

How do you get shadowmourne?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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13y ago

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Shadowmourne is acquired through a series of quests. The quests start once you reach friendly status with the ashen verdict. Darion Morgraine will give you the quest when you are eleigible for it. You also will problably need to start collecting Frost Badges or saving a ton of gold because somewhere in the quest chain you must get 25 Primodial Saronite. These can be expensive, very expensive. See the link in the related links forum for a better description and a list of all the quests involved.

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Q: How do you get shadowmourne?
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Is shadowmourne obtainable?

Yep, long chain of quests :)

Where do you get the first shadowmourne quest?

You get your first shadowmourne quest from Darion Mograine standing West of where you enter. You need "Light's Vengeance", 25 Prim. Saronites, and the 2 abomination's blood to complete the 1st quest.

Most Expensive World of Warcraft Item?

It really depends on the server. On some servers, it can be Shadowmourne (The weapon for warriors, death knights, and paladins). On others it can be the Mechano-hog/Mekengineers chopper (the motorcycle mount with one passanger) which can easilly sell for 10,000g.

What is the best weapon for a Paladin in World of Warcraft?

Depends what your talent spec is. For Retribution, it is almost definitely [Shadowmourne], but it is incredibly hard to get. For Protection specced Paladins, it would be [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] and a decent shield. But for Holy Paladins, it would be [Val'anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings] and a healing shield.(FYI all those weapons are legendary and linked below in the related links section)

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Legendary items are extremely powerful, named items which were wielded by characters of lore before. Examples of these are:Ashbringer (a sword forged as the ultimate holy weapon),Atiesh Greatstaff of the Guardian wielded by Medivh,The Warglaives of Azzinoth, wrested from the hands of Illidan,Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings,Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros,Peep's Whistle, summoning Kael'thas' phoenix mount,Shadowmourne, the most dangerous axe in Northrend,Thori'dal, the Star's Fury, a legendary bow.See the related link for a full list of all items classified as Legendary in World of Warcraft. Note that some of these are only usable as part of a quest or encounter, and that your character cannot keep it.

Can you get frostmourne on sentence now?

No. FrostMourne can not be obtained in World of Warcraft. But there is a ICC quest to obtain Shadowmourne, a legendary 2h axe made for Warriors, Paladins and Death Knights. Bind on Pickup Unique, 2H axe, 954-1592 damage 344.0dps, 3.70 speed +223 Strength +198 Stamina Red sockets Durability 145/145 Requires level 80 Item level 284 Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 114 Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 114 Equip: Your melee attacks have a chance to drain a Soul Fragment granting you 30 Strength. When you have acquired 10 Soul Fragments you will unleash Chaos Bane, dealing 1900 to 2100 Shadow damage split between all enemies within 15 yards and granting you 270 Strength for 10 sec.

How Do you get frostmourne in wow?

Frostmourne is not available as a weapon in World of Warcraft without being on a private server, where a fascimile might be spawner. Shadowmourne, the legendary player equivalent for Death Knights, Warriors and Paladins, is obtainable through a long questline starting in Icecrown Citadel on 25man. This quest first requires obtaining the shaft of Arthas' old mace (to be picked up in the icy cave where Frostmourne was first discovered) and a number of Orbs (obtained with Justice points or dropping from ICC bosses). The starter quest is available directly after zoning into ICC, from an NPC nearby. After that, you must perform various other tasks including killing a number of bosses, performing special feats during boss fights (like getting breathed on by Sindragosa) to charge the weapon. It will become increasingly more powerful until the final step - defeating the Lich King. Once this is done you will have the legendary weapon Frostmourne. Finding this weapon on WoWHead or WoWpaedia will also link through to the entire questline required to get it.

What gear is good for a retribution paladin other than the badge gear you can buy?

It seems that for Retribution Paladins getting four pieces of Tier10 is vital, since the bonus you get when wearing four pieces is a large boost in damage. Hellfrozen Bonegrinders (boots) and Legplates of Painful Death (Legs) are craftable by Blacksmiths who have reached a certain level of reputation with the Ashen Verdict. While they have Armor Penetration, which Paladins have little use for, the overall stats may still be an upgrade, especially if you are freshly gearing a character at level 80. Inside Icecrown Citadel, there is a trinket called Tiny Abomination in a Jar which drops from Professor Putricide, an average difficulty boss in the Plague Wing. This is considered the best trinket at the moment for Retribution Paladins. As for a weapon, unless you raid 25man Icecrown Citadel, your choices are a bit limited. The Citadel Enforcer's Claymore is a good weapon and drops off Marrowgar in 10man ICC. On 25man, Marrowgar drops Bryntroll, which is a very good upgrade. Both of these weapons are fairly easy to get, even when joining a Pickup Group. If you do run 25mans and can get your hands on enough Primordial Saronite, a simple quest in ICC will get you Shadow's Edge which, if you perform the quests associated with it, can one day be turned into the legendary Shadowmourne. This weapon is considered to be the best weapon in the game, even eclipsing weapons you can get from the Lich King on Hard Mode.

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There are several ways to rank players in WoW, if you would want to.AchievementsFor many things you do, you will earn achievement points. These are displayed on the Armory, and you can also see them when inspecting another player. Within a guild, you can sort members by achievement points. The highest currently known is well over 10.000 points.PvP rankThe PvP ranking system is mainly used in arenas, and in rated battlegrounds come Cataclysm. This system culminates in a ranking, where the highest rank is roughly 3000 rating points. Those who attain the top 5% ranking in their battlegroup/server will attain a "...gladiator" title corresponding to the season. For example, season 5 was Merciless, so the top arena players got the "Merciless Gladiator" title.GearIndividual players can also be ranked by how powerful their gear is. The quickest way to see this is the average item level, displayed on the armory. It will tell you what level of content this character has run. The highest possible gear at the moment is an average item level of 277, 283 if the legendary weapon Shadowmourne is equipped.Guild rankFinally, another way to rank is by ranking a guild's progression. In Catcalysm, a guild's level and guild achievements will tell you how successful a guild is. Maximum guild level is 25.

