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If rust stained several garments, launder them in RIT rust remover or a similar product. For a small number of rust spots, wet the garment, sprinkle Zud cleanser on the spots, gently work it into the material, wait about 30 minutes before rinsing or rewashing.

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12y ago

I had the same problem and finally think I have found the cause. I was using a detergent with bleach. I switched back to a detergent without bleach and the stains went away. Just to test my theory, I did a load of whites using the detergent with bleach and the stains reappeared.

I can use the plain detergent and add liquid bleach without seeing any stains, so it must be something in how they produce the detergent with bleach that is causing these problems. Hope this helps!

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Q: What causes rust stains on white clothes?
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You can clean rust spots off a porcelain sink easily with a product like Bar Keeper's Friend. This oxalic acid product can be made into paste that removes rust stains. One caution though: rust stains can be permanently set by using a chlorine-based cleaner.

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To remove rust stains from fabric, lay it on paper towels. Soak the stains with fresh lemon juice (Bottled ones work too). Lay the paper towels with the fabric out in the sun to dry. the stains will disappear. Wash as normal aftewards.

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Whink Rust Remover will quickly get rid of rust stains and best of all it requires no scrubbing.

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A cleaner such as Iron Out, used by following the instructions on the package, can be safely used to remove iron/rust, from your white clothes.

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Wet the stain with water and apply Bar-Keepers Friend.

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How do you remove rust stains from concrete lions?

i have found trying baking soda made into a paste and a scrub brush. if that doesnt work CLR takes most rust stains out.

Why do you get rust stains?

Assuming you're talking about rust stains on outdoor brick or concrete, you could get them from the sprinkler system if the home has well water. Also, areas (generally in the US South) with high concrentrations of red clay in the earth can look like rust stains as its the iron oxide (rust) in the red clay that makes the red color. Besides the obvious of rust coming from deteriorating metal from cars, lawnmowers etc., sometimes it emanates through old concrete slabs as the metal rebar in the concrete will rust and as it rains the water tends to pull the stains to the surface.