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After collecting 12 power stars a luma should appear next to the terrace that you can talk to. If you give it 20 starbits it can also shuffle the prankster comets.

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Q: How do you get prankster comets in Super Mario galaxy?
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What do the comet medels do in super Mario galixy 2?

the comet coins are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT if you want to beat the game. They will eventually unlock prankster comets in a galaxy after you have collected a set number of them. the prankster comets hold power stars in which you need to beat the game!

Is there more then 242 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2?

no, there are only 240, including green stars and hidden stars. (also including prankster comets) i think so!

How can you unlock the grandmaster galaxy in super mario galaxy 2?

you have to get every star, green star, prankster comet and comet medal

How do you get prankster comets in super mairo galaxy?

in the first super Mario galaxy you need to get close to finishing the game or just beat that area ( Terrace, Fountain, etc.) Lets take the Good Egg Galaxy for example, u have got to get all the stars available so far in that galaxy, later you will get an alert saying that a comet has just appeared there in the second Super Mario galaxy you simply need a comet medal. They are scattered in the worlds. There is one in most levels, other levels don't have any comet medals. If you get a comet medal in Yoshi Star galaxy you will get a prankster comet there later.

Where do you get the green stars on Super Mario galaxy?

after doing all stages, collecting all the gold power stars and all prankster comets, including the special stages, you will be able to collect the green stars, sucks right?

Is there any places that has a coinstar in super Mario glaxy on wii?

There's no such thing as a coinstar that existed during Super Mario Galaxy. Only stars, power stars. And comets....but you can get bonus stars from comets.

In Super Mario Galaxy you beat the game but there are no purple comets anywhere where are they?

if you collected all 120 stars, no more comets appear. to replay them, just go to the galaxy they were in and select them.

Where can you find piano sheet music for purple comet from super Mario galaxy in PDF format?

up the comets....

In Super Mario Galaxy beat the game but there are no purple comets anywhere where are they?

Make sure you have all 100 stars once you get them all, the purple comets will come.

Which is more popular Super Mario galaxy or Super Mario galaxy 2?

super Mario galaxy 2

Is Super Mario galaxy as good as Super Mario galaxy 2?

In my opinion no, I think Super Mario Galaxy two is better but it honestly depends on your own preferences. I personally think Super Mario Galaxy 2 had more to offer as a game than Galaxy 1, but overall both games are fantastic. Here is a breakdown of some differences between the two games: -Super Mario Galaxy is a lot harder than Super Mario Galaxy 2 . That is because it has a lot more purple coin missions and a wider range of comets like dare devil and speed ones. In Galaxy 2 there are very few (in fact I think there is only 1) coin missions and you only get one kind of comet for each galaxy ( and they are called Prankster Comets) -There is the addition of Yoshi in Super Mario Galaxy 2 that was not available in the previous version. Personally, it is a lot of fun to play as Yoshi and this adds to the game play. -There is no ice flower power up programed in Super Mario Galaxy 2, and that is kind of disappointing. -You cannot fly in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Although this was a really limited power in Galaxy 1 at least you had it. In Galaxy 2 they took it out completely but still had it programed so the only way you can fly is by using cheat codes. -In order to play as Luigi in Galaxy 1 you must collect all 120 stars and beat Bowser. In Galaxy 2 you have to beat Bowser in Bowser's Galaxy Generator, which is in the 6th world. So you don't have to get all the stars in the game before playing as Luigi. -Finally, the biggest difference for me has to be that there are only 121 possible stars you can get in Super Mario Galaxy but 242 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2. That's twice as many as Galaxy 1 which means twice as much game play. Hoped this helped.

Is Super Mario galaxy better than Super Mario galaxy 2?

yes in super Mario galaxy 2 you get gobbbbleguut