What does the term 'hard mode' mean?

In World of Warcraft, Hard Mode refers to completing a Boss encounter in a more difficult way or with the boss in an empowered state.Hard Modes usually give special achievements (adding up to a Mount reward if you completed them all), special questlines (Algalon and Shadowmourne) and superior loot.Empowered State (Icecrown Citadel and Trial of the Champion)In Icecrown Citadel, Hard Mode is simply turned on by the Raid Leader. In TotC, it is an actual separate instance. On Hard Mode, bosses have more health and hit harder, and often have new abilities that make the fights harder.Examples are Lady Deathwhisper (adds continue to spawn in phase 2), Marrowgar (people are bone spiked also when he uses Bone Storm) and Professor Putricide (introduction of a disease to manage, and having 2 oozes spawn during transition phases).Increased Difficulty (Ulduar)In Ulduar, players have to trigger an event to start the Hard Mode, and not all bosses have one. For instance, Auriaya, Ignis, Razorscale and Kologarn have no Hard Mode, while most of the others do.An example of a good Hard Mode is Mimiron. To activate it, you have to push the Red Button in his room before engaging him. This activates the self-destruct (a hard time limit) and causes fires to spread around the room. In addition, he hits harder and has more health.Another example is Yogg-Saron. After defeating all the Keepers, you can choose not to call all four down to assist you in the fight. This is referred to as Yogg+3 (leaving one keeper behind, usually Mimiron) up to Yogg+1 (leaving all behind except for one, usually Freya). The most difficult hard mode is Yogg+0 (Also known as Alone in the Dark) where you kill him without help from the four keepers at all.

Has anyone made it to the Arthas fight on World of Warcraft yet and willing to explain it?

Because it is unclear what role you play in your raid, and because some people do not like spoilers, I will try and explain this fight in a global way. The fight has 3 main phases and 2 transition phases - but I will number them phase 1-5 for ease of reference.Phase 1 (Starts when you talk to Tirion Fordring)The Lich King (LK) will come down and Freeze Tirion. He needs to be tanked near one of the ice pillars. LK will summon Ghouls, which will be easily killed, and Shambling Horrors. These have a horrendous cleave, so stay away from their front, and need to be tanked away from the raid.LK will put a debuff called Infest on people, which damages them until they are healed above 90%. He will also put a disease on people which jumps to the closest person when it is cleansed. The trick is to go to the Shambling Horrors and get cleansed, so they get the disease and die from it.One LK hits 70% health, phase 2 starts.Phase 2 (70% health)LK will run to the middle and cast Remorseless Winter, an AoE that will kill people unless they run to the edge. The raid should spread out here. Frost orbs will spawn and move to the edges - they need to be killed by a ranged character, or they will blow people off the edge.People will start to spawn Enraged Spirits, which need to be tanked and killed. They silence to their front, so stay away from their front. After a while the phase ends - the ground at the edge darkens and trembles - run to the middle as it will crumble.Phase 3Lich King will sometimes cast Defile on people - they need to run away as they will spawn puddles on the ground which grow as they damage people - this can wipe the raid so be careful.From time to time the Lich King will summon Val'kyr (1 in 10man, 3 in 25man) which pick up people and drag them to the edge to toss them off. They need to be slowed/stunned and killed so they release people again.This phase ends when the Lich King drops to 40% health.Phase 4 (40% Health)This is a repeat of phase 2 - run to the edge, and kill Raging Spirits. The ground will come back at the edge as this phase starts, and will crumble again at its end.Phase 5The Lich King will no longer summon Val'kyr, but the Defile continues, so be careful of that. He will now from time to time summon a pack of Vile Spirits in the air. The raid needs to move to the opposite end of the platform.The Spirits need to be killed as they explode - massive AoE damage works, alternatively you can use a Shadowpriest (Dispersion), Paladin (Divine Shield) or Mage (Ice Block) to get in their way and make them explode without killing the person.From time to time a person gets targeted by the Lich King and will be drawn into Shadowmourne. There is a monster and an NPC here (will not name him, so as not to spoil it). You need to either kill the monster or heal the NPC. The monster is hurting the NPC with a spell that increases in power - you can interrupt it or Dispel the NPC to stop it. If you succeed, you return to the fight. If you fail you die and the Lich King will deal double damage to the tank for a short while.At 10%, there will be an event which ends the fight. I will not spoil the ending, but you will not need tactics to win the last part of the fight.

What is the best World of Warcraft weapon?

The best weapon you (as a player) can obtain depends greatly on your class and level of skill. If you have the option to join raids, the weapons from the Lich King (or Heroic Lich King) encounters are some of the best you can get.Shadowmourne, a weapon available only to Paladins, Death Knights and Warriors, is only awarded after a long and expensive quest chain, involving a lot of heroic acts in 25man Icecrown Citadel.If you PvP (player versus player) many of the high-end weapons are extremely powerful, but they require you to play the Arena to earn them.the best wow weapon used to be the swords that you got from illidan but now with the wrath of the lich king expansion it is the lich kings sword which you can only get by killing the lich king himselfDont be domb its the thunder hammer kill jaden drops!