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First, you must buy eggs and nurture the fish. Once they are ready to sell (adult fish), transfer them to the Selling Tank. Then, visit the Fish Store screen, and wait as people come by and purchase your fish. It may take a few minutes before someone buys fish.

Make sure the fish are reasonably priced. Otherwise, you might not sell any fish.

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Q: How do you get people to buy fish on Fish Tycoon?
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Which side of the Fish Store do Visitors stand to buy your fish in 'Fish Tycoon'?

the side where the fish are on

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How long does it take for customers to buy fish in 'Fish Tycoon'?

I had it on my phone and computer, and they sold immeditly.

Can you make people buy fish in fish tycoon?

NO you can not make people buy your fish but you can help to sell them buy dragging them into the isolated tank (just one at a time) and then click species on the side it has a calculator the number on it is how much it will sell for if u make it to expensive no-one will buy if u make it to cheap you wont make money. If u double it they will sell.

How can you make a Orange Fatfish in fish tycoon?

buy the cheapest eggsw rep-eatewdly.

Will customers buy very expensive fish for no good reason in 'Fish Tycoon'?

No They wont It will have to be a super specil fish or something diffrent trthe rear egg's or the one after that then put them on a high price......

Can you buy Fish Tycoon for PC in stores?

Yes! Go to Best Buy or something like that because that's where I found it.

In fish tycoon lite on the iPhone your baby fish keep dyiny?

maybe research up to another level. Or watch if your feeding it to much or to little. You can also buy vitamins for your fish hope this help Jacob

My Fish is sick How do I make it better on Fish Tycoon?

Well, when you start Fish Tycoon, it's best to breed only the same type of fish, because then they'll be more likely to survive and be healthy. Also, you can go to supplies and buy medicine. These are some illnesses: ick looks like white spots on your fish fungus looks green/brown Generally, though, its not worth it buying medicine if you don't have much money.

In fish tycoon why do fish get sick quickly i don't have enough money 2 buy anything from the store which will help please give me some tips?

You can place a fish in the chamber and hit Species. Then you can decide how much you would like the fish to be. The way I like to do it you can put in a long number. Then the peoples will buy your fishies. You will for sure make alot of money!!!!

Where can you find one of those virtual fish tanks where you can feed the fish?

If you want an on-line virtual tank you can go to:www.GameHouse.comwww.BigFishGames.comwww.iwin.comwww.shockwave.comYou can find games like fish tycoon and stuff so you can have a fish tank without the mess! You can mate them, feed them, clean their tank, and buy accessories for the tank.hope this helped.