

How do you get rid of the shiny skin on your face?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Shiny skin means you have oily skin. Just wash your face morning and night and it will go away.

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Q: How do you get rid of the shiny skin on your face?
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No, it won't. Good habits will rid you of acne. Try washing your face once or twice daily using a face soap for sensitive skin and a face mask.

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Well, you really can't decide which skin type you are.. because nature has predetermined that for you:) - Does your face get oily, or shiny? *you have oily skin - Is your face dry or tight? * you have dry skin - Is your face oily in some parts but dry on others? *you have combination skin - Is your face red sometimes, little dry patches, sometimes itchy or irritable? * you have sensitive skin - If none of the above apply, you have NORMAL SKIN!!

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Probably a build up of dead skin cells. Try a face scrub to get rid of them.

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Shiny charizard is black with shiny skin.

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There are many different good products for face skin care. One can get lotions, which help with dry skin. One can also get wipes that help get rid of too much oil.

How do you get rid of pimples if you have sensitive skin?

u can use aveno cleansing soap for face use it daily and always wash your face try not to make people touch your face

Why you use skin cleanser?

you use skin cleanser because you need to get rid of the dirt and oils clogging up your pores. it says it in the name, it cleans your face.