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Q: How do you get rid of skunks that are living under your house?
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How do you remove a skunks oder?

Clean your house, Use disinfectant. I clean my house after The Critter Guy removes the skunks in my attic to get rid of that stinky smell.

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To get rid of the frogs under the house it is important to have the compound professionally drained to get rid of the frogs. It is however important to note that frogs eat insects such as mosquitoes in the garden.

If cats WERE living under a house but have since left how do you get rid of that smell?

the best trick i know of is lots of lemons, lemon juice, and baking soda.... just toss it all under there

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You don't, your house is just another living space.

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He has to call a professional.

Why do baby skunks smell more than adult skunks?

I suggest getting rid of it as soon as possible. If you're in Ontario, contact The Critter Guy.

Get rid of rats in crawl space under house?

You can use poisons or traps.

Can you get rid of skunks by urinating?

The recommended way to get rid of the skunks is by contacting a professional wild animal service and letting them do the work. If you're in Ontario, Canada, the Critter guy is the only animal control I can recommend for long-term solutions to your problem.

What facts are about skunks?

Skunks spray liquid that smells bad to scare away predators. This liquid is an oil produced by glands under a skunks' tail. Skunk spray isn't dangerous, but it smells bad. Go to the related link to know how to get rid of skunk smell.The lifespan of the striped skunk is usually about 2-3 years.they use their smelly steach to protect them from preadators

How do you get rid of live skunks in house?

Skunks do not enjoy water. Make sure there is a very recognizable escape route for them to use. (You don't want them going from one room to another) Turn a garden hose on them. Not a forcefully spray. Just alot of cold water falling down on them from above. I did it while hiding behind a piece of cardboard. (They can't spray what they can't see) After they start to leave, keep the water on them. Lots of water, until they are outside. Now, make sure they can never get back in. Yes, I know it's messy. But, it's better than living with skunks.

How do you get rid of a groundhog that has made a home under your house?

Kill them or trap them. They are very stubborn rodents.

How do you get rid of standing water under a house?

You use a sump pump to pump it well away from the house, then install a drain that will help.