinrova (secret boss)Ganon (secret boss)The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsAquamentusDodongoMothulaGohmaDigdoggerManhandlaGleeokMedusa HeadGeneral OnoxDark DragonTwinrova (secret boss)Ganon (secret boss)The Legend of Zelda: Four SwordsDeguchitatoDerazoruGouenVaatiThe Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerGohmaKalle DemosGohdanHelmaroc KingJalhallaMolgeraPuppet GanonGanondorfThe Legend of Zelda: Four Swords AdventuresPhantom GanonStone ArrghusHelmaroc KingJalhallaDodongoDagtailFrostareBig DodongoVaatiGanonThe Legend of Zelda: The Minish CapBig Green ChuChuGleerokMazaalBig OctorokGyorg PairVaati Vaati RebornVaati TransfiguredVaati's WrathThe Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessDiababaFyrusMorpheelStallordBlizzetaArmogohmaArgorokZantPossessed ZeldaGanonHorseback GanondorfGanondorfThe Legend of Zelda: Phantom HourglassBlaazCyclokCraykDiabolical Cubus SistersDongorongoGleeokEoxBellumGhost ShipBellumbeckThe Legend of Zelda: Spirit TracksStagnoxFraazPhytopsCragmaByrneSkeldritchDemon TrainChancellor ColeMalladusNon-canonical gamesLink's Crossbow TrainingDarknutStallordFreshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy RupeelandBeetle Lord Death BugCaptain StalfosBana BanaBeetle King Death BugDora DoraUncle Rupee

Who plays Demon Lord Ghirahim in The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword?

you need to be more specific.

Is the imprisoned lord demise in the Legend of Zelda skyward sword?

Yes. Do far that is the only game he has appeared in.

Is Ghirahim from Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword gay?

Truthfully I don't want to know.........But i doubt it since he is trying to kill Link the whole time......You have to take into account that he is a demon lord.

How do you get to pricess ruto ocarina of time?

She is inside Lord Jabu-Jabu

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easy first find all the stuff that's important go in some place and defeat this evil dark matter lord? i'm really not sure what it is but defeat then you save zelda then the evil dark matter lord named bellum comes back kidnaps zelda takes her to the ghost ship then u have to destoy the ghostship defeat linebeck the final boss then you save zelda then zelda told the whole crew what happen then a pirate says its only been 10 minutes then zelda says WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!