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buy killing yourself so you dont worry about it dug

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Q: How do you get rid of a spider without killing it?
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Punch them and get it into their head?

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Without anyone killing the spider, they can live to about 1 year

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either adoped them or kill them.

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Get inside a bee suit and carry the hive far far away.

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You do this by making the sim you want to get rid of move. But when you move it tick the box which says kick out, that will get rid f the sim from your sim family.

How do you get rid of bees at work without killing them?

Contact a beekeeper or beekeeping association and someone will come and take them away.

How do you get rid of my spider phoebia?

you eat the spider that you are most afraid of it really works.

How do you get rid of larder beetle?

Get a male spider.

How do you get rid of cactus fuz?

By not killing it

How would you immobilize a spider WITHOUT killing it?

Put a glass or cup over it, slide a piece of paper under the cup/ glass. Job done.

Theres a spider on the wall how should you Catch it Without Killing it?

Put an upturned glass over it, then slide a paper under the glass. Now pull both glass and paper away from the wall and release the spider outside.

How do we get rid of ground bees at the base of a shrub without killing the shrub or contaminating a nearby drinking well?

They are doing no harm leave them alone.t