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First you go to the dungers

then u click on him he will be sleeping so poor water on him

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Q: How do you get the pen off kip on binweevils?
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How do you find the pen on binweevils?

kip has the pen. He is in the dungeons.

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you throw water on him

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the user is kip and there is no pass because he is a moderator

Where do you FIND kip on Bin Weevils?

you can find kip on the dungeons on binweevils but you have to be a SWS member first then you can.

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How do you wake kip ON in binweevils?

You Click The Boot A Few times and kip wakes up Hope this helps

Where is the ink pen for ink in the binweevils dungeon mission?

in the room with the sleeping weevil (kip) you turn the water stoppers so that you let the water come through by clicking the boot. the water will then come through and kip will wake up he will give you an ink pen and you say yes and then is should appear in your backpack add me my name is anxious101

How do you get the pen on Bin Weevils?

Kip has the pen. You need to wake him up to get the pen from him.

How do you wake kip on binweevils?

Click The Boot a Few Times Hope This Helps

Where is the pen on Bin Weevils?

the pen is with kip and u need to chuck water on him and than he will give u key

Who owns the shopping mall on binweevils?

It Is... flem, kip, Smash, scribbles, bunty, gong or gam The Owner Is Smash!

Where is the ink pen in Bin Weevils?

you have to wake up kip in mission 1.