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Q: How do you get to be invisible in Sonic DX?
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All the animals in sonic adventure dx?

there are 15 animals in sonic dx

Can you be dark sonic for sonic dx?

In order to get Metal Sonic in Sonic DX, you have to get 130 emblems. He is a reward for all of your hard work!

Can you be shadow in sonic dx?

no you can't get shadow on sonic dx you can get shadow if you only have a hack

How do you get hyper knuckles in sonic adventure dx?

You can't get hyper knuckles in sonic dx.

How do you get sonic adventure dx for free?

At here to roms & games select sonic and chose sonic adventure dx.

Is Sonic Next Gen dx a game?

Yes It is a mod of sonic adventure dx on pc

How do you get rid of animal parts on sonic adventure dx?

How do you get rid of the animals in sonic adventure dx without sonic adventure 2 battle

Is dark super Sonic in Sonic dx?

no but you can create it

How do you get the black sonic in Sonic adventure DX?

You can't

How do you get super sonic in chao garden sonic dx?

you cannot

Can you play as Super Sonic on Sonic Dx for GameCube?


Can you get a Chaos 0 Chao in Sonic Adventure DX and 2 Battle?

You Can In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I Think you can in DX.