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Q: How do you get the best sniper in borderlands?
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How do you get the atlas cyclops sniper in borderlands?

Through a machine or in the battlefield. every gun is different.

How do you get a sniper on borderlands?

Weapons of all types including sniper rifles can be found in chests, lockers, sometimes in skag piles and quite often dropped by enemies as you kill them, there are lots of sniper rifles to be found, so get looking and you can buy them

If you choose to be a soldier in borderlands can you still be good with snipers?

yes, but you don't get the extra sniping boost that the sniper character gets.

Should I get Borderlands or Sniper Ghost Warrior for the XBOX360?

you should get sniper ghost warrior because it is more gripping and addicting online and offline aswell i should know because i had the chance to play this game at E3. Although the graphics in borderlands are meant to be cartoony they can get very annoying wheras the graphics in sniper ghost warrior are realistic and are a lot easier to blend in with and enjoy looking at hope i helped you! :]

Where is the sniper killer in borderlands?

well i just got it and i haven't come across a boss in it, but in the arid hills there are sniper-ish guys that shoot at you so does that pass as a sniper? i think it does because i almost died several times because there high up.

How do you beat the destroyer in borderlands?

shoot the purple liquid filled blobs on its tentacles with a sniper or scoped shotgun (the shotgun works better)

Where is the sniper rifle barrel in borderlands arid hills?

It's on the table, under the big red sail roof on the upper level.

What is the best gun on borderlands?

anarchy tsunami/the chopper

Who is the best sniper on mw3?

The best sniper riffle on MW3 is the MSR but some like the ASSO.

How many types of guns is there in borderlands?

There are several types of guns on Borderlands 2.Here is a list, Pistols, Sub-machine guns, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles ans Rocket Launchers.Each type of weapon has thousands of models, they get better as the game progresses.

What is the best sniper on codwaw?

just found out the best sniper is the ptrs-41 for anyone else who wants to know

In MW2 what is the best sniper to use to be completely silent?

any sniper with a silencer