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My method is pretty easy , just go to the Driftveil Drawbridge and if you see little shadows that either means there's a wing or Pokemon there. If you got a wing you can either use it on any of u Pokemon or sell it for I think 1,500 you can get these wings anytime u want it will happen all day. :P

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Where is weather Pokemon Pokemon Black?

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It can not be in Pokemon black but you can get it in Pokemon white.

Where are the contest hall in Pokemon Black?

There is no Contest Hall in Pokemon Black because Pokemon Black does not have Pokemon Contests. Instead of Pokemon Contests, Pokemon Black has Pokemon Musicals. Pokemon Musicals are held in the Pokemon Musical Building in Nimbasa City.

Can you give Pokemon black Pokemon to Pokemon SoulSilver?

no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black

What is better Pokemon HeartGold or Pokemon Black?

Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think

Which Pokemon game has black city in it?

Pokemon Black has Black city. Pokemon White has White forest

What are the legendary Pokemon that you can catch on Pokemon Black?

Zekrom in Pokemon White and Resharim in Pokemon Black.

Where is the library in Pokemon Black?

There is none in pokemon black.

Where is black city in Pokemon White?

Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.

Will Pokemon Black have real Pokemon in it?

Yes, Black & White will have real Pokemon.