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you have to play music.

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Q: How do you get rid of the kids outside the mans store on wimpy island?
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How do you get the kids away from the store on wimpy island?

If you spank them and make their bung-hole redred then they'll leave for sure.

How do you get the kids away from the store on Wimpy Wonderland?

The store owner will -Suzy

What do you do after you drive the kids away from the store on wimpy wonderland?

use your brain

How do you get the kids to leave the store in wimpy kid wonderland?

i have exactly the same problem! sorry..

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ok i no ok i don't know

How do you stop the wirley street kids from throwing snowballs on poptropica diary of a wimpy kid island?

you cant, its impossible

How do you run kids away on wimpy wonder land?

Win bingo and get a disc and go to the store in front of the kids and take out the disc in the music box

How do you get the whirley street kids away from the store on poptrpoica wimpy wonderland?

you have to get a classical music cd and make them leave

How do you beat the whirly street kids on wimpy wonderland?

You put the classical music CD that you won from bingo in the CD player in the store and that drives the kids away.

Where is the man to give the no-freeze wiper fluid on Wimpy Wonderland?

(Wow.. someone used correct grammar and spelling in their answer for once. XD I'm a bit compulsive about that... sorry for this comment interrupting your answer.) When you get to Wimpy Wonderland, (on Poptropica, of course) you will need to run to your left, sliding across the snow as you go. You will eventually get to a store with some kids hanging outside it (unless of course you've completed the island and you chased them off). Enter the convenient store. Inside will be the man with the wiper fluid, which is a bright, antifreeze color in contrast to the black and white of everything else. ^__^

How many wimpy kids are there?


How do you pass the kids thring snow balls in the dairy of the wimpy kid island in poptropica?

It's a tricky trick. You don't have to go. Nothing's there. Just get the shovel. It's before the kids somewhere.:)