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Q: How do you get the witch smiely on every body edits?
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I am pritysure it was the yellow smiely face kooky pen it was yellow with black string on top and it had no name it had a basic smiely face like this- ( on the smiely bee just elimanate the body and antenas and that's it basicly).

Can tissues alone do every job in the body?

All tissue's in the body can do every job. Multicelular cell's make tissue and tissue makes organs,witch means that every organ in the body can do each and every job in the body because it is strong enough to. (Example):the heart is an organ,it pump's blood through the body but it relies on the respiritory system.It relies on it becasue it help's the heart pump witch makes the blood flow through the body.

Instructions for animated witch fogging cauldron?

how do I lift the body of the witch prop so it stands.

What does nutrient does in the body?

vitamine A witch will be transformed to vitamine D by the human body

Can a witch use flying ointment on any type of broom?

The Flying ointment is applied on the body of the Witch. And the broom is kept by the side for protection from evil spirits entering the body, while the spirit is out of body.

How does blood inter the body?

It doesn't you are born with blood and cells witch form tissues witch form organs

What were witch pens used during Salem witch trials?

I think you're thinking about witch PINS. These were used to prick a witch in several areas on their body. If they found a place where they did not react with pain, they were guilty.

Which term cardiac refers to witch organ of the body?

The Heart

Witch organ pumps blood around the body?


Who inspired Paul Revere?

every body inspired Paul revere because he saved people and loved people that he did not know plus he even had sex with a lady witch is his wife to love kids

What do witch use when they take a bath?

Water, soap or body wash, and shampoo.

What are the marks of a witch?

Well any abnormality to the body mostly a 3rd nipple