

How do you get rid of oily hair?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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14y ago

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you apply some real lemon juice to the hair and leave it in for at least 5 minutes

then you rinse it out and dry it do this 3 times a week and your oily hair will be

a goner

home remedy by brianna rosin p.s ALAURA HENDERSON rules

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Q: How do you get rid of oily hair?
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What can you use to minimize oily hair when washing is not an option?

Oily hair cannot be relieved unless it has been washed. Using shampoos that rid oily hair for extended amounts of time is the way to go.

What should you do to get rid of your dandruff?

Yes. Go to Stater Brothers and look in the soap area. And it also helps with oily hair!

Can you use conditioner for oily hair?

you can use conditioner for oily hair...but only an extremely small amount. the conditioner will make your hair even more oily than it was before. i do not recommend using it on oily hair.

Why do your hair follicles get oily?

They don't. Your hair follicles are IN/under you skin and they do not get oily, it is the hair growing from them that gets oily and this is caused the Sebaceous glands (which are close to the hair root) which secrete an oily, waxy substance called sebum that coats the hair shaft to waterproof it.

Can you use body powder for the oily hair?

Use corn starch for oily hair.

Which product is best for oily hair?

A product such as tresemme oily hair will work best.

How do you recognize oily hair?

Depending on how oily it is, it can look wet.

How do you keep your hair unoily?

I also have oily hair... Use a deep cleansing shampoo and a small amount of strengthening conditioner only on the endswhere its dry! Dont use on the roots! If you tend to wash your hair every day like I do... sometimes in between I comb baby powder through the roots to get rid of the oily look.

Why does hair get oily?

THERE are glands on your head when you sweat you release it and the sweat goes onto your hair making it oily.

What does clarifying shampoo do for a person's hair?

Clarifying shampoo cleans dirt in your hair and gets rid of oily hair as well as protcting it for longer. It has many benefits for your hair like kepping it fresh and clean throughout the day. It gives your hair a fresh start.

Does oily hair keep your pets warmer than washed hair?

no it doesn't they prefer washed hair ,oily hair makes there skin and hair moist,stickey,and nasty.

Why is straight hair oily?

It is only oily if you dont wash it for a while.