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Q: How do you get soreness for a spranged ankle?
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Symptoms ankle sprains?

Ankle sprains may include Swelling, Bruising, Pain or soreness, Difficulty walking and Stiffness in the joint. is best source to get detailed information on Ankle sprains.

What is the most common cheer injury?

a strained or spranged ankel

Why can't the geometry teacher walk to school?

she has a spranged angle.

How do you know you have a spranged wrist?

It would hurt a lot. And you probably wouldn't be able to move your hand or fingers that much.

will this effect my knees?

To be honest the answer to your question is that this product might hurt your knees based on my experience with ankle weights, I did feel pain and soreness on my knees as well as my ankles and calf muscles.

What are the disadvantages of a skateboard?

falling, getting cuts bruises, scrapes, broken bones spranged ankles, deformed toes, a skateboarder also spends alot of money on shoes

How can you tell the difference between a sprained and twisted ankle?

There is no difference. A sprained ankle can also be known as an ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, ankle ligament injury, or ankle injury. It's when one or more ligaments are torn or partially torn where they are connected to your ankle bone.

When you play basketball do ankle supports weaken the ankle?

no. in fact, the ankle supports the ankle during a basketball game.

With a present sprained ankle I have steel fixtures in ankle from former ankle injury. Can I get an MRI?

It depends on how badly your ankle is sprained.

What happened after Leif Erickson spranged his Angle?

Leif Erickson didn't spangle his angle, but his father Eric the Red did. So his father could not go with him, so he traveled alone.

Have a good week?

Severely spranged my ancle on Saturday, Shut my hand in the truck door (all the way) on Thursday, and broke two fingers. Nope, Not this week. Thanks for asking.