

How do you get reputation with your guild on WoW?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Doing quests, dailies, and running instances is a decent way to get guild rep. The amount of guild rep you can get is capped on a daily basis and also depends on your level, and how much rep you get from the quest.

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Q: How do you get reputation with your guild on WoW?
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played wow for many years and its getting horrible. so guild wars is better.

How do you you get things that bind to your account on wow?

Some examples include: 1) Guild reputation tabards from the guild vendor 2) Heirloom items for alts obtained from vendors 3) Heirloom helms and cloaks obtained from the guild vendor 4) Shoulder and Head enchants from reputation vendors 5) Equippable items created with the Archaeology profession 6) Certain special pets and mounts obtained from the Blizzard store, promotions or in-game events.

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/gdisband what a quitter, lol

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If the guild no longer exists there is no way to really find it unless you have connections with people that used to be in that specific guild

Can Assistant Guild Masters buy tabs for the guild in WoW?

Nope only guild masters are able to buy additional bank tabs.

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This is an option that Guild Masters can choose in their guild menu (J button, Guild Administration). Here there's an option to allow guild members to use guild money to repair, and you can set the daily limit for it. It's linked to the gold in the guild bank.

How do you set a guild tax in wow?

There is no official way in game to have your guild tax your guild members. There might be an addon or two that will help guild leaders try to do a guild tax, however, with the two guild perks that give money to the guild everytime a member loots a mob, there really is no need for a tax.

How do you ninja guild bank in WOW?

You go in and take everything out of the guild bank then leave right that moment. This is however a very asocial act to perform, and will ruin your reputation. Recently, Blizzard has added guild bank theft to the list of offenses they are especially keen on, and many former guild bank ninjas have had their items taken, gold removed and all items restored to the guild bank. In one case, a person who had spent all the money even had their epic flying skill removed to pay the difference.

If you use paid character transfer and your character is a guild master will the guild come with you when you transfer on wow?

You're unable to transfer a character that is either: -In a guild -Has an active auction -Has a mail in the mailbox So no, the guild wont be moving :)