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Q: How do you get the opitunia fruit from nabooti island?
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What do you do if you traded your opuntia fruit?

if you traded your fruit tan you cant finesh nabooti island

How do you get the Opuntia Fruit on nabooti island?

The fruit is at the Mountains of the Moon. You need to go to the left side of the trail.

How do you lure the monster on nabooti island?

The only "monster" on Nabooti Island is a monster tortoise, which you can lure with the Opuntia Fruit (cactus fig) found on the trail at the Mountains of the Moon.

In poptropica nabooti island what do you do with the opuntia fruit?

you give it to the turtle in kaya forests then you dig where it was laying

What Is Nabooti?

Nabooti is an island on Poptropica.

Where is the lure for the tortoise on Nabooti island?

The Opuntia fruit (cactus fig) is on the trail at the Mountains of the Moon. A woman is collecting them there.

Where is the guy who is is selling stuff on nabooti island?

The three traders are all at Nabooti, where you first arrive on the island.

What happens after you put the jewels in on Nabooti island on poptropica?

it leaves nabooti island

In nabooti island where is the time device?

The time device is part of Time Tangled Island, not Nabooti Island.

How do you get to Nabooti Island?

Nabooti Island is on the Island Map, which is reached from any Main Street via the blimp.

Where is the shop to trade for the camera on nabooti island?

In Nabooti.

On nabooti island where is the pink panther?

No one has seen the Pink Panther on Nabooti Island.