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-Connect your PSP to your computer using a Usb cable.

-You may also use a memory stick duo adaptor supported by some computers.

-Access the PSP's memory stick

-Photos go into C:/(Your memory stick drive)/PSP/PHOTO

Create the folders if you don't have them.

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Q: How do you get pictures from your computer on your PlayStation portable?
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How do you download music and pictures on a PlayStation portable?

Getting a memory stick and put it on the computer or use the playstation shop

How do you get pictures on your PlayStation portable if you have no internet?

If you have a computer with the pictures on it, then plug the PSP in with a USB to Mini USB Cable, open the memory stick on your computer, and drop the pictures in a folder labeled PHOTO, or PICTURE. I'm curious though, how did you submit this if you have no internet.

Who made the PlayStation portable concol?

It is made by Sony Computer Entertainment who developed the Playstation system

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To get pictures on your ps3, you will have to have a PSP or USB flashdrive thing or any kind of portable thing that can hold pictures.

Who developed the PlayStation portable?

Sony Computer Entertainment developed the PSP

How do you add video to a PlayStation Portable?

You can't download videos onto your PlayStation Portable from your computer. They make videos specially for the PlayStation Portable that are in almost the exact same case, but they will have a movie on the front and video setting sign from your PSP on the side.

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The games are for a PSP not a PC

What company makes the PSP?

The Sony Computer Entertainment company makes the PSP. The Sony PlayStation Portable was discontinued in the US in January, 2014.

How do you restart a playstation portable?

to restart a PSP you have to.... attach it to your computer... then delete the files or restart it from there

Who came up with the idea of the PlayStation Vita?

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. develops improvements to the Playstation Portable and the Playstation Vita is the latest new product

Has the Playstation Vita replaced the Playstation Portable?

Yes. Playstation Portable games are no longer being produced.

What is the difference between the blue Playstation portable and the normal Playstation portable?

The color.