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Q: How do you get rid of upper lip hair due to rogaine use in women?
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Why do some women start losing their hair?

For women, hair loss is more commonly due to hormonal changes and is more likely to be a thinning of hair from the entire head

Can a pregnant woman dye her hair?

It is not advisable for pregnant women to dye thier hair due to the chemicals involved.

What causes hair loss in women?

Hair loss in women can be due to a number of things. The two main culprits are thyroid problems and stress. If a person is losing hair, they should see a doctor.

Can you have hair loss from pregnancy?

Hair loss due to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery and is called Telogen effluvium and occurs in 40-50% of women.

Can 12-year olds use Rogaine to grow armpit hair?

No, The Minoxidil chemical in Regain kills off chemicals that prevent the hair follicles from producing hair. (Thus, Regaine promotes hair growth due to the chemicals killed off instead of killing your hair) However, This chemical that prevents hair growth does not effect other areas of the body such as the armpit, pubic and facial hair regions. (This is why bald people still grow beards and other facial/body hair) Hope it answers your question.

Do all girls have little hair on their upper lip and chin?

No, not all girls have little hair on their upper lip and chin. The presence and amount of hair on these areas can vary greatly among individuals due to factors such as genetics and hormone levels. Some girls may have more hair in these areas, while others may have very little or none at all.

Women and Hair Loss?

If you are a woman who is experiencing hair loss, you are most likely a bit frightened by the whole experience. However, there is no reason to worry just yet. Studies have shown that hair loss in women is a very common problem. It is very likely that the loss of your hair is due to a common hormonal imbalance. Stress is also a very common culprit for women who are losing their hair.

How can hair loss in women be stopped?

It is possible but it is a long and costly affair, because a ladies hair loss is due to hormonal problem , and one lady gets it in a hundred.

What are some hair loss remedies for regrowth?

There are a number of factors that play into hair loss, so the best results come from focusing on products/ingredients that address multiple hair loss issues. Some of the most clinically proven, include those products that have ProCapil (Procapil greatly reduces the effect of DHT on hair follicles), Redensyl (peptide that stimulates hair follicles to grow new hair), and Karavis (improves hair thickness and strength). Other ingredients that are less proven but associated with hair growth include Caffeine, Biotin, and Keratin. Search these ingredients on Amazon or Google and you will find some of the most effective products. For example - google "Hair Growth ProCapil Redensyl Caffeine" and you will find some of the newest and most effective thinning hair therapies.

Why do women have to wear hats or scarfs to worship in a synagogue?

Married religiously observant Jewish women cover their hair in public once they're married, not just in synagogue. Less observant Jewish women who are married often cover their hair in synagogue. This is due to the Torah specifying that a woman's hair is sensual and her beauty should be reserved for her husband.

What time of year is best to trim hair?

The best time of year to trim the hair is during the warmer seasons. This is due to how the hotter weather and climate needs the body to be as free of hair as possible. This only applies to women and people with long hair.

What are some classy style for full figured women?

a floral dress with your hair in a up due like a bun and a pair of flats