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Best is to find the source of the moisture and stop its entry into the room. If this is not possible a dehumidifier will remove moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers have a bucket that needs to be emptied. They can fill up fast and when they do the dehumidifier automatically shuts off. Buy a dehumidifier that can have a hose attached to the bottom and side of the bucket and place the other end of the hose at a floor drain or run the hose to a drain pipe or even through the floor to a floor drain on the lower floor. Add a little bleach to the bucket once in a while to keep the bucket from growing stuff.

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8y ago

Ventilate the room with a fan, open a window and remove any standing water or plants. If a bathroom is attached, take shorter showers and use the fan in the bathroom.

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Q: How do you get rid of humidity smell in the house?
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