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to get the tan cheat,well it's not really a cheat but to get it u just click on any skin color and then click on 'change color' or watever next to r zwinky

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Q: How do you get the tan on zwinky because there isn't any zazzle thing anymore?
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How can you say thing in secret on zwinky?

um well... earlier there was a pvt msg on zwinky its like you go 2 zwinky chatbox and click on the username you want 2 send a pvt msg and it appers in a orange um bobble but i dont think you can do that anymore... um sorreh

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the same thing happens to me its weird and scary brandybean xD I guess your in love?

How do you kill someones zwinky?

You can not and may not kill anyone on Zwinky there is no task to change that only the owners of the company, Zwinky can do a similar thing like this,delete your acount.

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A safety zwinky? I'm not sure if there is such thing! :) You just have to be careful about what you say and giving out your info.

How do you get on zwinky?

Well I guess you got to look for a playlist site with zwinky on it then it downlodes it to the zwinky acount proflie thing and then you see if i worked i hope tht will help

How can you make your own server on zwinky?

The thing is~ YOU CAN'T. The only people that can make a Zwinky server are the Zwinky team. (This is as far as I know.) Hope this helped. ~Sincerly, Bob.

How do you get a zcard boyfriend on zwinky?

yes,you can have a boyfriend or a girlfriend on zwinky but dont give them your phone number all the time but yes you can have one on zwinky everyone i have a bf on zwinky and im his gf so its okay to have one its not a bad thing to have one.

Is the zwinky thing safe to download?

Zwinky has been shown to contain spyware. Most antivirus programs such as ClamAV detect it as spyware.

Who owns zwinky?

Miss Casey is the owner and creator of Zwinky. The thing is, Miss Casey died from cancer a couple years back.As the people of zwinky say, if someone claims to be her, they're lying.

Does a walaby mate?

obiously, because if they diddnt there would be no such thing anymore.

How can i get back my zwinky account if i forgot which city i was born?

Funny thing to forget, ask your parents? i just got hacked on zwinky with zcard :@

How do you access zwinkitopia on zwinky?

when u install the zwinky face thing u put ur mouse over it and then it will say ener zwinkitopia