

How do you get rid of the girls on big nate island?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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you need to get the bell ringer and ring the school bell to get them away.

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Q: How do you get rid of the girls on big nate island?
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use the lobster that you can get after completing cap'n salty's quest

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You get rid of it by using the lobster to clamp onto the light in the lighthouse and turning it in the direction of the school.

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To get the seagull away, you have to turn the lighthouse light. Use the lobster.

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It is buried beneath the park but you have to get rid of the seagul, fix the bell, then after you fix the bell the girls in the park will move then you have to give the dog a peanut butter cookie treat by where the girls were standing, and that's where the chest is

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use lopster and turn the light on the lighthouse

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You have to find the bell clapper by getting detention and by going in the file cabinet. Put the clapper in the bell and it will ring bringing the girls from the playground.

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you ring the bell in the school you must find the ringer search walk through on big Nate on poptropicaa to find out more

On big nate island how do you get the filing cabnet to open?

you use the stink bomb to get rid of the teacher and then click on it and it should open if you have the locker combo and the 'map' to the cabnet and it WILL open!