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Q: How do you get rectal muscles to contract?
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What happens during isokinetic exercise Muscles contract at a constant rate. Muscles contract and relax to move a joint. Muscles do not contract at all. Muscles contract with very little body movement.?

Muscles contract and relax to move a joint. ... Muscles contract at a constant rate. Muscles contract and relax to move a joint.

What main muscles are used in sit ups?

Rectal Abdominis

What muscle can do?

Muscles can contract and shorten

How do muscles contract and relax?

muscles contract and relax by bring about movements.

What two ways do muscles work?

They contract and relax

What happens if the papillary muscles fail to contract?

If the papillary muscles fail to contract the valves will prolapse. The papillary muscles are located in the ventricles and contract to prevent prolapse.

What are d symptoms of piles?

piles is infection of rectum area where the rectal mucous membrane gets infected and swollen. the circular muscles of rectal region get tightened up again due to pain arising from passage of stool over delicate membrane covering rectal muscles. piles starts as fissure which means there is a cut in the rectal wall and the bacteria can now access rectal muscles and fluid exudate help sell up and pain helps tightening rectal circular muscles. in most cases, cause is rectal constipation where hardened stool tries to create pressure on rectum. such heavy pressure causes a tear in the membrane known as fissure. symptoms of piles are severe pain, inability to defecate, difficulty in sitting on normal chair due to painful swelling of rectal region. occasionally there may be presence of foul smell. l

What happen to the shape of the earthworm when the circular muscles contract?

When the circular muscles of an earthworm contract, the segments of its body become thinner and longer, causing the earthworm to elongate and appear stretched out.

Can you contract your smooth and cardiac muscles on purpose?

Smooth Muscles can, but Cardiac Muscles can not.

Are nerves needed for muscles to contract?

Yes, without the nerves the muscles would be rendered useless. The muscles MUST have stimulation from somehwere in order to contract.

When muscles contract what do they do?


When muscles shorten they.?
