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Q: How do you get positive bounty from negative in need for speed most wanted?
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Why can velocity be negative but nonzero speed is always positive?

speed is a scalar quantity with magnitude only but no direction; velocity is a vector with both magnitude (speed) AND direction, which could be positive or negative

If your speed changes from 10 kmh to 6 kmh you have a(n) acceleration. positive or negtive?

if your speed is in the positive direction you are slowing down and acceleration is the opposite direction and is negative acceleration.However if your speed is the negative direction ( like running backwards) and you slow down then acceleration is in the opposite direction and positive.In your case if speed is 10 kmh positive going to 6kmh then acceleration is negative

Where could you find negative numbers?

If an altitude above sea level is positive, then an altitude below sea level is negative.If having money is positive, having a debt is negative.If gaining money is positive, losing money is negative (a negative gain).If an increase in speed is a positive acceleration, a decrease in speed is a negative acceleration.Any other similar case, where you define one thing as positive, and its opposite as negative.

Can a speed of a body be negative?

The 'speed' of a body cannot be negative. But if you are stating the 'velocity' then it can be negative. Negative velocity means it is going opposite to the direction that you decided to call the positive direction.

What is positive negative and zero acceleration is?

positive acceleration is when things speed up; negative acceleration is when things slow down; and zero acceleration is when things do not speed up or slow down, this is called constant speed, or no change in velocity.

Can the speed of the particle ever be negative if so give an example if not explian why?

see speed cannot de negative se speed = distance / time and neithr distance nor time can be negative they r always positive so speed cannot be negative but velocity can be negative

Why is retardation called negative acceleration?

retardation is nothing but the decrease in speed. so if the increase in speed can be taken as positive then for sure decrease in speed can be taken as negative acceleration.

Describing what is feedback system and differentiating between positive and negative feedback?

when a woman's contractions speed up during labor is negative or positive feedback

Does acceleration have a negative or positive value if the velocity is increasing speed?

In this case, acceleration is positive. Negative acceleration would cause the object to slow down (decelerate.)

What is negative accleration?

Acceleration is change in velocity. It is a vector, so some direction is choosen as positive and the opposite direction as negative. Then you have two possibilities;(1) the object is increasing its speed in the negative direction. (2) the object is decreasing its speed in the positive direction. Both of these give negative acceleration. For example; if up is choosen as positive then acceleration due to gravity is always negative because when a projectile is projected up with some initial velocity it decreases its speed on the way up. But on the way down its increasing its speed, in the negative direction.

Is it possible to have a negative speed?

No, Speed is always greater than or equal to zero. However, velocity can be negative, which just means you have a positive speed in the opposite direction! (scalar(number) versus vector).

Can velocity speed up an object?

Well velocity is basically the same thing as speed but with direction (velocity can be negative or positive and speed is always positive). l velocity l = speed So a change in velocity means a change in speed.