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You have to find all the gemstones that go in it

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Q: How do you get the door open on the mountain on virtual villagers?
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you can't

What do you do after you open the cave on virtual villagers a new home?

You keep them alive keep on play an play the rest of the series.

How do you open the stone door on virtual villagers on Nintendo ds?

what you have to do is make sure you have a master builder i used the genious builder though then you have to drag them over to the stone door and then it will say that the builder is trying to open the wall you need: lvl 3 for tec then it should work. by jfire09 thanks for reading

How do you open the box in virtual villagers 2?

You need three master builders to open the box. Once you have them, drag all three onto it and they should open the box.

Can villagers open iron doors on mincraft?

Iron Door have a different effect on the Villagers. Iron doors don't count as valid doors in a village,

What is in the box at the shore in Virtual Villagers 2?

It contains a gong peice. U need three master builders to open it.

How do you open door so webkinz can come in your virtual house?

You can only get webkinz into your house if you specifically invite them.

How can you get more tech points on virtual villagers origins?

There is a glitch on the game that works for Macintosh and, as far as I know, PC. 1. Open up Date and Time 2. Open up Clock and type your password 3. Change the time 1, 2, or 3 hours ahead and click Save 4. Now open up Virtual Villagers and check up on your villagers. If you had anyone researching, there will be quite a few more Tech points there! Remember to use this in moderation, otherwise you might use the glitch and find your villagers have all died of no food. Enjoy! PS I've heard it could kill your people traveling back in time so make sure too pause and it won't do anything

What do golden children in the game virtual villagers do?

Well... They're masters in all skills so they can basically do what ever you want him/her to. I do know if you let the people keep celebrating, he'll/she'll open the cave.

Can NPC villagers open gates?

The npc's can't open gates, but can open doors.

How do you open the demon door in Rosa Cottage in fable the lost chapters?

To open the demon door in Rosa Cottage in Fable: The Lost Chapters, you need to perform an act of great evil. The demon door will open once you have sacrificed a large amount of moral standing, such as sacrificing multiple villagers or eating several crunchy chicks.

Where can you find Virtual Villagers 4 The Tree of Life Game for free no time limits?

1.go to virtual villagers 4 try it 4.let it dowload it up and click unlock 6. enter Name:Jacob McDonald Code/key:0000HQ-BG6RFZ-KPH5ZJ-967894-CMJM5G will say thank you for your purchase and you will have the full game