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After you defeated Stallord in Arbiter's Grounds, (north in greudo desert) Go back to Telma's Bar in Castle Town. She should point you to the direction of Ashei, on the northern mountain. The map on the table right from Telma shows Ashei's exact location, in Zora's Domain.

Ashei will start you on a quest for information by giving you a drawing of a Yeti and a fish. Show her sketch to the Zoras outside Ashei's cave. they'll tell you that the fish is a Reekfish and say that Prince Ralis knows some tips about it.

Warp to Kakariko Village and seek out him in the Graveyard. Go to the west end and go through the hole. You'll find the Prince near the watery tomb. Show him the Sketch. He'll give you the Coral earring. (it will be attached to the fishing pole automatically)

The reekfish can be found at the basin below the waterfall in the Domain. They swim close to that the Prince calls the "Mother and Child Rocks" one rock taller than the other. After you caught it, sniff it in your wolf form. You'll learn the Reefish Scent.

In Snowpeak, your canine form should allow you to withstand the cold. If you fall in the water, you'll be frozen and returned to the beginning with only half your life. Watch out for White Wolfos, wolfs that pop out of the snow then right back in. When you get to a short cliff that is topped by a snowbank, run into the cliff to make the snow fall. Dig under the wall (when you see the ground sparkling) to enter a cave. Transform into your human self. Climb a ladder then a vine. your outside. Turn into your wolf form. Follow the scent to a battle with the shadow beings. Turn to your human form when you see a Yeti. He'll slode away on a frozen leaf. Run into a tree, grab a leaf, then go after him. Lean forward to gain speed, press A to bend your knees, and release for a jump. swing your sward to clear ice.

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13y ago

go to wiki walkthroughs for twilight princess its not that hard once you figure it out.

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