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Have you ever scalded yourself with very hot water from the tap? Noticed how red the skin was? That's exactly what happens when you go into the sun without sunscreen - the sun burnsyour skin - and a burn is a burn. It is skin damage. You should always use sunscreen.

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Q: How do you get red skin when you step out without sunscreen?
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How is SPF rated?

The SPF system was developed in 1962 by Franz Greiter to measure the capacity of a sunscreen to block UVB radiation. The rating of the system was determined based upon how long it took skin to redden or burn without sunscreen. An example is it takes approximately 20 minutes without sunscreen for your skin to turn red. With an SPF-15 cream, it would ideally take 15 times longer for the skin to turn red.

Why do hippos where red nail polish?

Their skin secretes a natural sunscreen.

Why do you need to use sunscreen?

First of all if you don't use sun scream your skin will go red as it will have burnt. Exposure to sunlight can cause premature ageing of the skin. This means you will get wrinkles much earlier than you should do. And most importantly, exposure to sunlight with out sunscreen can damage cells and cause skin cancer

Do rhinos sweat red?

No, that's hippos. Hippos do it because they have very fair skin, and the red pigment in their sweat acts as a sunscreen and stops them from burning up.

Do rhinoes sweat?

No, that's hippos. Hippos do it because they have very fair skin, and the red pigment in their sweat acts as a sunscreen and stops them from burning up.

What are some of the harmful effects of not wearing sunscreen?

you can get sunburn, which makes the burn go red, the skin can start peeling off and the worst thing that is rare is cancer!

Which animal sweats a red sunscreen?

hippopotamus perspires in red colour

How do you stop your neck from turning red?

Use sunscreen.

Can I change my skin color to red or blue of green without using dye?


Why does a person with red hair and light complexion have a higher risk of getting skin cancer?

People with light complexions have less skin pigmentation. Skin pigmentation absorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects your DNA from damage from the sun. If you have less pigmentation and less protection for your DNA you are more likely to get skin cancer. This is why it is recommended that you should wear sunscreen.

What is the colored substance on skin caused by sunburns?

I think its a tan A sunburn is radiation burned skin damaged by too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The skin turns red and becomes painful too touch. A more gradual exposure to the sun or the use of sunscreen allows the skin to start manufacturing melanin which protects the skin from sunburn The melanin make the skin darken to what we refer to as a suntan.

Red sweat hippos?

The red sweat is a natural antibiotic sunscreen to protect them from the heat and sun.