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Q: How do you get rid of black ring marks off your unpolished oak work surfaces?
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What does a black mood ring mean?

Well on a mood ring Black stands for anger or stress

What does ring a ring o'rosie have to do with black death?

ring a round a rosie was named after the black death because at the end they al fall darn

Is it normal for a platinum ring to turn black?

Platinum ring NEVER turns black. Only sliver rings turn black.

Why do woman wear black rings Is it a sign that there husband has cheated on them?

ANSWER:When you said black ring, is this ring some kind of plastic ring that you can buy from a jewelry store. I had never seen a ring that is black, except gold or silver.

Why does your gold ring turn black then back to gold in a few days?

gold ring does not turn black

Black ring in vision on awakening for few seconds?

in the right eye a small black ring in vision ?

What are the colors of each ring of the Olympic symbol?

First ring -blue Second ring -black Thrid ring -red Fourth ring -yellow Fifth ring -green Means Blue,Black,Red,Yellow,Green respectively .

What does black mean on a mood ring?

Well on a mood ring Black stands for anger or stress

What are the release dates for The Black Ring - 1915?

The Black Ring - 1915 was released on: USA: 14 May 1915

What do letters stamped on a ring mean?

Marks stamped on a ring may tell you the manufacturer as well as the composition and metal quality.

What is the name of the jellyfish with a black ring?

The name of the jellyfish with a black ring is simply a black jellyfish. They are one of the most common kinds of jellyfish in the world.

What does an o-ring do in a space shuttle?

The same it always do - provides a seal between two surfaces.