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Doing quests help, but farming is the best way to get lots of gold quickly, especially if you have some really high level friends (50-60). You could go into dungeons in Dragon Spire, Winter Hoof (????), or Celestia. That way you can get the high-level and expensive items, get gold from the dungeons quests, and possibly level up. It's not hard to get tens of thoughsands of gold this way, I easily saved up about 140,000 for castles.

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Q: How do you get tons of gold in wizard101?
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Is there a cheat code for gold for wizard101?

Actual cheating is against the rules of Wizard101. But there are some codes that you get, usually by buying a card, that can give you gold.

What is the infinite gold cheat for wizard101?

No cheat for infinite gold, sorry.

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What does gold does wizard101?

gold is like money on wizard101. you buy things with it. but, some u will have to buy with crowns. (crowns gives u mounts and better items)

What is millions of gold cheat code for wizard101?

There are no such cheat as that.

How can you get gold while you sleep on wizard101?

You can't, that would be cheating.

Where to buy 800 crowns for 1000 gold on wizard101?

You can't do that

How is gold measured?

Gold is measured in TONS.

How can you easily get gold on wizard101?

Beat the forever living spirit out of bosses until you get enough gold you want to have.

When do you get a castle in wizard101?

You have to buy it for at the most 15000 gold. You have to be a level 15.

What is the code for 1000 gold on wizard101?

I think it was "frog," but it had expired sorry

Is gold a reusable resource?

Yes it is a reusable resourse... There are tons and tons of gold!! We can use it all day long <3 love Gold