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i have heard from multiple sources that to take away the bags under your eyes you place slices of cucumber over them for at least 15mins. You soak slices of cucumbers in a bowl of cold or ice water for a while. then place the slices under your eyes. however, this just takes away the puffiness. to take away the dark colour of the bags under your eyes you do the same as you would with cucumber, but do it with strips of raw potato. place the potato just under your eye though, unlike the cucumber whereas you cover your whole eye.

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Q: How do you get the bags from under your eyes to go away?
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How long willl it take to get the bags under your eyes to go away?

after a good nights sleep

How can bags under your eyes go?

There are many remedies to getting rid of bags. The whole reason people put cucumber on their eyes is to get rid of bags. putting moisturiser is best.

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How do you take away rashes under eyes?

Rashes under your eyes can be a sign of allergies. Go to your doctor and they will give you medicine to treat it. Also, if your eyes are super puffy and/or swollen, Go immediately because it could be severe. Hope this helps =]

Will this remove the bags from under my eyes?

To remove bags above eyes one is required to put a spoon in the freezer at night before going to bed then when the person wakes up puts the spoon under each eye for 30 seconds. It really does work. Or buy some eye cream, It really helps if it has caffeine in it to work fast to get rid of the eye bags.

Which doctor should be seen for constant light purple under eyes and bags under eyes primarily in morning?

You should first go to a family doctor to get a regular check-up just to make sure that the under eye bags are not caused by anything serious. If everything looks good, try going to a dermatologist next-he or she will be able to tell you if it is a skin condition/reaction.

What happen to the plastic bags or after people throw it away?

Well, after the plastic bags get thrown away on the ground, they go into the ocean and kill a lot of animals. :(

Does tea bags get rid of under eyes bags?

Yes, just place 4-6 teabags (depending on whether you prefer it strong or weak) in two quarts or liters of boiling water on a stove, then go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Within about 10 minutes, the dark circles under your eyes will be happy, and at this point, you can turn off the stove and either ice the tea or enjoy hot.

What is actually happening when terry's father's eyes go away?

When Terry's father's eyes go away, he is having flashbacks of the war. Doctors explain that it is Vietnam Syndrome.

What causes bags underneath your eyes?

sometime a lack of sleep-- when you are tired and don't sleep good thats right, lack of sleep causes them and the darker and bigger they are means you stayed up for a real long time lol, there are types of fluids to get rid of them But mainly just dehydration, hydrate more often, and the bags will lighten, or disappear altogether.

Is it possible to go face to face with sulfur?

yes but you have to becarful not to get it in places such as eyes and mouth and keep sulfur away from children under ages 12. do niot use if you really do not need to. yes but you have to becarful not to get it in places such as eyes and mouth and keep sulfur away from children under ages 12. do niot use if you really do not need to.

How can i treat this risen under my armpit to go away?

Pop it and it will go away