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you cant. the only way to get there is if your friend has pokemon white and you use entralink.

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Q: How do you get to white forest on Pokemon Black?
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Where is the white forest in Pokemon Black and white version?

Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black

Where is black city in Pokemon White?

Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.

Where to find white forest in pokemon black?

White forest is only in pokemon white.

How do you find lost forest in white?

it's not lost's actually white forest in Pokemon white and black city in Pokemon black.

Which Pokemon game has black city in it?

Pokemon Black has Black city. Pokemon White has White forest

Why does white forest change in Pokemon White?

When you get the national pokedex. You get the national pokedex by beating the elite four.

Where do you battle trapinch in Pokemon Black and White?

If you have Pokemon White Virsion then you can in white forest, if you have Pokemon Black Virsion then you must trade it from Pokemon White

Which has more Pokemon black or white?

Due to White Forest, White has more wild Pokemon than black

What is better Pokemon HeartGold or Pokemon Black?

Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think

Where do you find Ghetisis in Pokemon Black and White?

Gheisis is in the Black City if Pokemon black, or White forest in Pokemon white. In Black he is dressed normally, without the robe or the staff.

Where is the white forest in pokemon black?

white forest does not exist in black so go to entralink near someone with white, then click on the map where black city WOULD be, but instead you are at white forest.

How can you expand white forest in Pokemon white?

In order to expand, you need to interact with Pokemon Black. Then go to Black City. You need to persuade people to move out into White Forest.